2018 recruiting (stars don’t matter)
Sure don't, never have, and never will in the final analysis.
#1 Punter Johnny Townsend - rsSr, Grad - NFL
Freshman All SEC -- Sr All American
~ #1 Punter Tommy Townsend - rsSo, Next up, (Johnny's brother).
#1 K Eddy Piners rsJr - Departs early (rsJr) for the NFL
2016 - 21/25 ----- 2017 17/18 ----- Career 38/43 = 88.4%
~ #1 K Evan McPherson Fr - Next up.
The 1st move in either kick begins with the LS.
#1 LS Ryan Farr Jr - Rubio 5, 247 3, is a 2018 Sr.
37 Gms, near perfect on his snaps.
~ #1 LS Marco Ortiz Fr - Rubio 5, 247 3, he's bigger & ready when needed.