The spiritual battle is heating up

Wow. That’s a lot of math.

The simple answer is that evil exists because God gave us free will. I think early Jewish scribes used Satan as a literary device to explain the temptations. The Gospels also identify Satan and his demons as the causes of illness, including fever (Luke 4:39), leprosy (Luke 5:13), and arthritis (Luke 13:11–16)

If God is all powerful, he wouldn’t allow a rival like a “Satan” to exist. But that is just my opinion. I, nor anyone else, really knows for sure.

The problem you and many others have is taking the stories in the Bible literally. Dante’s Inferno is not a real place either.
God gave Satan dominion over the earth until Jesus comes the second time and then it will be too late for anyone not already a faithful follower and believer will be cast into the lake of fire. It is written.
God gave Satan dominion over the earth until Jesus comes the second time and then it will be too late for anyone not already a faithful follower and believer will be cast into the lake of fire. It is written.
Yeah, that’s a bunch of hooey. He may have Dominion over you, which is why you are so hateful, but not over me.
What a sad thread this has become.
Some folks believe they’ve got the path to heaven all figured out and others just try to live a good life and follow the Lord every day. Some days they do a good job and other days they fall down. All humans do. Get back up and keep trying.
What a sad thread this has become.
Some folks believe they’ve got the path to heaven all figured out and others just try to live a good life and follow the Lord every day. Some days they do a good job and other days they fall down. All humans do. Get back up and keep trying.
Irony at its very best
We have often seen Dr. C often disparage the Catholic Church, like a lot of fundamentalists have over the history of our country. One of my favorite hymns in the Catholic Church is called “They Will Know We are Christians By Our Love.”

I have a feeling Dr. Homophobe wouldn’t use that one in his “church.”

Self awareness has never really been your strong suit.

If you think it's wrong for him to say the things you're claiming he has said, matching and mirroring those comments seems like a poor approach...from a Christian standpoint...imho.

But you do you brother. And it probably doesn't matter that you're also insulting others who have never insulted Catholicism.
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God gave Satan dominion over the earth until Jesus comes the second time and then it will be too late for anyone not already a faithful follower and believer will be cast into the lake of fire. It is written.

So, God basically anointed Jeffrey Epstein to babysit a houseful of underage girls while he is out.

When God gets back, he is going to cast them all into a lake of fire if they lost faith while under Epstein’s care.
Ok we've devoted enough time on the troll.

@kjfreeze this is mostly for you, please watch this video, I am loving his teaching on Revelation.

Note what he says about how God wants us to spread the good news and ignore the bad stuff that simply causes worry. Note how he talks about when Gabriel came to announce the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus, he told of the GOOD NEWS and that this was the Messiah and his forerunner that were coming to save the world. He didn't tell that John would be beheaded, he didn't talk about Jesus being crucified, he talked about the good news that was coming to the world.

We don't need to dwell on the evil and corruption in the world that's being exposed, we need to focus on what the world will look like afterward.
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I'll check him out. I get skeptical about end-times prophets.

One thing I feel about the return of Christ is that we will first go through some rough times, extremely rough, but then it will all come to an end and we'll be in a peace and calm and all will seem to be back to normal. We'll all go about our routines and become slothful and then BOOM! Unexpected to our lazy hearts Jesus Christ will return.
I'll check him out. I get skeptical about end-times prophets.

One thing I feel about the return of Christ is that we will first go through some rough times, extremely rough, but then it will all come to an end and we'll be in a peace and calm and all will seem to be back to normal. We'll all go about our routines and become slothful and then BOOM! Unexpected to our lazy hearts Jesus Christ will return.
Many scholars, including Enlow, teach that some or all of the Seven Seals have already been broken. I won't give it away but his videos have a ton of interesting interpretations of the Bible, if you are willing to invest the time in them.
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So, God basically anointed Jeffrey Epstein to babysit a houseful of underage girls while he is out.

