Good post, thanks for sharing. I love the personal responsibility angle, that's how medical decisions should be made.
I think people are starting to question these vaccines based on knowns though.
I posted yesterday a British health official trying to explain why 60% of hospitalizations are from fully vaccinated people...he since retracted it and said the 60% was from unvaccinated people. That's better, but if you're thinking independently that means 40%
are vaccinated.
You have now 7 vaccinated people with Covid (some symptomatic) from the dems running from Texas.
Combine that with the issues some people have had, according to the CDC itself, it makes the math harder for someone who is concerned about what's in the vaccines.
The more these stories pop up, it hurts the idea that we will:
1) Ever get past Covid
2) Can take the shot and feel safe from Covid
3) Can justify taking the risks of the shot because it'll keep me out of the hospital
Hell even a doc on here has a critical patient that may have been triggered by the vaccine. It's scary, it isn't a normal vaccine and no one is responsible if you get sick or die. But I also know if I get sick or die of Covid I have no one to blame but myself.
I'm still leaning towards J&J but it's getting harder to find. I wish they'd approve the Novavax.