7 states; 7 losses…

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I have difficulty with the lack of rational thought.
But you keep these limited individuals all herded up so they vote for Trump, mkay?
Who are you voting for? Seems to ME WE are in the 60 percentile...and whoever YOU are supporting is less than 10%. Couple that with your school of choice, I think you may want to stay away from speaking about "rational" thought.

OR...maybe you can explain that FUZZY math of how someone with 5% approval rating can beat Brandon...but the guy with 60% has no chance! LOLOL Is that the math they teach in Tallahassee? LOLOLOL
You guys, crack me up, you sit in a world, surrounded by people that all agree with your reality and act superior in holier than thou while we lose election after election to radical Democrats, because they capitalize on the abortion issue.

Nobody was happier than Democrats when they overthrew Roe v. Wade

And you guys can sit in here and circle, jerk, all day long, but that is the reality.
I could not care LESS what any lefty thinks to be honest. R vs V was NOT constitutional...END OF STORY. I have ZERO problems with ANY policy that is done the LEGAL way and an amendment changed. R vs V did NOT fit that category...even the lib RBG admitted as much. I do not have a dog in this fight about is around #242 in importance to ME. I DO have a dog in the fight to OBEY our Constitution ALWAYS..not just when convenient
The question is - if you believe late term abortions are murder is it worth your politics to support it?

I know the case he’s making here is for severe deformities and major issues, but he’s arguing for the law to totally stay out of the decision altogether allowing healthy babies to be killed after birth. He has no guardrails at all to prevent that.

The problem is both sides are extreme - one is life-at-conception no exclusions for rape/incest/mom health and the other talks about “making the baby comfortable after birth while the doctor and mom decide the best course of action”.

Republicans need to treat it like Dems do and call them out for 3rd trimester abortions, have doctors explain what a 2nd trimester abortion process really is, and teach the public the reality. So if we have to live with killing babies at least do it as early as possible.
There are loud extremists on both sides but, I think, most people are somewhere in the middle.
I agree, but my point is the Left is using the fringe of the anti-abortion crowd to cast the argument while the anti-abortion crowd sits in the corner and pisses itself. "They want to control your body" "Take away your rights"

If we want to change this issue we don't need to back down, we need to shine a light on how horrible abortion is. Playing an ad with a doctor describing crushing a skull and pulling out intact arms and legs doing a second trimester abortion...instead they lay silent and let the Left change the language with BS like "reproductive care" and "women's autonomy".

What about the reproductive rights of the unborn child? What about that female infant's autonomy?

Abortion is horrible, and the Right is doing nothing to educate people. People understanding that abortion is pulling a viable baby apart limb from limb would change some minds, I promise.
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I just find it astounding that most of the men on here cannot - or will not - grasp the basics here.
Of course our #1’sheepherder on here has just turned to religion because he sees that many of you men are basing your positions on a deep Christian faith. For goodness sake I support your beliefs and your stance on abortion as your right.
Let me be very clear: I do not like abortion either. I find its use since RvW as a convenient solution abhorrent. Third trimester abortions are awful unless the baby is dead already from a non-survivable condition.
Estimates of abortion procedures since the 1970’s have reached as high as 60 million. It parallels so much of society’s seeming decline in respect for human life, both pre-born and born.

Unless there are daily messages that return us to a time where sex wasn’t so casual, when a young man would carry a condom in his wallet and expect he’d need to use it if things went a certain way, and our society talked more about pregnancy prevention ( and yes - overall morality) the way we did prior to RvW there will continue to be abortions and subsequently single mothers who are NOT equipped to raise a baby. Emotionally or financially and so the cycle of poverty, ignorance and neglect repeats itself.
And repeated abortion is not healthy for the woman. (I knew of a girl in college who had five abortions - ugh - and when she married and wanted to get pregnant she couldn’t)

What you men fail to understand is that you are absolutely entitled to have your religious beliefs but in America no one is forced to share them.

