Someone just said that an O'Bomba whistle blower just committed Arkancide....
I vote for the person who is best for the country, which would never be a socialist. It could be a Dem. Bloomberg is a greater example of capitalism than Trump, and most any other Pub. So is Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, also Dems. The list goes on. You are just too myopic and tied to your partisanship to ever see the difference.
And I’ll just leave my business accomplishments to myself, lest I be accused of bragging, but let’s just say I’ve done quite well.
And nope, I’ve never served and respect the hell out of people that have. But I believe there are many ways to serve your country. Most patriots agree with this concept.
You're an idiot that knows squat about me. I was a Democrat in the 70's, when they were still not socialist or closet fascists.
By the 90's I was an Independent, due to the
"Not a dimes worth of difference between a Dem and a Pub." -- George Wallace I never voted for him but he got that right.
Now I'm a registered Pub,
because that serves me best for my local and state elections.
I've always voted for the best candidate (imo) for any office, no matter the party.
I began by picking the
'Lesser of two Evils.'
But that has since degenerated into having to chose between,,,,
The Evil of two Lessers'.....
This condition will not get fixed until there is a
'None of the Above' ballot choice.
Forcing them to put forward better candidates.
Your main problem as I see it, is that you're too
blind / ignorant to even see who's best for the country.
(btw, Mini-Mike wants Arkancide Hillbillery for his VP) That alone totally disqualifies him for any national public office imoho.
You support the
fascist / socialists that keep saying that we need to protect our
Democracy, ahead of the the Republicans that actually know that this is and always has been, a
CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, (and to the Republic for which it stands).
Spend a week getting your news, editorials, and special reports from
One America News, so that you'll have a chance to flush out some of the cesspool crap from between your ears that the
MSM 'Fake News' has been pouring into you....
That, or continue with your usual ignorant delusions that are sure to lead you to an unhappy lifestyle.
When your accomplishments can't be mentioned, well, that's what I expected from you.
As to service to your fellow citizens and your country, your type serves your own wallet and then tries to find some backhanded way to claim that it's helping someone else.
Are you of American Indian heritage too?
Quote of the Day -
"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." -- Edward Abbey.
Making the 1st, and especially the 2nd Amendment, critically necessary.
Communist Manifesto:
Graduated Income Tax to keep the slaves in their places.
Confiscation of their Arms, so the slaves can't do anything about it.
The government owns and controls everything, allowing guys like Putin to own/control a large platinum mine in Russia, to fill his own pockets.
Bernie, Biden, Warren, and the Hillbilleries love the Russian model...