Retailers better bail out of Kalifornia.
LOL @ Elon making a funny!!! 😂 😂 😂 😂This sounds like a classic quote from Kalim
And Dayum! That almost looked like his head rolling at the end.
This richly deserves a gif. Those that know, know.
Kalifornians are trying to turn Austin into Gay Bay East. First up is DEFUND POLICE so I heard on WBAP.
Another thread without Jesus!! Man you girls are a bitter miserable bunch.
you need to love thy neighbor... Just a tip.
Bama...I have to disagree here...I will tell you why, and maybe you can educate me a bit. If what you are saying is true, why is Soros spending MILLIONS to get these weak DA's elected? And now his son has come out to carry the torch since Dad is older then Methuselah. Does not make sense that he would be spending this much money to keep prisons clear. Thanks for the response.These movements of zero bail are as much about not wanting to spend money on jails (not prisons, pre-sentencing detention facilities) as they are about anything else.
Reasonable bail is included within the 8th amendment. If the 8th guarantees reasonable bail, reasonable people can assume that bail itself is not unconstitutional.
Shocker, the left is lying again.
Bama...I have to disagree here...I will tell you why, and maybe you can educate me a bit. If what you are saying is true, why is Soros spending MILLIONS to get these weak DA's elected? And now his son has come out to carry the torch since Dad is older then Methuselah. Does not make sense that he would be spending this much money to keep prisons clear. Thanks for the response.
…… and then leftists wonder why certain areas suffer from “under investment”
…… and then leftists wonder why certain areas suffer from “under investment”
Another Warmist bites the concrete?
I'd have gotten fired or arrested, or both.