No political party is a religious organization formed to impose certain beliefs on everyone.
That’s just not how things work here - like it or not.
And if Republicans want to ever be in the majority again, you men need to wake up and accept the facts. None of us have to advocate for abortions on demand but we do not have the right to control the personal decisions made about their own bodies by other adults.
Sometimes I wish we could and I know y’all probably do too.
And it extends beyond abortions. Drugs, alcohol, obesity. It’s sad.
I agree, but my point is the Left is using the fringe of the anti-abortion crowd to cast the argument while the anti-abortion crowd sits in the corner and pisses itself. "They want to control your body" "Take away your rights"

If we want to change this issue we don't need to back down, we need to shine a light on how horrible abortion is. Playing an ad with a doctor describing crushing a skull and pulling out intact arms and legs doing a second trimester abortion...instead they lay silent and let the Left change the language with BS like "reproductive care" and "women's autonomy".

What about the reproductive rights of the unborn child? What about that female infant's autonomy?

Abortion is horrible, and the Right is doing nothing to educate people. People understanding that abortion is pulling a viable baby apart limb from limb would change some minds, I promise.
Is that anything like the pro-gun crowd saying that anyone who wants any kind of restrictions on guns wants to totally disarm law abiding citizens?

They are scare tactics and both sides of every controversy use them because they work.

Abortion is horrible. It kills a matter what words you use to describe it. But, I think it has to be an option in some circumstances.
The question is - if you believe late term abortions are murder is it worth your politics to support it?

I know the case he’s making here is for severe deformities and major issues, but he’s arguing for the law to totally stay out of the decision altogether allowing healthy babies to be killed after birth. He has no guardrails at all to prevent that.

The problem is both sides are extreme - one is life-at-conception no exclusions for rape/incest/mom health and the other talks about “making the baby comfortable after birth while the doctor and mom decide the best course of action”.

Republicans need to treat it like Dems do and call them out for 3rd trimester abortions, have doctors explain what a 2nd trimester abortion process really is, and teach the public the reality. So if we have to live with killing babies at least do it as early as possible.
I'm an extremist to the point of sparing the mother's life. My understanding relies on the notion of morality under the duo umbrella of stand-alone morality vs morality guided by the Holy Spirit. Rape and incest are horrible conditions, especially when a mother-to-be maintains the pregnancy to birth (although these two conditions are vary rare). Morality suggest it's not the baby's fault, so let the baby live. The consequences to this are two-fold. One, the mother has to live with a baby inside her womb that is unwanted and must deal with the associated emotional trauma. Two, she ends the pregnancy. But sadly, this also comes with trauma-emotional and physical. Whether they say it or not, abortion is traumatic to the mother. That's where those outside of the scope of Christianity do not see that God is a God of Justice AND Mercy. He is loving and is a healer of body and soul. He can ignite forgiveness into the hearts of those involved and His grace can overwhelm the situation. It's an ongoing process that relies on many people to bring guidance, comfort, and support. Instead, we want to argue on the notion of killing the baby at 6 weeks, 15 weeks, or even after birth. It doesn't matter when the abortion occurs, the end result is still the same: a dead baby. So, the dilemma is there. My side is a lost cause for the fact that ALL politicians are not 100% pro-life to the extent of sparing the life of the mother. The overwhelming majority of people are against my stance, including many, many Christians. It's a stance I am willing to continue supporting even though I know it's very probable to be a lost cause outside of my own conscious in trying the best I can to get people to understand this issue under the eyes of God and not under the eyes of human perspectives only. Whew!
I agree, but my point is the Left is using the fringe of the anti-abortion crowd to cast the argument while the anti-abortion crowd sits in the corner and pisses itself. "They want to control your body" "Take away your rights"

If we want to change this issue we don't need to back down, we need to shine a light on how horrible abortion is. Playing an ad with a doctor describing crushing a skull and pulling out intact arms and legs doing a second trimester abortion...instead they lay silent and let the Left change the language with BS like "reproductive care" and "women's autonomy".

What about the reproductive rights of the unborn child? What about that female infant's autonomy?

Abortion is horrible, and the Right is doing nothing to educate people. People understanding that abortion is pulling a viable baby apart limb from limb would change some minds, I promise.
Pair that with talking about personal responsibility and birth control and I don’t disagree.
But again neither you nor I can control another woman’s personal decision.
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Biologically, if you are a male, you cannot have a baby.

Whether abortion is right or wrong, the decision should be left to the individual, and if it be a sin, will let God judge the sin.