When God gets back, he is going to cast them all into a lake of fire if they lost faith while under Epstein’s care.
You are so far off with your post. A response like that proves you know NOTHING about God. There is only light and darkness. There is no in-between. We all have a tendency to place God into a box of own understanding. He is so way beyond us. My understanding of who God really is is like a grain of sand on the seashore. To know God completely, I'd have to be all the sand. Just shows you where I stand. lol. So, how might yours be?
You are so far off with your post. A response like that proves you know NOTHING about God. There is only light and darkness. There is no in-between. We all have a tendency to place God into a box of own understanding. He is so way beyond us. My understanding of who God really is is like a grain of sand on the seashore. To know God completely, I'd have to be all the sand. Just shows you where I stand. lol. So, how might yours be?
God is using him to fulfill Jesus's prophecy:

Matthew 5:11-12: 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

John 15:21: “But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me."
Wow. That’s a lot of math.

The simple answer is that evil exists because God gave us free will. I think early Jewish scribes used Satan as a literary device to explain the temptations. The Gospels also identify Satan and his demons as the causes of illness, including fever (Luke 4:39), leprosy (Luke 5:13), and arthritis (Luke 13:11–16)

If God is all powerful, he wouldn’t allow a rival like a “Satan” to exist. But that is just my opinion. I, nor anyone else, really knows for sure.

The problem you and many others have is taking the stories in the Bible literally. Dante’s Inferno is not a real place either.
You speak as if you confirm God exists but not Satan. You answered your own opinion. God created and gave the angels and the humans free will because God loves the angels and the humans. Satan was the most beautiful of all the angels that God created. This beauty gave way unto pride and thereafter unto ego to the effect that Satan felt he was top dog and 1/3 of the angels bought into pride and ego too and fell in lockstep with Satan but also fell from Heaven when God tossed the trash out. God allowing Satan to exist, as you say, isn't because God isn't all powerful, it's because God is all loving to allow angels and humans to have free will while also being all powerful to snuff out any being at any time in a split second. The earth is a zoo, physically and spiritually, and God can do whatever he wants while allowing all beings, physical and spiritual, to do what they want by and large, but not always as we see God override all beings here and there. We don't see all God does because our human minds are limited in scope of understanding, relative to God.
I’m not surprised you would be in favor of it. Sicko.

Btw, like a lot of things you lie about, there is no reference to Mary or Joseph’s age in the Bible.
But you see your Catholic Church has always suggested that Joseph was a much older man than Mary; that he'd already been married, and had kids (hence the brother's and sister's of Jesus) with a wife that somehow died. That's not scriptural, but it's YOUR church tradition.

BTW what exactly are you defending with Biden that God will approve of? If you had eyes to see, you'd certainly see that you are being deceived by the devil.
We have often seen Dr. C often disparage the Catholic Church, like a lot of fundamentalists have over the history of our country. One of my favorite hymns in the Catholic Church is called “They Will Know We are Christians By Our Love.”

I have a feeling Dr. Homophobe wouldn’t use that one in his “church.”
The Catholic church is a man-made apparatus that operates similarly to the Temple priests, rabbis, scribes, and other Jewish religious administrators had before them and still do. Jesus was sent from Heaven to reteach everyone, Jews and Gentiles, about how they were supposed to be living all along. The ruling class of the Jews over time since Moses had institutionalized and incorporated what came to be known as "religion" and used it as an apparatus to hide behind and wield power with via pride and ego. Jesus, the chief rabbi of all rabbis on earth, came to topple that corrupt man-made religion apparatus and say love and power from God are for all, and not just for some people to use to try to tell others what to do.

After Jesus's time on earth in the flesh, some people under the guise of Christianity used their time old pride and ego to institutionalize, incorporate, and effect a man made religion apparatus to their benefit and to hide behind and wield with power. This is the origin of what would become the Catholic church, where politics, power, pride, and ego come together in order to exert control over others. Similar to how the elite political Jews perverted God's ways for humans, the elite political ones in Rome perverted God/Christ's ways for humans after Jesus returned to Heaven. Nowhere in the New Testament does God, Jesus, Holy Spirit speak of a Pope, a Vatican, incense, hail Mary's, fine linen robes, gold rings and signets, gold bank reserves, political hierarchy, institutions, corporations, apparatuses, bureaucracies, or any other man-made religion constructs. The Catholic church like the Temple Jews hierarchy before them, are not based on pure God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, but rather pervert the pure God, Jesus, Holy Spirit essence with man made ways and means that deceive others. The Catholic church is akin to the Temple high brow Jews, both being the Synagogue of Satan.

