Trump's surge in polls with black voters stuns CNN analyst


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
This might be very troubling to some on here who reflexively deny reality and think negativity toward the Biden campaign is just made up.

As the newly appointed spokesperson for Black America, I approve this message. Thanks for passing the baton @kalimgoodman
As the election gets closer, Biden will start talking more about reparations and other special gifts. I'll be surprised if the final number doesn't end up closer to the normal 90%.
As the election gets closer, Biden will start talking more about reparations and other special gifts. I'll be surprised if the final number doesn't end up closer to the normal 90%.
Biden will get some back but not all but where that line is right now is hard to figure. What things cost is definitely hurting Biden black voter retention but the other big issue are migrants and how big blue city mayors are making accomdations for migrants to the detriment of blacks and many blacks are rightfully pissed and Biden will lose some of those people.
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Biden will get some back but not all but where that line is right now is hard to figure. What things cost is definitely hurting Biden black voter retention but the other big issue are migrants and how big blue city mayors are making accomdations for migrants to the detriment of blacks and many blacks are rightfully pissed and Biden will lose some of those people.
The reason my stance is that the election is over comes from the Illegal Alien invasion being 100% indefensible , and inflation being unavoidable. Especially with that idiot claiming TWICE that inflation was 9% when he entered office. CLEARLY he is either mentally unfit...or the worlds biggest liar. OR...both could be true.
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Biden will not be in the ballot.

Obama 4.0 is too important to The Fascists.
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I was reading an article on msnbc about the possibility of African American voters dealing with their anger with Biden by staying home. This stood out:

"Voter ID restrictions, mail in ballot restrictions, and purges of the voter rolls are all classic voter suppression tactics"

In reverse order:

Purging rolls of voters is only a tactic if they're removing voters for technicalities. Unfortunately the rules on purging voter rolls vary from state to state, and if you have to be an active voter to stay on the rolls that smells a little.

The other two seem like complete and utter bullshit.

In Florida, my only frame of reference, you have to have a state ID or a drivers license.

I can't think of a government service in this state at least that you can apply for that doesn't require a picture id.

So that's a wash.

Mail in voter regulations also vary from state to state but generally they require a signature match, either with your drivers license or the original signature when you registered to vote.

THat doesn't seem onerous.

It seems to me they're creating excuses ahead of time to explain why black voters won't be voting for Biden rather than looking at the data that's staring him them straight in the face, which is:

1 ten percent drop in votes for Biden, combined with a ten percent rise in votes for Trump.

That's significant, because dropping support for Biden does not necessarily translate to giving support for Trump.

Except when it does.
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I was reading an article on msnbc about the possibility of African American voters dealing with their anger with Biden by staying home. This stood out:

"Voter ID restrictions, mail in ballot restrictions, and purges of the voter rolls are all classic voter suppression tactics"

In reverse order:

Purging rolls of voters is only a tactic if they're removing voters for technicalities. Unfortunately the rules on purging voter rolls vary from state to state, and if you have to be an active voter to stay on the rolls that smells a little.

The other two seem like complete and utter bullshit.

In Florida, my only frame of reference, you have to have a state ID or a drivers license.

I can't think of a government service in this state at least that you can apply for that doesn't require a picture id.

So that's a wash.

Mail in voter regulations also vary from state to state but generally they require a signature match, either with your drivers license or the original signature when you registered to vote.

THat doesn't seem onerous.

It seems to me they're creating excuses ahead of time to explain why black voters won't be voting for Biden rather than looking at the data that's staring him them straight in the face, which is:

1 ten percent drop in votes for Biden, combined with a ten percent rise in votes for Trump.

That's significant, because dropping support for Biden does not necessarily translate to giving support for Trump.

Except when it does.
Lord, I would love your opinion on this question because I am so curious about it. Why do you think that the black vote has been in the 90% range to democrats for so long. Are they better salesmen? Have they actually delivered? Or is it for so many blacks not really into poliics that it's just become a natural thing to do, and frankly easier than to buck the party and maybe not alienate friends and family. So why do you think dem support from blacks has been so very high for so long?
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Lord, I would love your opinion on this question because I am so curious about it. Why do you think that the black vote has been in the 90% range to democrats for so long. Are they better salesmen? Have they actually delivered? Or is it for so many blacks not really into poliics that it's just become a natural thing to do, and frankly easier than to buck the party and maybe not alienate friends and family. So why do you think dem support from blacks has been so very high for so long?
Promises made, promises kept. I don't need to post the quote. Everyone knows it.
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Lord, I would love your opinion on this question because I am so curious about it.

