Results from Thursday:
1793 new cases
41 new deaths
And on cue, @Nolec is back on Team No Mask, since Fauci was caught not wearing his and not socially distancing.
Back in post # 30, I said watch Texas...
You also cried when I mentioned how mask mandate hadn't worked in NY.
And a 7% or even 20% drop proves that wearing a mask does NOT eliminate cases and deaths, as the sheep claimed.
Elimination means 100%, not 7%.
Guess that's why Fauci wasn't wearing his mask and why he told us we didn't have to either.
Goalposts? Really, show me ANY post, or link of anyone claiming masks eliminate cases and deaths. Dude that's a pathetic lie. Ghost spinin' and dancin' again. That one is complete desperation.
Then why are you sheep demanding we wear masks if you now admit that they DON'T WORK?
Then why are you sheep demanding we wear masks if you now admit that they DON'T WORK.
It might be interesting to see the thought process of how you arrive at " you now admit they don't work". Certainly you can refer us to a post where that was stated? I've proved the NY cases went down, and the Texas numbers down, and the Bama numbers are headed down ( see post # 30). So where does that go with your "you now admit they don't work" since the # show otherwise? Ghost dancin' and spinnin'
First, how the hell does @Nolec keep messing up the simple quote function? SMDH
All along dems have claimed that wearing masks saves lives. Remember 'Grandma Killer'? That was what the dems called any critical thinker that questioned the need to wear masks without any scientific evidence that know....actually saved lives.
Then the REAL 'grandma killers' were unmasked to be a few dem governors that keep stuffing sick elderly hoax flu patients into nursing homes, and suddenly the 'grandma killer' meme died.
I started this thread so we could ALL see for ourselves on a daily basis if the dem claim that 'masks save lives' was real.
We've been doing this for about a week and a half now, and the numbers prove that no, masks do NOT save lives.
The dems got it wrong. And now that they've been exposed, notice how @Nolec tries to move the goalposts...again.
"Why no one ever said masks save lives!", and note how he's saying a fractional decrease in cases and deaths would mean masks worked.
Which of the same thing he claimed no dem ever claimed LMAO!
Sheep don't think like sane people. Critical thinkers look at something because they want to learn what happened.
Sheep look at something with the DESIRED OUTCOME IN MIND, then work the facts and opinions around till they think they have fit the puzzle pieces together to form the picture they want to see.
This is why sheep stay sheep and never learn anything. The numbers prove masks aren't eliminating cases or deaths in Alabama, just like they haven't in any other state where they have been mandated.
Yet sheep told us 'masks save lives, grandma killer!" Hell @Nolec even said it himself, "Just put the damn mask on!"
Hope you feel better after a long rant, it was totally devoid of any fact. Actually you did fail to dispute any of the numbers (facts) that show declines in Ala, Tx, and NY . Perhaps you forgot after, what one whole post, that those numbers are there. Go ahead and dispute them, I used your source for them, so go on Ghost. Dancin' and spinnin'
Declines are easily explained. NY stopped shipping sick elderly covid patients to nursing homes (but only because CONSERVATIVE media found out and started reporting it), and numbers are NOT down in Alabama, you can scroll up and see them for yourself.
Masks don't prevent hoax flu cases and they don't save lives. Sheep hoodwinked again.
'Increase' means going UP.
So you just admitted that we are having MORE cases WITH masks.
Your lack of any education in viral replication apparently hinders your ability to comprehend. Simple answer: like most things on a graph, it must slow down before it falls. It is currently slowing in Texas, Alabama, and NY. , as posted earlier, all within the time frames associated with their mask mandates. Be happy Ghost, fewer people getting sick
Your lack of any education in viral replication apparently hinders your ability to comprehend. Simple answer: like most things on a graph, it must slow down before it falls. It is currently slowing in Texas, Alabama, and NY. , as posted earlier, all within the time frames associated with their mask mandates. Be happy Ghost, fewer people getting sick
Bump this because the numbers are better again as of 2:00 today in these states.
Ghost would rather more people get sick and die, rather than wear a mask. Glad the Republican Governors of Tx and Ala. know better and mandate them. Ghost said it would not happen, but there are the numbers.
By better, do you mean the INCREASE has DECREASED?
For the graph-challenged Ghost: yes, absolutely ! When a graph showing #cases no longer INCREASES ---- that means it's better.
Because that's what you claimed before, and you thought that was proof that mask mandate was DECREASING cases and deaths.
Per the link cases falling in Alabama, Texas, and NY, all after Governors ( 2 Republican) had mask mandates.
You claimed this about mask mandates.
If cases and deaths fall dramatically in the coming days, we have strong indicators that the mask mandate is working.
I did say that. Cases haven't fallen dramatically.
Am glad to see you finally pulling for fewer cases so we can all put this hoax behind us, tho.