The good news is that nobody needs any of those man-made constructs. All we need is the word, love, teachings, and spirit of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, which comes from the Heavens above and not from any persons, buildings, or churches here on earth.
But you see your Catholic Church has always suggested that Joseph was a much older man than Mary; that he'd already been married, and had kids (hence the brother's and sister's of Jesus) with a wife that somehow died. That's not scriptural, but it's YOUR church tradition.

BTW what exactly are you defending with Biden that God will approve of? If you had eyes to see, you'd certainly see that you are being deceived by the devil.
Uh no. More antiCatholic lies. No wonder you were kicked out.
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The Catholic church is a man-made apparatus that operates similarly to the Temple priests, rabbis, scribes, and other Jewish religious administrators had before them and still do. Jesus was sent from Heaven to reteach everyone, Jews and Gentiles, about how they were supposed to be living all along. The ruling class of the Jews over time since Moses had institutionalized and incorporated what came to be known as "religion" and used it as an apparatus to hide behind and wield power with via pride and ego. Jesus, the chief rabbi of all rabbis on earth, came to topple that corrupt man-made religion apparatus and say love and power from God are for all, and not just for some people to use to try to tell others what to do.

After Jesus's time on earth in the flesh, some people under the guise of Christianity used their time old pride and ego to institutionalize, incorporate, and effect a man made religion apparatus to their benefit and to hide behind and wield with power. This is the origin of what would become the Catholic church, where politics, power, pride, and ego come together in order to exert control over others. Similar to how the elite political Jews perverted God's ways for humans, the elite political ones in Rome perverted God/Christ's ways for humans after Jesus returned to Heaven. Nowhere in the New Testament does God, Jesus, Holy Spirit speak of a Pope, a Vatican, incense, hail Mary's, fine linen robes, gold rings and signets, gold bank reserves, political hierarchy, institutions, corporations, apparatuses, bureaucracies, or any other man-made religion constructs. The Catholic church like the Temple Jews hierarchy before them, are not based on pure God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, but rather pervert the pure God, Jesus, Holy Spirit essence with man made ways and means that deceive others. The Catholic church is akin to the Temple high brow Jews, both being the Synagogue of Satan.

The good news is that nobody needs any of those man-made constructs. All we need is the word, love, teachings, and spirit of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, which comes from the Heavens above and not from any persons, buildings, or churches here on earth.
Jesus himself anointed Peter to start The One True Church. Man, the antiCatholic haters are out in full force today.

Synagogue of Satan. LOL. Do you burn crosses in Catholic yards?
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You speak as if you confirm God exists but not Satan. You answered your own opinion. God created and gave the angels and the humans free will because God loves the angels and the humans. Satan was the most beautiful of all the angels that God created. This beauty gave way unto pride and thereafter unto ego to the effect that Satan felt he was top dog and 1/3 of the angels bought into pride and ego too and fell in lockstep with Satan but also fell from Heaven when God tossed the trash out. God allowing Satan to exist, as you say, isn't because God isn't all powerful, it's because God is all loving to allow angels and humans to have free will while also being all powerful to snuff out any being at any time in a split second. The earth is a zoo, physically and spiritually, and God can do whatever he wants while allowing all beings, physical and spiritual, to do what they want by and large, but not always as we see God override all beings here and there. We don't see all God does because our human minds are limited in scope of understanding, relative to God.
What’s ironic is that your last sentence contradicts what you speak of earlier. You have no idea what God did or why. I don’t question him, I just follow His commandments. It’s that simple.

PS. Hating the gays and trannies isn’t one of them.
Jesus himself anointed Peter to start The One True Church. Man, the antiCatholic haters are out in full force today.

Synagogue of Satan. LOL. Do you burn crosses in Catholic yards?
Jesus started the "one true church" as you say with Jesus as the head and all of us that believe in him the body of the church. Peter was a great guy, but he was no more and no less than any other Christ believer. Jesus scolded and reprimanded Peter and the others whenever their pride and ego was putting themselves above others.
Jesus started the "one true church" as you say with Jesus as the head and all of us that believe in him the body of the church. Peter was a great guy, but he was no more and no less than any other Christ believer. Jesus scolded and reprimanded Peter and the others whenever their pride and ego was putting themselves above others.
You might as well be speaking Greek to BScuck. 😂
What’s ironic is that your last sentence contradicts what you speak of earlier. You have no idea what God did or why. I don’t question him, I just follow His commandments. It’s that simple.