This is speculation and anecdotal, so keep that in mind. Also, I'd consider my friends of both Latino and Black heritage to be atypical as they are almost exclusively military, law enforcement, or both. My neighbors of similar ethnic background tend to be a better barometer as a whole.

Why do you think that the black vote has been in the 90% range to democrats for so long.

First, don't confuse solidarity for monolithic. Black folks often disagree privately but present a united front. Both the church and leaders of the black community, and more recently black politicians are often as much a buffer as representation. That is to say the community at large expects these individuals to be point men as well as leaders. It's not that black people need to be told what to do or aren't comfortable dealing outside their race they feel that people on equal footing and authority get more accomplished. So when a guy in a suit from government or a corporation shows up generally they trust their designated point man to be most effective.

The problem begins when these point men become part of the system, corrupted by power and wealth. There's a joke about black politicians getting caught stealing not because black people are thieves bit because they have less time and experience at being thieving politicians.

Are they better salesmen?
They showed interest. Frankly the pubs would like the black vote but never really needed it, until now.

That corruption I touched on was gradual. Initially dems saw an unexplored demographic that could be a very powerful voting bloc if properly motivated.

The strengths of the black community tend to rely on religion and family so it surprises me not at all what tactic those with less than honorable intentions started.

Stepping away from race for a second, what makes the NRA powerful is no+ because they control the gun lobby, bit because they can laser focus on an issue and deliver a near flawless voting bloc.

It's not that gun owners are stupid or easily convinced, it's that they can be mobilized to vote as a single entity consistently.

This is where confusing monolithic and solidarity bites them in the ass, because unlike the NRA the black community has more than one issue on its plate and some of them are interconnected.

Have they actually delivered?
I believe that they delivered enough in certain places, combined with missteps by the GOP, to make "we re still doing a better job than them" palatable.

Or is it for so many blacks not really into poliics that it's just become a natural thing to do, and frankly easier than to buck the party and maybe not alienate friends and family.
That's not it at all. Ive witnessed and had far more heated discussions with black people about politics and politicians than white. Matter of fact in my personal experience civilian white folks are curiously reticent about their politics generally.

I can't speak for the younger generation of any race, by and large they seem fairly apathetic compared to their elders.

There's certain issues where going against the grain is going to get you the side eye but ive found generally if you can back up what you say with something more than feels, you get a detente rather than open hostility. Bit it depends on what space the discussion takes place.

So why do you think dem support from blacks has been so very high for so long?

The Pubs have done a really shitty job of changing the idea that the GOP is the party of rich white people and ignorant ass rednecks.

Hillary might have sounded like a jackass faking a Southern accent in church but she showed up and made the effort.

I think the combination of the dems doing the bare minimum and/or presuming the black vote is guaranteed and black people understanding their leadership is maintaining the status quo or corrupted is going to have lethal consequences.

People are starting to notice that the people who they trust to fight for them are starting to resemble the people they're fighting.

Specially when the rich corporate fat cat and the city councilman leave the meeting in the same model car.
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Wow! You, sir, get an A+ for that writing. That was outstanding analysis.

A number of black people were interviewed at the Trump event in the Bronx and I think 2, maybe 3 themes seemed to come across. One was that some felt their vote is just being taken for granted and that they are not being listened to. More than one brought up the Biden comment of not voting for him, you ain't black.

Another theme was just plain issues. They were doing better under Trump than they are now.

And to some, the migrant issue has been a real slap in the face as their lives have suffered to put migrant needs first.

Republicans need to go show up where black and brown people live, work and pray in blue cities maybe not accustomed to seeing republicans to make some inroads. Not all of those people are going to be so cemented to the democrat party that a better deal can't persuade them to vote republican. I saw some of those people tonight.

One last thing. I saw some remarks by NY Gov Hockul following the Trump event how Trump was not going to win the Bronx or NY and that Trump supporters were just "clowns". Now 4 years ago the Bronx gave Biden about 83% of the vote. So some of those folks who voted Biden then are now clowns. They never learn, whether it's Hillary and deplorables or clowns or some attack word to demean. A smart person would do some self evalation and go talk to those people to at least let them know you're listening, but she can't even fake it. Has to go straight to name calling. But I do think a growing number of black and brown people are getting fed up with not really being respected by the democrat party.