Ghost now spinnin' and dancin'. The cases have stopped their rapid rise, and have begun falling, but that's just not DRAMATIC enough now because those Republican Governors' states citizens were told to ...... wear masks. For such a price to pay, Ghost wants much , much more than falling cases.... he demands DRAMATIC. Ghost thinks if you must risk CO2 poisoning, and oxygen deprivation masks better CURE covid on the spot.
Well you dems told us all along that masks DID save lives and DID eliminate cases.
But the falling numbers aren't what you wanted, because that's what's happening. Right?
Then I start this thread to prove that claim, and you suddenly act like no dem ever said that LMAO!
Not true.
Just a few days ago Alabama had over 2,000 new cases a day for 3 out of 4 days.
And now the 7 day moving average( a more accurate gauge) is at 1755/day. A 12% drop.
If masks actually save lives and eliminate cases, as you dems have claimed all along, we should have seen a dramatic drop in new cases in as soon as 2 days.
Or as many as 14 days. Alabama's mandate went into effect 7/16 (12 days ago)
If we were sitting at 400 new cases a day now, with that number continuing to fall, then you'd have me wondering if masks weren't the reason why.
This isn't that hard. We introduced a new variable, which was claimed by you dems to DRAMATICALLY reduce cases and deaths.
So by your definition : stopping the rapid rise of new cases which prompted the Republican Gov. of Ala. to mandate masks, and lowering the new cases by 12% isn't dramatic. Since you claimed there was no effect and masks were worthless, I'd imagine that WOULD be dramatic to you.
It hasn't. You were wrong.
Since the # in Texas have also fallen similarly, that must make me twice as wrong by your juvenile estimation. Are you intellectually dishonest or just intellectually disabled?
Ghost doin' his dancin' and spinnin'. LOL
So to're claiming cases have dropped 12% since mask mandate began.
That proves that masks don't save lives or eliminate cases.
Simple as that.
That qualifies as the most redundant statement I've seen in a long time. Your claim is cases go down therefore masks don't eliminate cases. Seek professional help, you're HOODWINKED.
Whelp, this thread is now worthless. Today the governor extended the mask mandate till August 31st.
In citing evidence for her decision, did she point to the numbers? Lower number of cases as a result of wearing masks? Fewer deaths as a result of wearing masks?
Nope. Her rationale for extending the mask mandate was..."It can't hurt".
Meanwhile in South Dakota:
Masks, hand hygiene, and social distancing are about all we currently have to KEEP Alabama's numbers going down. Now Ghost - who is against vaccines, wants everyone to go on drugs instead (HCQ) and everyone ( according to Ghost ) must go on it now.... BEFORE you know you have Covid or it doesn't work. So all you sheep line up now for your HCQ.
Masks, hand hygiene, and social distancing are about all we currently have to KEEP Alabama's numbers going down. Now Ghost - who is against vaccines, wants everyone to go on drugs instead (HCQ) and everyone ( according to Ghost ) must go on it now.... BEFORE you know you have Covid or it doesn't work. So all you sheep line up now for your HCQ.
Basically, my expert advice is to not listen to anything @Nolec says. That's what I'm doing and so far I haven't had as much as a sniffle since I started ignoring all his advice on everything.
So we have our first update on hoax flu cases and deaths from Alabama for yesterday:
1953 new cases
32 new deaths
Mask mandate didn't go into affect until 5pm so these won't be truly accurate numbers till tomorrow.
Results for Saturday:
2095 new cases
24 new deaths
16 days after mask mandate went into effect, well outside the incubation period, and cases are actually UP.
SMDH. Masks don't eliminate cases, they can't even lower them.
" cases over the last week averaged 1603/day down 16% from the average of two weeks earlier"
Also Texas down 21% similarly.
2095 new cases 16 days into mask mandate speaks for itself. I don't need a liberal newspaper to spin that figure for me, I know what it means.
It means there were more new cases of hoax flu on Day 16 of mask mandate than there were on Day 1.
I know what that means too.
Ghost ignores facts at will since some facts are liberal and others conservative. What do you do with facts that might be independent? There are none so ignorant as those who choose to be so.
I'm the one dealing with the numbers, the actual facts.
You are the one trying to interject The New York Times into the discussion to try to give the spin that you want to hear.
Only a charlatan would do such a thing.
The numbers speak for themselves. You don't like what they say, well poor baby.
Ghost is spinnin again. In one thread it's all about how the libs want the virus to stay, want the numbers up, a conspiracy to defeat Trump. But then somehow when NYT report LOWER numbers for Ala. ..... well.... now Ghost says they lie. Dang Ghost you gotta be dizzy. So much dancin' and spinnin'. Kinda like Ghost says the CDC is in on the conspiracy and they lie.... until he quotes the CDC for suicide stats. Round-n-round you go Ghost.
Day 1 of Alabama mask mandate - 1953 new cases
Day 16 of Alabama mask mandate - 2095 new cases
Is that simple enough for you? Because it is for the rest of us.
Day 15 - 1626 new cases. I guess you forgot to update us on that day.... oops. lol