Sunny; Mugabe tries to take credit for the MAGA economy

Someone just said that an O'Bomba whistle blower just committed Arkancide.... :eek:

You're an idiot that knows squat about me. I was a Democrat in the 70's, when they were still not socialist or closet fascists.
By the 90's I was an Independent, due to the "Not a dimes worth of difference between a Dem and a Pub." -- George Wallace I never voted for him but he got that right.

Now I'm a registered Pub, because that serves me best for my local and state elections.
I've always voted for the best candidate (imo) for any office, no matter the party.
I began by picking the 'Lesser of two Evils.'
But that has since degenerated into having to chose between,,,,
The Evil of two Lessers'.....
This condition will not get fixed until there is a 'None of the Above' ballot choice.
Forcing them to put forward better candidates.

Your main problem as I see it, is that you're too blind / ignorant to even see who's best for the country. (btw, Mini-Mike wants Arkancide Hillbillery for his VP) That alone totally disqualifies him for any national public office imoho. o_O

You support the fascist / socialists that keep saying that we need to protect our Democracy, ahead of the the Republicans that actually know that this is and always has been, a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, (and to the Republic for which it stands). o_O

Spend a week getting your news, editorials, and special reports from One America News, so that you'll have a chance to flush out some of the cesspool crap from between your ears that the MSM 'Fake News' has been pouring into you.... :cool:

That, or continue with your usual ignorant delusions that are sure to lead you to an unhappy lifestyle. :oops:

When your accomplishments can't be mentioned, well, that's what I expected from you. :cool:
As to service to your fellow citizens and your country, your type serves your own wallet and then tries to find some backhanded way to claim that it's helping someone else. Are you of American Indian heritage too? :rolleyes:

Quote of the Day - "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." -- Edward Abbey.
Making the 1st, and especially the 2nd Amendment, critically necessary. o_O

Communist Manifesto:
Graduated Income Tax to keep the slaves in their places.

Confiscation of their Arms, so the slaves can't do anything about it.
The government owns and controls everything, allowing guys like Putin to own/control a large platinum mine in Russia, to fill his own pockets. o_O
Bernie, Biden, Warren, and the Hillbilleries love the Russian model...
Actually, I have quite a happy lifestyle. I wouldn’t trade it for yours, that’s for sure. It’s no secret that I’ve owned several businesses, been a senior financial executive, and am a lecturer on many financial issues.

I know your type. You cling to these wacko sites with their conspiracy theories, while dismissing mainstream sites that actually have journalistic standards. As I’ve explained to you, OAN, which I don’t mind reading, has a stated mission to present only the conservative of an issue. Neither Fox or CNN are afraid to present opposing viewpoints. Therefore you’re not getting the full story if there is no debate. You just repeat the same old CTs and disinformation every Alt Right rube does. So you’re not woke, you’re brainwashed because you have a cognitive dissonance against anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. That’s fine, there are a lot of people like you.

Personally, I prefer to hear as many opposing views as possible in order to get a complete picture.
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I know your type. You cling to these wacko sites with their conspiracy theories, while dismissing mainstream sites that actually have journalistic standards. As I’ve explained to you, OAN, which I don’t mind reading, has a stated mission to present only the conservative of an issue. Neither Fox or CNN are afraid to present opposing viewpoints. Therefore you’re not getting the full story if there is no debate.

Hi @BSC911. I know you are reading this.

First, where is it stated by OAN that they only present one side of the story? Give us a link. Every time I watch them, they give the straight news, no spin or commentary.

Second, CNN actually does the very thing you claim OAN does. They spin every story to the left, and bring on lefties like Ana Navarro and Jennifer Rubin who they call 'conservatives'. The goal is to fool the low-information viewers into thinking they are presenting both sides of the issue.

As we can tell by your claims here, it's working. This is why Sunny questions your intelligence, anyone who is a critical thinker knows what CNN is all about. The fact that you miss it says it all.
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Hi @BSC911. I know you are reading this.

First, where is it stated by OAN that they only present one side of the story? Give us a link. Every time I watch them, they give the straight news, no spin or commentary.

Second, CNN actually does the very thing you claim OAN does. They spin every story to the left, and bring on lefties like Ana Navarro and Jennifer Rubin who they call 'conservatives'. The goal is to fool the low-information viewers into thinking they are presenting both sides of the issue.

As we can tell by your claims here, it's working. This is why Sunny questions your intelligence, anyone who is a critical thinker knows what CNN is all about. The fact that you miss it says it all.

I question intelligence after targeted first. BSC is an easy target because the simplest component of critical thinking is completely foreign to him. I have clearly established my teaching him the simplest component of critical thinking is completely beyond my reach.

Ghost gets it.
I question intelligence after targeted first. BSC is an easy target because the simplest component of critical thinking is completely foreign to him. I have clearly established my teaching him the simplest component of critical thinking is completely beyond my reach.