Bigger question, especially for you, so I have a very few people on here that can occasionally embrace, rational thought, are you willing to lose election after election and allow Joe Biden four more years using the White House as a nursing home over this topic of abortion? Because that’s the risk And it’s a substantial risk
And the 320 million already born in this country cannot take another four years of this vegetable.
I agree, but my point is the Left is using the fringe of the anti-abortion crowd to cast the argument while the anti-abortion crowd sits in the corner and pisses itself. "They want to control your body" "Take away your rights"

If we want to change this issue we don't need to back down, we need to shine a light on how horrible abortion is. Playing an ad with a doctor describing crushing a skull and pulling out intact arms and legs doing a second trimester abortion...instead they lay silent and let the Left change the language with BS like "reproductive care" and "women's autonomy".

What about the reproductive rights of the unborn child? What about that female infant's autonomy?

Abortion is horrible, and the Right is doing nothing to educate people. People understanding that abortion is pulling a viable baby apart limb from limb would change some minds, I promise.
As with all things with the left, it's about using the exception to try to make the rule.

For instance, if the issue of abortion was framed as being an act that's only used to save the mother's life, then nearly 100% of the country would support that.

If you added that abortion was only allowed if the mother's life was in danger OR if in a case of rape or incest, then the percentage drops a bit, but the vast majority of people would support abortion in those cases.

But those are the EXCEPTIONS that the left tries to leverage to make the rule. They use those exceptions to try to change the law so that abortion is allowed under ANY circumstance. Not just the exceptions.

The exception becomes the rule. The left does this on EVERY single issue.
Biologically, if you are a male, you cannot have a baby.

So, in your view, men should just shut up about abortion?

Men are partially to blame for unwanted pregnancies (agree btw) but we should learn to just shut our mouths when it comes to the fait of our children? Agree to disagree...and that is some top shelf cuckery imho.

Whether abortion is right or wrong, the decision should be left to the individual, and if it be a sin, will let God judge the sin.

As long as that individual is the woman, right? I acknowledge that pregnancy is a burden for woman but does that burden completely absolve the man of his rights? But not his responsibilities, correct? Seems fair.

Bigger question, especially for you, so I have a very few people on here that can occasionally embrace, rational thought, are you willing to lose election after election and allow Joe Biden four more years using the White House as a nursing home over this topic of abortion? Because that’s the risk And it’s a substantial risk

I'm not a fan of government having much of a say in such things. However, I think that it would be reasonable for abortion to be illegal after X number of weeks. What = X? I'd say 16 to 20 weeks.

As I say that, abortion is murder and that comes with its own consequences.

These lunatics that advocate for abortion up to, and through, child birth are absolute monsters.
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I believe RC is trying his hardest to herd up everyone. I’m sure his employers are offering a bonus if he succeeds.

That didn't answer my question.

I'll answer for you...I'm not a person who is very likely to be herded up. To a fault imho.
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So, in your view, men should just shut up about abortion?

Men are partially to blame for unwanted pregnancies (agree btw) but we should learn to just shut our mouths when it comes to the fait of our children? Agree to disagree...and that is some top shelf cuckery imho.

As long as that individual is the woman, right? I acknowledge that pregnancy is a burden for woman but does that burden completely absolve the man of his rights? But not his responsibilities, correct? Seems fair.

I'm not a fan of government having much of a say in such things. However, I think that it would be reasonable for abortion to be illegal after X number of weeks. What = X? I'd say 16 to 20 weeks.

As I say that, abortion is murder and that comes with its own consequences.

These lunatics that advocate for abortion up to, and through, child birth are absolute monsters.
Your points are valid assuming we live in a world where all men are active and present in the lives of any children that might be created as a result of unprotected sexual activity.
But we don’t live in that world.
Thus we have the terms now commonly used: Baby Mama
Baby Daddy
I just find it astounding that most of the men on here cannot - or will not - grasp the basics here.
Of course our #1’sheepherder on here has just turned to religion because he sees that many of you men are basing your positions on a deep Christian faith. For goodness sake I support your beliefs and your stance on abortion as your right.
Let me be very clear: I do not like abortion either. I find its use since RvW as a convenient solution abhorrent. Third trimester abortions are awful unless the baby is dead already from a non-survivable condition.
Estimates of abortion procedures since the 1970’s have reached as high as 60 million. It parallels so much of society’s seeming decline in respect for human life, both pre-born and born.