Thanks again for your well thought out analysis.
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Kalim what do you think about the Bronx cheer "when America succeeds we all succeed. You and your "lefty" buddies hate that don't you.
Yes when America succeed, we all succeed. I support that and yet you and your "righty" buddies are consistently wishing on Biden's failure. Practice what you preach.
The problem is that where old senile, creepy Joe succeeds only elite rich Democrats profit. Do we Americans profit from illegal immigation? No! Do we Americans profit from inflation? No! Do we Americans profit from paying off student loans?
The reason my stance is that the election is over comes from the Illegal Alien invasion being 100% indefensible , and inflation being unavoidable. Especially with that idiot claiming TWICE that inflation was 9% when he entered office. CLEARLY he is either mentally unfit...or the worlds biggest liar. OR...both could be true.
Don't underestimate the power of lying and cheating.
He will be fired. This is ground hog day 1980
I agree with this. So many similarities. Although Carter was a much more capable, principled individual than Biden, his administration was similarly ineffective. The botched rescue of the Iranian hostages is like the Gaza pier (or the Afghanistan pullout or any number of things). Bottom line is it’s hard to feel good about where we’re at. And current leadership just runs around telling people they should feel worse. One element of Trump’s appeal that nobody talks about is that he’s proud of America and encourages others to feel the same. People don’t want to feel bad about themselves all the time. Even if you tell them feeling bad about themselves makes them smart. Trump is no Reagan but he has similar appeal.
I agree with this. So many similarities. Although Carter was a much more capable, principled individual than Biden, his administration was similarly ineffective. The botched rescue of the Iranian hostages is like the Gaza pier (or the Afghanistan pullout or any number of things). Bottom line is it’s hard to feel good about where we’re at. And current leadership just runs around telling people they should feel worse. One element of Trump’s appeal that nobody talks about is that he’s proud of America and encourages others to feel the same. People don’t want to feel bad about themselves all the time. Even if you tell them feeling bad about themselves makes them smart. Trump is no Reagan but he has similar appeal.
Man I agree with all of this. Especially about the part that Trump loves his Country. Too many video's of him saying the same things he does not...35 years ago. Some of the Countries have changed(not China) but he has been America FIRST his whole life. You can easily compare the Afghan withdrawal to the rescue mission. TOITAL CLUSTER****. Inflation, rates, gas prices, lack of pride, and MOST incompetent democrat causing all of it.

One other point...I do not have the soft spot for Carter like most people on the right do. He really hurt our Country with his incompetence. I remember his solution to the energy crisis was to turn up your thermostat in the summer and be uncomfortable. Tell me that does not sound just like something FJB would come up with!
I agree with this. So many similarities. Although Carter was a much more capable, principled individual than Biden, his administration was similarly ineffective. The botched rescue of the Iranian hostages is like the Gaza pier (or the Afghanistan pullout or any number of things). Bottom line is it’s hard to feel good about where we’re at. And current leadership just runs around telling people they should feel worse. One element of Trump’s appeal that nobody talks about is that he’s proud of America and encourages others to feel the same. People don’t want to feel bad about themselves all the time. Even if you tell them feeling bad about themselves makes them smart. Trump is no Reagan but he has similar appeal.
Jimmy Carter was just as incapable as biden, just not as diminished mentally (although that can be argued since he is a liberal as well). Surrounding himself with his buddies from Georgia and failing to delegate. Heck, he was personally reviewing requests to use the White House tennis court. As the gas crisis raged Carter went into hiding, never got SALT II ratified, the middle east was on fire (see Iran). Carter was a very incapable executive and well over his head. The awww shucks peanut farmer bit got vaporized as soon as he stepped on the international stage. Not saying you are giving him a pass, but Jimmy Carter was an epic failure as President and we are seeing it again with biden.

The only thing good about Jimmy Carter's Presidency was it gave us Ronald Reagan, we can only hope biden's Presidency does something similar.
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He posted 2 accurate pics. Of course it's biased but it's accurate.
An AI picture a rabid Trump hater creates is accurate?

You really want to claim Trump isn't gaining support in the black community, and Biden losing it?

Why didn't he post either of these videos or photos? Oh yeah, the narrative.

Unfortunately for Briben, many black people are figuring out they indeed can still be black and not vote for Joe. Who knew?
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