Yep Doc C. We don't make the rules, just abide by them.
BSC, you say God loves all people, which is true by the way because that's why Jesus was sent to earth, but you also say Satan doesn't exist. You're implying God exists but Satan doesn't. So you're implying God created everything under the sun, including the sun, but God didn't create Satan, eh? So earth and the spirits and beings within it throughout history went to hell in a handbasket all on their own without any darkness from Satan involved? All the murders, wars, greed, lust, envy since Cain slew Abel was all done by spirits and beings created by God, that God loved, all without any influence by Satan, Satan's demons, Satan's fellow 1/3 of angels fallen from heaven, or any other such evil? How did evil enter earth, if not from Satan and his 1/3 spiritual crew, praytell?