Unless there are daily messages that return us to a time where sex wasn’t so casual, when a young man would carry a condom in his wallet and expect he’d need to use it if things went a certain way, and our society talked more about pregnancy prevention ( and yes - overall morality) the way we did prior to RvW there will continue to be abortions and subsequently single mothers who are NOT equipped to raise a baby. Emotionally or financially and so the cycle of poverty, ignorance and neglect repeats itself.
And repeated abortion is not healthy for the woman. (I knew of a girl in college who had five abortions - ugh - and when she married and wanted to get pregnant she couldn’t)

What you men fail to understand is that you are absolutely entitled to have your religious beliefs but in America no one is forced to share them.

No political party is a religious organization formed to impose certain beliefs on everyone.
That’s just not how things work here - like it or not.
And if Republicans want to ever be in the majority again, you men need to wake up and accept the facts. None of us have to advocate for abortions on demand but we do not have the right to control the personal decisions made about their own bodies by other adults.
Sometimes I wish we could and I know y’all probably do too.
And it extends beyond abortions. Drugs, alcohol, obesity. It’s sad.
You wrote a book, so I will too. lol

When you say "you men" are you referring to us on this site or men in general? I'm assuming this site. Honestly, I agree with most of what you said. We live in a broken world. It has been since Adam and Eve. Christianity, especially in America, has failed. It hasn't prioritized itself rightfully and hasn't driven itself into the realms of politics like it should have, and I mean years and years ago to the present. Politics drives our country and sinfulness disguised in self-pride drives the politicians. It's pretty much a lost cause, but I'm willing to fight the battle until I die. Christianity should NOT be dissed simply because it might be considered a force of "religious belief" upon another. I will continue to push my Christian faith simply because there is no equal in the world. Sure, anyone can believe whatever they want to, but my job is to disciple and spread the Good News. Christianity is the ONLY religion based solely upon a risen Savior. "My God rose from the dead - did yours?" I can ask. "If not, then why are you ignoring this?" (That's not directed at you personally - it's a point I'm getting across.) Perhaps we need a new political party - a Christian party. In theory, that would be awesome. In reality, it'd never happen because there are too many faux Christians.

Abortion can end. It's simple. Stop having unprotected sex.

Of course, that won't happen. So, how about having serious instructions on prevention and the consequences of unwanted pregnancies? Every school perhaps even twice a year should have a reality class on sex, disease, unwanted pregnancy, abortion (showing the reality of torn apart baby body parts - the silent scream video), the cost associated and lifestyle change with keeping a baby... We don't educate! I'm in the business of helping physically hurting people, but I promote prevention. I always tell my patients "You don't wait until the oil light comes on to change the oil, why wait until you hurt to fix the problem? Preemptive strike with maintenance treatments." But that sort of education will not happen because women's rights groups sees this approach as an infringement on the rights of a woman to have an abortion. Isn't that ironic?!

There is only one solution. Until we turn from our evil ways, we will not see the end of this. We will only live in a society that will get worse and worse as the effects of sin wear down the world. The only solution: like Nineveh turned to God and God spared the city, we need to turn to Jesus Christ. His our only hope. Not DJT, Jesus Christ.
I just find it astounding that most of the men on here cannot - or will not - grasp the basics here.
Of course our #1’sheepherder on here has just turned to religion because he sees that many of you men are basing your positions on a deep Christian faith. For goodness sake I support your beliefs and your stance on abortion as your right.
Let me be very clear: I do not like abortion either. I find its use since RvW as a convenient solution abhorrent. Third trimester abortions are awful unless the baby is dead already from a non-survivable condition.
Estimates of abortion procedures since the 1970’s have reached as high as 60 million. It parallels so much of society’s seeming decline in respect for human life, both pre-born and born.

Unless there are daily messages that return us to a time where sex wasn’t so casual, when a young man would carry a condom in his wallet and expect he’d need to use it if things went a certain way, and our society talked more about pregnancy prevention ( and yes - overall morality) the way we did prior to RvW there will continue to be abortions and subsequently single mothers who are NOT equipped to raise a baby. Emotionally or financially and so the cycle of poverty, ignorance and neglect repeats itself.
And repeated abortion is not healthy for the woman. (I knew of a girl in college who had five abortions - ugh - and when she married and wanted to get pregnant she couldn’t)

What you men fail to understand is that you are absolutely entitled to have your religious beliefs but in America no one is forced to share them.

