Literally nothing you said was correct. This is what happens when one refuse to actual read a report that they like to discuss.
Now what did Biden show his ghostwriter?
He shared classified information that he told the ghostwriter was classified.
From page 3:
but Mr.Biden shared information, including some classified information, from thosenotebooks with his ghostwriter. FBI agents recovered the notebooks from the officeand basement den in Mr. Biden's Delaware home in January 2023.
From page 3:
Mr. Biden wrote his 2007 and 2017 memoirs with the help of a ghostwriter. Ina recorded conversation with his ghostwriter in February 2017, about a month afterhe left office, Mr. Biden said, while referencing his 2009 Thanksgiving memo, that hehad "just found all the classified stuff downstairs." At the time, he was renting a homein Virginia, where he met his ghostwriter to work on his second memoir. Downstairsfrom where they met was Mr. Biden's office, where he stored his papers.
From page 4:
The best case for charges would rely on Mr.Biden's possession of the Afghanistan documents in his Virginia home in February2017. when he was a private citizen and
when he told his ghostwriter he had justfound classified materiaL
From page 4:
\Vhen Mr. Eiden toldhis ghostwriter about finding ''all the classified stuff downstairs," his tone wasmatter-of-fact.
From page 7:
And while reading his notebook entries aloud duringmeetings with his ghostwriter, Mr. Eiden sometimes skipped over presumptivelyclassified material and warned his ghostwriter the entries might be classified,
but atleast three times Mr. Eiden read from classified entries aloud to his ghostwriternearly verbatim.
From page 8:
As he told his ghostwriter during a recorded interview, thesame staff who arranged to secure his classified notecards "didn't even know" he hadretained possession of his classified notebooks. Twice in 2017, Mr. Eiden visited theNational Archives SCIF to review his classified notecards while writing his book.
Yethe kept his notebooks, which also contained classified information, in unlockeddrawers at home. He had strong motivations to do so and to ignore the rules forproperly handling the classified information in his notebooks. He consulted thenotebooks liberally during hours of discussions with his ghostwriter and viewed themas highly private and valued possessions with which he was unwilling to part.
I'm just stopping here because it's obvious he knowingly shared classified information with his the first 8 pages of a report you've never read. This represents the 16 of the 59 times the word "ghostwriter" appears in the report.