The spiritual battle is heating up

Well, you said the One True Church teaches that Jesus had brothers. That’s a lie. In fact, I had this discussion with my son, who has a PHD in Theology and works for the Diocese, just last week.

I argue with people that disparage the Catholic Church and call it a Synagogue of Satan. I argue with people who use the Bible to spread hate against God’s children. I have no problem with others religious beliefs, yet my opinions seem to upset you all. You’ll just have to deal with it.
And one more thing. I DID NOT say the CC teaches that Jesus had brothers. I said the CC suggested it. Where did I come up with that notion? From Catholics. Was it taught as dogma? Nope. But ironically, that notion came from the CC and I ran with it just like many others I know. You never heard of it because you know very little about your own church except what you want to quickly look up on the internet to deflect for argument's sake. Tell me, how are your works? Fruit? Describe your fruit that comes from your faith? DO YOU KNOW JESUS? A more important question is this: DOES JESUS KNOW YOU!

I can’t waste any more time with anyone who lies about the Catholic Church’s teaching.
Because you have no answer except for what you can find in Google. Defend to your dying breath! I will defend my relationship with Jesus Christ til my dying breath. I will denounce those who harbor evil and claim good. Loving a gay lifestyle, gay marriage, gay adoption, drag queen antics, perverted attacks on our children, sex trafficking, racism, and any other approval of sinful lifestyles are all things I abhor and will call out. YOU, continuing to support Biden is a problem. I'd advise you rethink your position, repent and ask forgiveness and seek truth.
Because you have no answer except for what you can find in Google. Defend to your dying breath! I will defend my relationship with Jesus Christ til my dying breath. I will denounce those who harbor evil and claim good. Loving a gay lifestyle, gay marriage, gay adoption, drag queen antics, perverted attacks on our children, sex trafficking, racism, and any other approval of sinful lifestyles are all things I abhor and will call out. YOU, continuing to support Biden is a problem. I'd advise you rethink your position, repent and ask forgiveness and seek truth.
The evil wicked of this earth know very well of the power of God and Jesus and tremble in utter fear in its presence. This is why the evil will always pursue the innocent children, because they know what Jesus said that we must become like soft hearted innocent children to enter Heaven. The evil is forever fighting to prevent anyone from being an innocent child, regardless of age, because the evil will always drag, claw, clutch as many as possible to bring down with them to hell. As they say, misery loves company.

Speaking of Catholics, many of their heads are cluttered with cobwebs of philosophy, doctrines, rituals, customs, of man made religion apparatus. That is Satan's design as anytime there is onion layers of religious rites and many.procedures to adhere it is because Satan puts all that between man and God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Satan puts Mary, the pope, the Vatican, the bureaucracy priest hierarchy, the church, money, image, pride, ego, self between man and God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. The truth is so simple as Jesus is the only mediator and intercession between man and God, but Satan and the evil of this world complicate, obfuscate, and pervert the truth, all by design, so as to deceive and ensnare as many people as possible, especially innocent soft hearted children of all ages from birth to death. All the perverted truth man made religions of this world, including Catholicism, Islam, what Judaism became over time since, Hinduism, Buddhism, atheism, liberalism, communism are all deception and perversions of truth.

All any of us need for our minds, our bodies, and most importantly our souls is what comes directly from above from God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, no more, no less. That's the simple truth. Anybody saying more words than that is complicating, obfuscating, and perverting the truth by design in order to deceive others, whether they know they're doing that or not as they may not know that they themselves have been deceived by the devil so they think that they're not deceiving others.

KISS method for everyone, Keep It Simple Stupid. Go straight to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit 24/7/365. It's free and always available. Don't have to go to a specific person, church, place, don't have to pay anyone, don't have to recite any prescribed prayer, don't have to do any ritual, rite, custom, practice, tradition. Just have to pray to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and profit from it. All the man made religions and their apparatuses would have no power and control over others if everyone knew the simple truth. Satan knows this, which is why he designs layers, complexities, weaved webs, and various philosophies of man to build the walls between man and God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Let God, Jesus, Holy Spirit tear the walls down and free your minds, bodies, and souls. We can't do it ourselves as Satan is too strong for us but God, Jesus, Holy Spirit can do it for us if we love his Word and truth and pour out our hearts to him and not let our self, pride, and ego prevent us from doing so.
Let's get a few things straight. First, I lived under the guise, as told to me by those around me, as a Catholic, that Christian art of the early centuries always depicted Joseph as much older, and the apocrypha suggests that Joseph was married before and he had children. That story is fabricated and taught as tradition, but not officially. That story also makes it much easier for you Catholics to slough off the "brothers and sisters of Christ" in scripture. You should run with that. Secondly, stop with the claim that I was a disgraced Catholic and kicked out of the church. I left on my own. I'm so thankful I did too. You still haven't answered my question on how your Church will save you. Because you seem to have that same mentality I did when I was Catholic. You put the church before Jesus. You seem to be proud of being a Catholic like it's your salvation ticket. That won't fly very far into the heavenly realm.