No political party is a religious organization formed to impose certain beliefs on everyone.
That’s just not how things work here - like it or not.
And if Republicans want to ever be in the majority again, you men need to wake up and accept the facts. None of us have to advocate for abortions on demand but we do not have the right to control the personal decisions made about their own bodies by other adults.
Sometimes I wish we could and I know y’all probably do too.
And it extends beyond abortions. Drugs, alcohol, obesity. It’s sad.

Men should use a condom. Women should use other forms of birth control. Both would do better to abstain until marriage...but I sure as hell failed in this regard.

However, I cannot possibly place more blame on one sex as compared to the other. Perhaps I'm wrong but it seems like you place more blame on the man for not having a condom in his wallet...while simultaneously believing that, if the sex results in pregnancy, he has zero say in what happens next.

Again, perhaps I'm reading you wrong but if not, I could not disagree more.
Your points are valid assuming we live in a world where all men are active and present in the lives of any children that might be created as a result of unprotected sexual activity.
But we don’t live in that world.
Thus we have the terms now commonly used: Baby Mama
Baby Daddy

Very well...those men would have no rights.

And if a man wants his child to be born, those rights come with responsibilities. If he doesn't meet those responsibilities, he should be compelled to do so. BTW, I'm very compelling.

If the father doesn't care one way or the other, of course the mother would have the final say.
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Men should use a condom. Women should use other forms of birth control. Both would do better to abstain until marriage...but I sure as hell failed in this regard.

However, I cannot possibly place more blame on one sex as compared to the other. Perhaps I'm wrong but it seems like you place more blame on the man for not having a condom in his wallet...while simultaneously believing that, if the sex results in pregnancy, he has zero say in what happens next.

Again, perhaps I'm reading you wrong but if not, I could not disagree more.
The optimal time for a man to have a say in the matter is before the sex act occurs. Afterwards not so much.
Men should use a condom. Women should use other forms of birth control. Both would do better to abstain until marriage...but I sure as hell failed in this regard.

However, I cannot possibly place more blame on one sex as compared to the other. Perhaps I'm wrong but it seems like you place more blame on the man for not having a condom in his wallet...while simultaneously believing that, if the sex results in pregnancy, he has zero say in what happens next.

Again, perhaps I'm reading you wrong but if not, I could not disagree more.
Only one poster ITT is making this issue about one gender over the other.

It's about a dead baby, and our society's moral tolerance for that.
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My side is a lost cause for the fact that ALL politicians are not 100% pro-life to the extent of sparing the life of the mother. The overwhelming majority of people are against my stance, including many, many Christians. It's a stance I am willing to continue supporting even though I know it's very probable to be a lost cause outside of my own conscious in trying the best I can to get people to understand this issue under the eyes of God and not under the eyes of human perspectives only. Whew!
I agree.

You're framing the issue through the Judeo-Christian perspective - societal decay has reached a level where that perspective is going to be tough to win elections on.

Not saying it's right, but it's reality.

Maintaining this position will probably lead to more, and later, abortions. I think we have to concede some ground if we want less abortion, as back asswards as that sounds.
The optimal time for a man to have a say in the matter is before the sex act occurs. Afterwards not so much.

That child is a part of the mother and the father.

You cannot ask us to have skin in the game when it comes to raising children while simultaneously saying we have no skin in the game before they are born. Real men don't work that way. Real men raise their children and protect their families.

Only simps and losers would be OK with the arrangement that you hinted at above...and those are the DB's who don't actually help raise their children. I'm fine with these men having no say because they aren't earning a say.

Other men have and will earn that say. You can't ask us to be both responsible and a person with no voice or responsibility simultaneously.
I agree.

You're framing the issue through the Judeo-Christian perspective - societal decay has reached a level where that perspective is going to be tough to win elections on.

Not saying it's right, but it's reality.

Maintaining this position will probably lead to more, and later, abortions. I think we have to concede some ground if we want less abortion, as back asswards as that sounds.

I think we should reach a more reasonable concensus and do our best to change minds from there.
Only one poster ITT is making this issue about one gender over the other.

It's about a dead baby, and our society's moral tolerance for that.

In fairness, almost everyone seems to believe that the father should have absolutely no say and the mother, who absolutely bears the entirety of the early burden, should have complete say.