Ghost gets it.
Yet, you can’t even explain your silly tests. First there’s one simplest equation. Then maybe you could argue for a different one. Then it’s neither.

Both think they are stable geniuses. Both are idiots. Typical Trump voter.
Yet, you can’t even explain your silly tests. First there’s one simplest equation. Then maybe you could argue for a different one. Then it’s neither.

Both think they are stable geniuses. Both are idiots. Typical Trump voter.

You voted for Hillary.
Thank you for confirming again. We can always count on you.
No problem. I enjoy exposing people who claim to be smart, but continue to say stupid things.

Thank you for not understanding the word “simplest.” Next time you try to come up with a brain teaser, pick something that makes some sense.
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Ghost and instaGATOR can clearly define the simplest component of critical thinking. So where does Ghost and instaGATOR fail miserably? No matter how elementary their message, getting through to BSC remains completely beyond their reach.
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Ghost and instaGATOR can clearly define the simplest component of critical thinking. So where does Ghost and instaGATOR fail miserably? No matter how elementary their message, getting through to BSC remains completely beyond their reach.
Is this another 1+1=2 quiz?
Is this another 1+1=2 quiz?

@BSC911 you voted for Hillary and the two sources you trust for political information above any other are The New York Times and CNN. That means your political IQ is 50 at best.

I would not attempt to debate any topic with a person with an IQ of 50, which is why I never waste my time attempting to debate politics with you.
The Clinton's entered the WH as upper income.
They left the WH as multi-millionaires.

The O'Bomba's entered the WH as upper income middle class.
They left the WH as multi-millionaires.

So who was it that erroneously claimed that crime & corruption doesn't pay?

Whoever it was, they obviously don't know the Clinton's, O'Bomba's, Biden's, Pilosie's, Bull-Schiffe's, etc....

While Trump donates his Presidential paycheck to various charities every quarter.... o_O
Trump loves himself more than he loves the country. That’s why he’s trying to expand the office way beyond any other president.

Bernie would be the only one I like less than Trump. They are both populist morons.
How, specifically, is Trump trying to expand the office.
I think MSNBC and the likes haven't explained he's actually doing his job more than most Presidents.
You never answered how President Trump is trying to expand the office.
The Clinton's entered the WH as upper income.
They left the WH as multi-millionaires.

The O'Bomba's entered the WH as upper income middle class.
They left the WH as multi-millionaires.

So who was it that erroneously claimed that crime & corruption doesn't pay?

Whoever it was, they obviously don't know the Clinton's, O'Bomba's, Biden's, Pilosie's, Bull-Schiffe's, etc....

While Trump donates his Presidential paycheck to various charities every quarter.... o_O

lets not forget AlGae gore who had a estimated net worth of 7 million when he left the White House and now is worth 175 million fleecing the mopes who believe in the hoax of Man made GlowBALL warming
In Texas? Days before March?

Sorry, @BSC911. This is NOT what the 5 hottest years in the history of the planet look like. Let's please stop lying to ourselves.

Again, Ghost demonstrates clear understanding of the simplest component of critical thinking. It's called analysis. Something completely foreign to the Warmists.

Ghost and the Warmists do not know if man causes global warming. It's theory.
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Again, Ghost demonstrates clear understanding of the simplest component of critical thinking. It's called analysis. Something completely foreign to the Warmists.

Ghost and the Warmists do not know if man causes global warming. It's theory.
Does not understand the simplest concept of a scientific theory. Of course it’s a scientific theory. Supported by facts.

Sometime I feel like I’m talking to children in here.
Does not understand the simplest concept of a scientific theory. Of course it’s a scientific theory. Supported by facts.

Sometime I feel like I’m talking to children in here.

No facts exist that prove that man can change the climate. If they did, I would believe in the man-made climate change hoax too.

There is AMPLE evidence that man CONTRIBUTES to the earth's climate as does EVERY LIVING ORGANISM.

Contribution does not equal change.
Actually, I have quite a happy lifestyle. I wouldn’t trade it for yours, that’s for sure. It’s no secret that I’ve owned several businesses, been a senior financial executive, and am a lecturer on many financial issues.

I know your type. You cling to these wacko sites with their conspiracy theories, while dismissing mainstream sites that actually have journalistic standards. As I’ve explained to you, OAN, which I don’t mind reading, has a stated mission to present only the conservative of an issue. Neither Fox or CNN are afraid to present opposing viewpoints. Therefore you’re not getting the full story if there is no debate. You just repeat the same old CTs and disinformation every Alt Right rube does. So you’re not woke, you’re brainwashed because you have a cognitive dissonance against anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. That’s fine, there are a lot of people like you.

Personally, I prefer to hear as many opposing views as possible in order to get a complete picture.

Facts, witnesses, documents, containing real information, instead of MSDNC's usual propaganda.

In Part 4 of this exclusive One America News special report, Chanel Rion continues her Ukraine investigation to dismantle the Democrats' baseless impeachment case against President Trump. Take a deeper look into the Biden cover-up, money laundering schemes, bribes, millions in U.S. taxpayers money... o_O

So tell me, why would the State Dept. block witnesses from the Ukraine from entering the U.S. to testify (corruption maybe)? Why would Your Fox or CNN not do this kind of in-depth investigative reporting? And why are you such an ignorant, delusional Demorat? (rhetorical) :rolleyes:
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Well, I’m not a Democrat so..........

Im simply a Never Trumper. I never joined the cult.

Sorry twit, but Never Trumpers ARE a cult, of the worst kind... o_O

Trump's economy has set 27 new Stock Market records.

Black American unemployment is the lowest in history.
Under O'Bomba it was 16%, under Trump it's 6%.

Hispanic unemployment is the lowest in history.

Asian unemployment is the lowest in history.

Women's unemployment is the lowest in history.

Handicap Americans unemployment is the lowest in history.

Black youth unemployment is the lowest in history.

7 Million new jobs have been created under Trump.

NAFTA has been replaced by the USMCA Treaty.

China's abuse has been put in their place by Trump's new Trade Deal Phase 1.

Top terrorists have been removed.

ISIS has been crippled to the point of non-existence.

Russia has been repeatedly sanctioned.

Ukraine/U.S. Tax dollar[ corruption is now under investigation.

Trump is working to end the 19 year war in Afghanistan.

Never Trumpers are shown to be either traitors to the U.S., or totally deluded morons.

The forgotten Americans are awake and aware, and they will give Trump another 4 years by a 2020 landslide.... :p
Sorry twit, but Never Trumpers ARE a cult, of the worst kind... o_O

Trump's economy has set 27 new Stock Market records.

Black American unemployment is the lowest in history.
Under O'Bomba it was 16%, under Trump it's 6%.

Hispanic unemployment is the lowest in history.

Asian unemployment is the lowest in history.

Women's unemployment is the lowest in history.

Handicap Americans unemployment is the lowest in history.

Black youth unemployment is the lowest in history.

7 Million new jobs have been created under Trump.

NAFTA has been replaced by the USMCA Treaty.

China's abuse has been put in their place by Trump's new Trade Deal Phase 1.

Top terrorists have been removed.

ISIS has been crippled to the point of non-existence.

Russia has been repeatedly sanctioned.

Ukraine/U.S. Tax dollar[ corruption is now under investigation.

Trump is working to end the 19 year war in Afghanistan.

Never Trumpers are shown to be either traitors to the U.S., or totally deluded morons.

The forgotten Americans are awake and aware, and they will give Trump another 4 years by a 2020 landslide.... :p
Wow. You’ve really swallowed it hook line and sinker.

LOL at the stock market.
Wow. You’ve really swallowed it hook line and sinker.

LOL at the stock market.

Implying that what I posted it incorrect, yet you provided no info or links to show that.
Flappin' you idiot twit lips, with nothing to back it up, even after 3+ years and millions spent attempting to fabricate anything that could count as wrong-doing by Trump. You're pathetic.

The stock market was a 16,000 when Trump came into office, where is it now?
It has dropped very recently, but that's due to the virus, not Trump.
The Boeing fiasco with the loss of 27.000 jobs is also not due to Trump.
A good thing that he's created 7 million new jobs to soften that blow... o_O

You argue like a little girl, and that's being way to hard on little girls...:confused:
And you debate like a masochist that enjoys taking a beating every day... :oops:
I see the resident 'Never Trumper' has again gotten us WAY off topic in an obama thread.

Here's what obama said in 2016: "Those jobs ain't coming back, what's he think he's gonna do, wave a magic wand???"

Here's what obama said in 2020, after Trump DID bring the jobs back "Hey while we're talking about how great the economy is, let's not forget who started that!"

Course he also said in 2016 that it was impossible for russia to interfere in the presidential election. Sheep baaaaaa along.
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Black America poverty went up under Kasavubu. Home ownership went down. Kasavubu gave us Blexit and made Candace Owens famous.
Rest In Peace Jimmy Banks, aka, Kasavubu


Oops! You must have meant this Kasavubu.
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Wow. You’ve really swallowed it hook line and sinker.

LOL at the stock market.

A new poll has the U.S. as the leading economic power in the World.

This is the 1st time that the U.S. has been ahead of China since 2000. :p
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Lowes not doing so well now.
Having to restructure and sell their Rona stores in Canada.
Who was it bragging about how well Lowes was doing here a
few months ago after Home Depot reported losses.
Car business slowing down and now home's.