PS. Hating the gays and trannies isn’t one of them.
Where did I contradict? Where in God's commandments does it mention Catholic church and all that it is composed of? Where did I say I hated gays and trannies?
Uh no. More antiCatholic lies. No wonder you were kicked out.
This is why you have a problem. I said I quit the cult of Catholicism and you STILL insist I got kicked out. Tell my, oh almighty one, how does one get kicked out of the CC? And also tell me how the CC can save you?
Uh no. More antiCatholic lies. No wonder you were kicked out.
Also, please tell me where I LIED?! Because I didn't. I didn't lie!

You and @goldmom are at odds with the Christian posters on here. Why is that? Why is it that you (mainly @BSC911 ) are having the rest of us attack you, so to speak, and you two defend each other along with the professed atheists and those who just are not Christian but share the same belief system? There's a reason for this, don't you think? Do you see it? It's pretty obvious.
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Also, please tell me where I LIED?! Because I didn't. I didn't lie!

You and @goldmom are at odds with the Christian posters on here. Why is that? Why is it that you (mainly @BSC911 ) are having the rest of us attack you, so to speak, and you two defend each other along with the professed atheists and those who just are not Christian but share the same belief system? There's a reason for this, don't you think? Do you see it? It's pretty obvious.
Well, you said the One True Church teaches that Jesus had brothers. That’s a lie. In fact, I had this discussion with my son, who has a PHD in Theology and works for the Diocese, just last week.

I argue with people that disparage the Catholic Church and call it a Synagogue of Satan. I argue with people who use the Bible to spread hate against God’s children. I have no problem with others religious beliefs, yet my opinions seem to upset you all. You’ll just have to deal with it.
I live in a VERY, VERY large military community, and I know people who know people who served with him. I have NO PROBLEM making the statements here about him. I think Trump was SPOT ON with his McCain comments. He was a loser.
all class Tito!!!
I said Jesus, not some cult leader. You can't argue with Jesus so you deflect because that is what Satan leads you to do. If you are not in line with Jesus then you are aligned with evil. No gray area there.
WTF do you think christianity is??? LOL, sheep.
Also, please tell me where I LIED?! Because I didn't. I didn't lie!

You and @goldmom are at odds with the Christian posters on here. Why is that? Why is it that you (mainly @BSC911 ) are having the rest of us attack you, so to speak, and you two defend each other along with the professed atheists and those who just are not Christian but share the same belief system? There's a reason for this, don't you think? Do you see it? It's pretty obvious.
Oh, and as far a as Joseph being married before, which I had NEVER heard in all my years as a Catholic,

Liar. Liar. Pants on fire. Next you’ll try to claim that Catholics “worship” Mary.

As a disgraced Catholic, you hold some grudge against the Church and feed into the antiCatholic hate which seems to propagate in some denominations. It’s sad, really. God will judge you for that.
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I’m not surprised you would be in favor of it. Sicko.

Btw, like a lot of things you lie about, there is no reference to Mary or Joseph’s age in the Bible.
Most biblical scholars believe she was 15 or even younger while Joseph was probably 15 years older. That was how depraved society was that there were hardly any virtuous women, especially a virgin.
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So, God basically anointed Jeffrey Epstein to babysit a houseful of underage girls while he is out.

When God gets back, he is going to cast them all into a lake of fire if they lost faith while under Epstein’s care.
No, what evil men do is nothing appointed by God, it was their free will to choose such depravity.
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I’m not surprised you would be in favor of it. Sicko.

Btw, like a lot of things you lie about, there is no reference to Mary or Joseph’s age in the Bible.
I'm not in favor of anything like that you moron. I'm just pointing out that over the last thousand years, we realized that women as mothers should be grown and not when they first menstruate.
Oh, and as far a as Joseph being married before, which I had NEVER heard in all my years as a Catholic,

Liar. Liar. Pants on fire. Next you’ll try to claim that Catholics “worship” Mary.

As a disgraced Catholic, you hold some grudge against the Church and feed into the antiCatholic hate which seems to propagate in some denominations. It’s sad, really. God will judge you for that.
Let's get a few things straight. First, I lived under the guise, as told to me by those around me, as a Catholic, that Christian art of the early centuries always depicted Joseph as much older, and the apocrypha suggests that Joseph was married before and he had children. That story is fabricated and taught as tradition, but not officially. That story also makes it much easier for you Catholics to slough off the "brothers and sisters of Christ" in scripture. You should run with that. Secondly, stop with the claim that I was a disgraced Catholic and kicked out of the church. I left on my own. I'm so thankful I did too. You still haven't answered my question on how your Church will save you. Because you seem to have that same mentality I did when I was Catholic. You put the church before Jesus. You seem to be proud of being a Catholic like it's your salvation ticket. That won't fly very far into the heavenly realm.

As far as Mary worship. You say you don't but the amount of time prayed to Mary makes her an idol just like television watching. I know firsthand I prayed the rosary 100's of times and would say that it's really a Jesus prayer... but is it? I remember praying to Mary because I was afraid to go straight to Jesus. Fr. Corapi once said that Jesus can never say no to His mother. Goodness. The Catholic Church is filled with stuff that borders on and does fall into the category of idol worship. Also, the priest in cofessional-when you have two priests, acting in persona Christi, advise the one confessing that his sin is mortal and venial, there's a problem there. One priest says a sin is mortal and left unconfessed would send that person to hell if they died in that state, and the other priest says the exact opposite. That is a problem. This issue was brought up with a friend of mine. That priest is supposed to be acting in the person of Christ. Christ will not make that mistake. And yes, it's reaching a point where I hate the Catholic Church and I hate any religion that does not support Jesus as the only way to heaven. And you should too. You need to examine yourself a lot more than you do if you think that your church will save you in spite of your acceptance of abortion, and other people's religious denominations that do not accept Jesus Christ as God and Him being the only way to be saved. If you think God does not hate, then you are deceived.
Let's get a few things straight. First, I lived under the guise, as told to me by those around me, as a Catholic, that Christian art of the early centuries always depicted Joseph as much older, and the apocrypha suggests that Joseph was married before and he had children. That story is fabricated and taught as tradition, but not officially. That story also makes it much easier for you Catholics to slough off the "brothers and sisters of Christ" in scripture. You should run with that. Secondly, stop with the claim that I was a disgraced Catholic and kicked out of the church. I left on my own. I'm so thankful I did too. You still haven't answered my question on how your Church will save you. Because you seem to have that same mentality I did when I was Catholic. You put the church before Jesus. You seem to be proud of being a Catholic like it's your salvation ticket. That won't fly very far into the heavenly realm.

As far as Mary worship. You say you don't but the amount of time prayed to Mary makes her an idol just like television watching. I know firsthand I prayed the rosary 100's of times and would say that it's really a Jesus prayer... but is it? I remember praying to Mary because I was afraid to go straight to Jesus. Fr. Corapi once said that Jesus can never say no to His mother. Goodness. The Catholic Church is filled with stuff that borders on and does fall into the category of idol worship. Also, the priest in cofessional-when you have two priests, acting in persona Christi, advise the one confessing that his sin is mortal and venial, there's a problem there. One priest says a sin is mortal and left unconfessed would send that person to hell if they died in that state, and the other priest says the exact opposite. That is a problem. This issue was brought up with a friend of mine. That priest is supposed to be acting in the person of Christ. Christ will not make that mistake. And yes, it's reaching a point where I hate the Catholic Church and I hate any religion that does not support Jesus as the only way to heaven. And you should too. You need to examine yourself a lot more than you do if you think that your church will save you in spite of your acceptance of abortion, and other people's religious denominations that do not accept Jesus Christ as God and Him being the only way to be saved. If you think God does not hate, then you are deceived.

I can’t waste any more time with anyone who lies about the Catholic Church’s teaching. Go spread your hate to your nake handler pastor.
I'm not in favor of anything like that you moron. I'm just pointing out that over the last thousand years, we realized that women as mothers should be grown and not when they first menstruate.
Tell that to Navigator. He thought it was something to be proud of. LOL.

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