Almost everyone is wrong.

And to make matters worse, trying to make men believe this bullcrap goes against what it means to be a man and a father, making us simps and cucks instead, hence making it more likely that fathers will be deadbeats moving forward.
That child is a part of the mother and the father.

You cannot ask us to have skin in the game when it comes to raising children while simultaneously saying we have no skin in the game before they are born. Real men don't work that way. Real men raise their children and protect their families.

Only simps and losers would be OK with the arrangement that you hinted at above...and those are the DB's who don't actually help raise their children. I'm fine with these men having no say because they aren't earning a say.

Other men have and will earn that say. You can't ask us to be both responsible and a person with no voice or responsibility simultaneously.
Understand that I agree with you but you and I are not in the majority in the America that exists today.
75% of the young men in some communities live in households where the father is not present and is not a factor in rearing children.
So they cannot imagine what that responsibility means.
That is a very sad state of affairs. Societal decay 101.
We must have the will to stand up and speak out and have the courage to caution young people to have awareness that they can create an (unplanned or unwanted life) and to use precautions.
Then encourage people to use birth control at any age if you don’t want children.
Abortion (the only thing Hillary Clinton has ever said that is true) should be “safe legal and rare”
Abortion is the worst issue ever for Republicans/MAGA. Loser issue and helping candidates who are supporting weak borders, increasing spending, lax criminal enforcement win election after election.

If Rashida Talib wants to have an abortion, then that is her decision. I have zero interest in my tax dollars going to the government to stop her.
Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, taxes, and defense of the homeland are the only things I vote for, with life being the most important. Abortion is not loving, valuing, respecting, and protecting innocent life created by God so above all else it's a non negotiable deal breaker. Sacrificing lives to allegedly win at politics is quite the Pride of heathen. Like all the other various forms of Pride lifestyles, it puts the self before God.
Who can't have babies?

Let me ask you another question...if killing a baby at or very near child birth is legal, why is murdering your toddler illegal?

Is it because they have social security numbers??? If so, if we start issuing babies SSN's in the 2nd trimester, can we then make their murder illegal?
If this was all about 23 weeks on (the Ohio law that passed), we would be done.
Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, taxes, and defense of the homeland are the only things I vote for, with life being the most important. Abortion is not loving, valuing, respecting, and protecting innocent life created by God so above all else it's a non negotiable deal breaker. Sacrificing lives to allegedly win at politics is quite the Pride of heathen. Like all the other various forms of Pride lifestyles, it puts the self before God.
I agree with all the principles. 60 percent of the country including Ohio and Kansas says that life start once viable outside the womb.

God will make the judgement.

In the meantime, election after election is lost and putting exceptional pressure on all the rest of your key principles.
I believe RC is trying his hardest to herd up everyone. I’m sure his employers are offering a bonus if he succeeds.
Good grief. Speak out of both sides of your mouth all the time, or just on here.

On the one hand you say I am an idiot, and on the other you think I have the ability to be cult leader.

The bad part? You insulted half the board parroting nonsense that you know to be false. They are too dumb to think for themselves?

It’s the same weak ass crap you come up with time after time. “I am a paid operative”. You know how stupid that sounds? A Paid operative on the Rivals message board of a team having a bad year.

Yes, I am trying to influence the massive amount of people on this forum, that are too dumb to think for themselves. That’s why I post. You caught me, and at the same time dissected everyone else perfectly. Cult leader and a bunch of dumbasses.

But I will give you this. You are diligent with the with your name calling and attempted character assassination attempts. It’s a well documented psychological tactic. Saul Alinsky would be proud.

Lastly, I am not whipping up anyone. I am speaking the Truth on what has to happen on getting right with God. Whether you like that or not, is irrelevant. That’s whats great about the Truth. It doesn’t change. Facts do, but the truth doesn’t.

We can elect all the R’s you want, but if we continue towards Godlessness, the problems will get worse.
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I agree with all the principles. 60 percent of the country including Ohio and Kansas says that life start once viable outside the womb.

God will make the judgement.

In the meantime, election after election is lost and putting exceptional pressure on all the rest of your key principles.
Life is not a principle, it is of God. One must have life first before one can have principles.
Good grief. Speak out of both sides of your mouth all the time, or just on here.

On the one hand you say I am an idiot, and on the other you think I have the ability to be cult leader.