As far as Mary worship. You say you don't but the amount of time prayed to Mary makes her an idol just like television watching. I know firsthand I prayed the rosary 100's of times and would say that it's really a Jesus prayer... but is it? I remember praying to Mary because I was afraid to go straight to Jesus. Fr. Corapi once said that Jesus can never say no to His mother. Goodness. The Catholic Church is filled with stuff that borders on and does fall into the category of idol worship. Also, the priest in cofessional-when you have two priests, acting in persona Christi, advise the one confessing that his sin is mortal and venial, there's a problem there. One priest says a sin is mortal and left unconfessed would send that person to hell if they died in that state, and the other priest says the exact opposite. That is a problem. This issue was brought up with a friend of mine. That priest is supposed to be acting in the person of Christ. Christ will not make that mistake. And yes, it's reaching a point where I hate the Catholic Church and I hate any religion that does not support Jesus as the only way to heaven. And you should too. You need to examine yourself a lot more than you do if you think that your church will save you in spite of your acceptance of abortion, and other people's religious denominations that do not accept Jesus Christ as God and Him being the only way to be saved. If you think God does not hate, then you are deceived.
I too was raised in the Catholic Church and it thrives on keeping the congregation clueless and worshipping idols and praying to Mary etc. I realized at age ten I didn't need to confess my sins to fellow sinners. I knew that sinners can't forgive
me for my sins only the sinless can forgive me. We as humans are always placing conditions on forgiveness/love.
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Now now what would Jesus say about this!!!
Anton LeVey said do as thou wilt and Jesus said do as thou God wills. With his dying breath, Anton LeVey's last words were, "oh no what have I done." Jesus said while living on earth, while dying on earth, after coming back from death on earth, after ascending to Heaven, and says now and forever from Heaven, "come to me and I will save you."
I too was raised in the Catholic Church and it thrives on keeping the congregation clueless and worshipping idols and praying to Mary etc. I realized at age ten I didn't need to confess my sins to fellow sinners. I knew that sinners can't forgive
me for my sins only the sinless can forgive me. We as humans are always placing conditions on forgiveness/love.
Absolute fire. The church (not just catholics) has twisted the meaning of REPENT. And it has done a ton of damage in the form of guilt.

Which is the exact opposite of Jesus message.
And yet, people (Christian by name only) are going to say he's not a real Christian cussing like he does... He's beginning his journey, and what's so awesome, he's real in front of millions.
You aren’t wrong.

I would respond to them with….

what is a cussword and how did it become one.😉

And I would finish with….then you don’t understand Christianaity and Jesus Grace. I am sorry for that, but know that Jesus chose the foolish to confound the wise.
And yet, people (Christian by name only) are going to say he's not a real Christian cussing like he does... He's beginning his journey, and what's so awesome, he's real in front of millions.
Cussing doesn't bother me as much and I do it from habit since that's how my family is, haha. What does bother me and makes me wince when people do it is use the Lord's name in vain like GD, JC, OMG, etc. That is blasphemy, says so right there in the Bible. Not cussing but blasphemously using the Lord's in vain is far worse than cussing but not using the Lord's name in vain.
Cussing doesn't bother me as much and I do it from habit since that's how my family is, haha. What does bother me and makes me wince when people do it is use the Lord's name in vain like GD, JC, OMG, etc. That is blasphemy, says so right there in the Bible. Not cussing but blasphemously using the Lord's in vain is far worse than cussing but not using the Lord's name in vain.
There has been much debate around this as well. Context is very important as is always the case.

Taking the Lords name in vain is indeed blasphemous, but there is much debate about the defining of “in vain”, and the intentions of what someone is actually saying.

There is also debate on the word damnit, and how it pertains to “taking in vain”.

Is it a term of frustration or are we asking God to place judgement? Intention.

If we are asking to place judgment, then are people throughout the book of psalms that ask God to place judgment….taking the Lords name in vain?

My only point to all this, is I don’t have all the answers, but I do know RELIGION has taught us many things that may or may not actually be true in the manner of which we were taught to understand it, by said religion.

Who does know? God. And the one thing I do know to be true is that if I ask God to answer my questions, he answers. It may not be the answer I want, but it is the answer I need.
Hey @BSC911 was this you at the Pride Month parades the other month ago????
There has been much debate around this as well. Context is very important as is always the case.

Taking the Lords name in vain is indeed blasphemous, but there is much debate about the defining of “in vain”, and the intentions of what someone is actually saying.

There is also debate on the word damnit, and how it pertains to “taking in vain”.

Is it a term of frustration or are we asking God to place judgement? Intention.

If we are asking to place judgment, then are people throughout the book of psalms that ask God to place judgment….taking the Lords name in vain?

My only point to all this, is I don’t have all the answers, but I do know RELIGION has taught us many things that may or may not actually be true in the manner of which we were taught to understand it, by said religion.

Who does know? God. And the one thing I do know to be true is that if I ask God to answer my questions, he answers. It may not be the answer I want, but it is the answer I need.


And absolutely agree on your point about context and intent. I don't believe that a Christian can sin without intent and of course context always matters.

My father was coming out of surgery and was as high as giraffe balls on anesthesia...he screamed the worst of the worst and it echoed down the hallway. I'd never heard him use that word. Obviously that act lacked intent.

If one teaches a non-English speaker that word, again, no intent.
Anton LeVey said do as thou wilt and Jesus said do as thou God wills. With his dying breath, Anton LeVey's last words were, "oh no what have I done." Jesus said while living on earth, while dying on earth, after coming back from death on earth, after ascending to Heaven, and says now and forever from Heaven, "come to me and I will save you."
Do you really believe this stuff? I find it difficult
To believe anyone truly believes this….

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