Sunny; Mugabe tries to take credit for the MAGA economy

The 'October Surprise' for 2020 might be the Justice Department's indictment of Biden for his Ukraine and China corruption....

Otherwise, if he should win through the Demorats usual voter fraud, we'd have to sit through yet another Presidential Impeachment... :cool:


This makes his choice of a VP critical for America's future. :confused:
Actually, I have quite a happy lifestyle. I wouldn’t trade it for yours, that’s for sure. It’s no secret that I’ve owned several businesses, been a senior financial executive, and am a lecturer on many financial issues.

I know your type. You cling to these wacko sites with their conspiracy theories, while dismissing mainstream sites that actually have journalistic standards. As I’ve explained to you, OAN, which I don’t mind reading, has a stated mission to present only the conservative of an issue. Neither Fox or CNN are afraid to present opposing viewpoints. Therefore you’re not getting the full story if there is no debate. You just repeat the same old CTs and disinformation every Alt Right rube does. So you’re not woke, you’re brainwashed because you have a cognitive dissonance against anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. That’s fine, there are a lot of people like you.

Personally, I prefer to hear as many opposing views as possible in order to get a complete picture.

One America News (OAN) is not the only one exposing the Demorats.

BREAKING: Senior ABC Correspondent David Wright on Hidden Camera: How ‘Bosses Don’t See an Upside’ for Reporting News; ‘The Truth Suffers’; Says ABC Doesn’t ‘Give Trump Credit for What Things He Does Do’; ABC News Producer: New Yorkers Need to ‘Cross the Hudson River’ to Learn Why Voters Back Trump

EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT TO PROJECT VERITAS: ABC News Suspends Political Correspondent David Wright After He Is Caught on Undercover Video Identifying Himself as a ‘Socialist’ And Admitting the Network Spikes News Important to Voters.

The two newsmen, ABC News Correspondent David Wright and ABC News Producer Andy Fies, were recorded in New Hampshire are long-time veterans of ABC News and spoke from the perspective of covering multiple political cycles—where they have watched the degradation of their network’s integrity and commitment to news gathering.
Coastal elites (AKA the smart ones) got it wrong. Bigly.

They will be voting for Biden this time. Some Rhodes Scholars just can't learn.

Talk about getting it wrong. The Russians spend $200,000 on Fakebook and convince millions to switch their vote from the Godmother to Trump.

Coastal elite Bloomberg spends $717 million on TV ads and he buys 50 delegates.
Talk about getting it wrong. The Russians spend $200,000 on Fakebook and convince millions to switch their vote from the Godmother to Trump.

Coastal elite Bloomberg spends $717 million on TV ads and he buys 50 delegates.

Actually, Facebook execs testified before Congress that they did uncover evidence of election tampering by the Russians on their platform during the election. But it was AGAINST TRUMP! The Russians bought ads organizing rallies to get rid of Trump. Michael Moore famously got suckered into going to one of them, all sponsored by the commies.
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Trump never steered uranium reserves to Moscow. Hillary never lobbed missiles at Putin's favorite client.

Guess who Putin wants now. It sure ain't Trump.
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Good thing about these thousand point daily sell offs... at least Mugabe stopped trying to take credit for the stock market.
Good thing about these thousand point daily sell offs... at least Mugabe stopped trying to take credit for the stock market.

And you can't push man-made climate change hoax anymore. No one gives a shit about fake rising oceans in 80 years, if Trump Virus is gonna wipe out the planet in 8 weeks.

You goobs need to think through your hoaxes a bit better than this.
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Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine emerge as 2020 issue for Joe Biden.

Rudy's reputation a a Federal Prosecutor of government corruption is beyond reproach.

Giuliani: "I can't sit by and watch my country be sold out by Joe Biden."

NOQ Report -- DNC fires all weapons to prop up a man who doesn’t know where he is half the time...

Former Vice President Joe Biden is the DNC's last hope, and by picking him they've essentially began the implosion of the Democratic Party.

In all of my years covering presidential election politics, I have never seen a more concerted effort by national party representatives to prop up a bad-but-acceptable candidate. Even the RNC in 2016, much of which wasn’t convinced then-candidate Donald Trump could win in the general election, did far less to get in his way. Some tried and NeverTrump was born, but for the most part they recognized his bombast and flair were benefits to their overarching cause, so they ran with it. The DNC isn’t running with Bernie Sanders. They’re running away from him as fast as they possibly can.

They’re running back to the guy they were originally propping up before his gaffe-filled existence and pitiful fundraising efforts scared them away temporarily. They looked at Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg for a short time before finding both were wanting. They played with Elizabeth Warren and had her try on moderate clothes, but in doing so they only drove much of her progressive support towards Sanders. Then, they flirted with Michael Bloomberg as their savior, but made the wise decision to force him into a debate to see how he tasted to the electorate. That failed miserably.

So, they’re back to Quid Pro Joe. And, like any relatively organized and intellectual bunch, they’ve decided to go all-in as they derail the Sanders campaign and replace him as frontrunner with Biden. By going all-in, they’ve called on every favor they had in their Rolodex. First, they got his moderate lane competitors out of the way by cutting some sort of deal with Buttigieg and Klobuchar. Then, they hit up every prominent, semi-prominent, and somewhat known Democrat to tell them to get on whatever channels they had available to them to announce support for Biden.

Beto O’Rourke, Harry Reid, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and everyone they could find with a Twitter account swore their undying loyalty to the guy today. It was awkward watching the blatantly manufactured show of support flooding in for someone who, earlier today, promoted “the thing.”

I do not support Bernie Sanders, but I haven’t hidden the fact that I’d love for him to be the nominee. The reason isn’t like other Trump supporters who think Sanders would be easier to beat or that he would damage the down-ballot races for Democrats. The reason we need to see a Trump-Sanders general election is because this country needs to have the debate about freedom versus authoritarianism. Socialism will continue to rear its ugly head until we have that conversation on the national stage. I’d rather have that conversation between now and November instead of letting it fester for another four years. And it will.

The DNC’s message to Bernie Sanders and his supporters is this: We’re just not that into you. Meanwhile, they’re rallying behind a man who remembers more about his days as a Senator than what he had for breakfast this morning. The party is imploding.

TRUMP by a landslide in 2020... :cool: