This just in


Gator Great
Sep 5, 2001

The results of the Iowa caucus have been found on Hillary Clinton's server. Shockingly the winner is a candidate no one knew was running. With over 105% of the total vote Vladimir Putin has won all of the democrat delegates. The Free Bacon reached out to Clinton and Putin for comment. "Well I got tired of meddling and decided to just run and win the thing and be done with it. I want to bring the Glasnost to America. It is clear that the people of America want socialism and strong leadership. This is something I know quite bit about. Trump has not done a good job dealing with fake news but i know how to deal with Journalists. I quickly terminate their employment." said Putin When told about the requirements to run for the office Putin said "Well the Rus are a viking people and we discovered America not that Italian Columbus. There for our claims supersede anything other European descendants may claim and when I win we will do away with such silly notions as constitutions."

Hillary was unavailable for comment. A spokesperson said she was baking cookies and "besides what difference does it make"

-The North American Free Bacon
Where journalism is eggstrordinary

The results of the Iowa caucus have been found on Hillary Clinton's server. Shockingly the winner is a candidate no one knew was running. With over 105% of the total vote Vladimir Putin has won all of the democrat delegates. The Free Bacon reached out to Clinton and Putin for comment. "Well I got tired of meddling and decided to just run and win the thing and be done with it. I want to bring the Glasnost to America. It is clear that the people of America want socialism and strong leadership. This is something I know quite bit about. Trump has not done a good job dealing with fake news but i know how to deal with Journalists. I quickly terminate their employment." said Putin When told about the requirements to run for the office Putin said "Well the Rus are a viking people and we discovered America not that Italian Columbus. There for our claims supersede anything other European descendants may claim and when I win we will do away with such silly notions as constitutions."

Hillary was unavailable for comment. A spokesperson said she was baking cookies and "besides what difference does it make"

-The North American Free Bacon
Where journalism is eggstrordinary


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