Because you have no answer except for what you can find in Google. Defend to your dying breath! I will defend my relationship with Jesus Christ til my dying breath. I will denounce those who harbor evil and claim good. Loving a gay lifestyle, gay marriage, gay adoption, drag queen antics, perverted attacks on our children, sex trafficking, racism, and any other approval of sinful lifestyles are all things I abhor and will call out. YOU, continuing to support Biden is a problem. I'd advise you rethink your position, repent and ask forgiveness and seek truth.
The evil wicked of this earth know very well of the power of God and Jesus and tremble in utter fear in its presence. This is why the evil will always pursue the innocent children, because they know what Jesus said that we must become like soft hearted innocent children to enter Heaven. The evil is forever fighting to prevent anyone from being an innocent child, regardless of age, because the evil will always drag, claw, clutch as many as possible to bring down with them to hell. As they say, misery loves company.
Speaking of Catholics, many of their heads are cluttered with cobwebs of philosophy, doctrines, rituals, customs, of man made religion apparatus. That is Satan's design as anytime there is onion layers of religious rites and many.procedures to adhere it is because Satan puts all that between man and God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Satan puts Mary, the pope, the Vatican, the bureaucracy priest hierarchy, the church, money, image, pride, ego, self between man and God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. The truth is so simple as Jesus is the only mediator and intercession between man and God, but Satan and the evil of this world complicate, obfuscate, and pervert the truth, all by design, so as to deceive and ensnare as many people as possible, especially innocent soft hearted children of all ages from birth to death. All the perverted truth man made religions of this world, including Catholicism, Islam, what Judaism became over time since, Hinduism, Buddhism, atheism, liberalism, communism are all deception and perversions of truth.
All any of us need for our minds, our bodies, and most importantly our souls is what comes directly from above from God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, no more, no less. That's the simple truth. Anybody saying more words than that is complicating, obfuscating, and perverting the truth by design in order to deceive others, whether they know they're doing that or not as they may not know that they themselves have been deceived by the devil so they think that they're not deceiving others.
KISS method for everyone, Keep It Simple Stupid. Go straight to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit 24/7/365. It's free and always available. Don't have to go to a specific person, church, place, don't have to pay anyone, don't have to recite any prescribed prayer, don't have to do any ritual, rite, custom, practice, tradition. Just have to pray to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and profit from it. All the man made religions and their apparatuses would have no power and control over others if everyone knew the simple truth. Satan knows this, which is why he designs layers, complexities, weaved webs, and various philosophies of man to build the walls between man and God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Let God, Jesus, Holy Spirit tear the walls down and free your minds, bodies, and souls. We can't do it ourselves as Satan is too strong for us but God, Jesus, Holy Spirit can do it for us if we love his Word and truth and pour out our hearts to him and not let our self, pride, and ego prevent us from doing so.