Her pictures are far more worrisome IMO. Is that her kissing Zelensky in the last pic????
You can do searches for my posts on here and you will see that I was clear that DeSantis was the obvious future of the Republican party up till about 6 months ago. That's when stuff like this that ties DeSantis to the uniparty started trickling out, and it continues to this day.
I think he's done. I disagree with
@fatman76 that a tough fight in the primaries will help both Trump and DeSantis. If this was politics as usual, I would agree. But it isn't. If DeSantis runs, I think Trump is going to put everything about Ron out there, and I fear he's sitting on a lot. This will cripple DeSantis, but it will also cause a few DeSantis supporters to refuse to vote for Trump as a result.
Neither man will gain supporters from a primary against the other, let's put it that way. I'm surprised that DeSantis can't see that.