The bad part? You insulted half the board parroting nonsense that you know to be false. They are too dumb to think for themselves?

It’s the same weak ass crap you come up with time after time. “I am a paid operative”. You know how stupid that sounds? A Paid operative on the Rivals message board of a team having a bad year.

Yes, I am trying to influence the massive amount of people on this forum, that are too dumb to think for themselves. That’s why I post. You caught me, and at the same time dissected everyone else perfectly. Cult leader and a bunch of dumbasses.

But I will give you this. You are diligent with the trolling.

Lastly, I am not whipping up anyone. I am speaking the Truth on what has to happen on getting right with God. Whether you like that or not, is irrelevant. That’s whats great about the Truth. It doesn’t change. Facts do, but the truth doesn’t.

We can elect on the R’s you want, but if we continue towards Godlessness, the problems will get worse.
I’m really under your skin aren’t I? Don’t like it? Telling the truth?

And you are conflating two issues which you have only just started, after realizing that several on here are also doing.
Use your morals and values in making your decisions about who you support politically.
That’s fine . We are allowed to do that in America. In fact it’s a practice with a long historical precedent.
But it’s tricky as well.
I have little doubt that the ones you’re so anxious to keep in line do that and think they also have the right to impose their beliefs on those who have a different religious tradition.
I’m really under your skin aren’t I? Don’t like it? Telling the truth?

And you are conflating two issues which you have only just started, after realizing that several on here are also doing.
Use your morals and values in making your decisions about who you support politically.
That’s fine . We are allowed to do that in America. In fact it’s a practice with a long historical precedent.
But it’s tricky as well.
I have little doubt that the ones you’re so anxious to keep in line do that and think they also have the right to impose their beliefs on those who have a different religious tradition.
All will be forgiven and resolved after the Gators wreck the Nolies season on a warm and loving Thanksgiving weekend around friends, family, and foes. For that we can all be thankful. 🤠🐊🍻🦃🇺🇲🦅
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I’m really under your skin aren’t I? Don’t like it? Telling the truth?

And you are conflating two issues which you have only just started, after realizing that several on here are also doing.
Use your morals and values in making your decisions about who you support politically.
That’s fine . We are allowed to do that in America. In fact it’s a practice with a long historical precedent.
But it’s tricky as well.
I have little doubt that the ones you’re so anxious to keep in line do that and think they also have the right to impose their beliefs on those who have a different religious tradition.
Holy run on Batman….

All will be forgiven and resolved after the Gators wreck the Nolies season on a warm and loving Thanksgiving weekend around friends, family, and foes. For that we can all be thankful. 🤠🐊🍻🦃🇺🇲🦅
So are you a comedian on the side? 😂😂😂
I agree.

You're framing the issue through the Judeo-Christian perspective - societal decay has reached a level where that perspective is going to be tough to win elections on.

Not saying it's right, but it's reality.

Maintaining this position will probably lead to more, and later, abortions. I think we have to concede some ground if we want less abortion, as back asswards as that sounds.
Sadly, I agree, but I cannot apply that to my approval. Might be a lost cause in my case.
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I’m really under your skin aren’t I? Don’t like it? Telling the truth?

And you are conflating two issues which you have only just started, after realizing that several on here are also doing.
Use your morals and values in making your decisions about who you support politically.
That’s fine . We are allowed to do that in America. In fact it’s a practice with a long historical precedent.
But it’s tricky as well.
I have little doubt that the ones you’re so anxious to keep in line do that and think they also have the right to impose their beliefs on those who have a different religious tradition.
1 Corinthians 10:23, “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything"—but not everything is constructive.
Sadly, I agree, but I cannot apply that to my approval. Might be a lost cause in my case.
The thing is…it got this way from folks capitulating. And now the answer is….more capitulation?

Nah, they can miss me with that. You don’t help an alcoholic by enabling them. Same thing applies here. Will there be more pain and lost elections? You bet. But again, it does no one any good for Republicans to turn themselves into Democrats.
I agree with all the principles. 60 percent of the country including Ohio and Kansas says that life start once viable outside the womb.

God will make the judgement.

In the meantime, election after election is lost and putting exceptional pressure on all the rest of your key principles.
God will also judge your actions and response to abortion. He will judge each of us on how we reacted.
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