Someone tried to kill Trump at rally...

  • JoeD
    3 minutes ago

    It is my understanding that Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas is the one who denied Trump additional secret service protection.


  • NY Post’s AI Censor Nanny
    4 minutes ago

    This is accurate.
It actually doesn't make sense unless it was bad hires with those snipers there. Yes human nature can come in but it shouldn't stop trained snipers from shooting someone in their sight right away they can see has a rifle in their hands. Well maybe it does make a little sense with the hiring practices of this administration.
I just think your wrong and not being realistic.

But opinions can differ, no issue here.
Glad the FBI is going to do an extensive investigation to attempt to ascertain the motive. Whew. Good news there.

Building was only 130 yards away from where Trump was on stage, nothing to a sniper. Had a white rooftop the assassin was crawling all over to get in position. Obviously no way all of the SS, FBI, State Police, Local Police personnel there on site all around the place could have possibly seen the guy ahead of time. No one could do that. Ok yeah the one guy with the red beard that was yelling to the law enforcement agents that there was a guy on the roof with a rifle because he can see him crawling around on it sure, but that was just a one in a million fluke.

Glad the FBI is going to do an extensive investigation to attempt to ascertain the motive. Whew. Good news there.

Building was only 130 yards away from where Trump was on stage, nothing to a sniper. Had a white rooftop the assassin was crawling all over to get in position. Obviously no way all of the SS, FBI, State Police, Local Police personnel there on site all around the place could have possibly seen the guy ahead of time. No one could do that. Ok yeah the one guy with the red beard that was yelling to the law enforcement agents that there was a guy on the roof with a rifle because he can see him crawling around on it sure, but that was just a one in a million fluke.

Is this the same FBI that instigated the Mar-A-Lago raid and are scared to death of Tump getting reelected.
Is this the same FBI that instigated the Mar-A-Lago raid and are scared to death of Tump getting reelected.

Good question, obviously it's impossible to determine that at this point but the FBI will be investigating if this is the same FBI that did all that other stuff too.

Breaking per Fox News- The FBI just released that they have determined that this "was an assassination attempt" on former President Donald J. Trump. Ok, but I hope the FBI isn't jumping the gun on this.
They won’t release his name because they want to confirm his ID with “biometrics and DNA”.
He's some dumbfuk 20 year old from PA about 20 miles from the rally was held. I haven't seen much more than that.
  • Angry
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I wonder if 8 years of one particular group of people constantly labeling someone a Nazi, racist, homophobe, xenophobe etc etc…as well as celebrities and politicians calling on violence of said person and his supporters had anything to do with this….probably not.
Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, AOC, squad members, MSM are responsible for the rhetoric slamming Trump, Supreme Court Justices and others whose views differ from their own. They villify and dehumanize their opponents, but do not want to debate policies or views because theirs are mostly indefenseable.

The American people need to send a strong message to the leftist extremists who have hijacked political dialog and are ruining our country. This election is common sense vs crazy.
You guys are looking way to hard for conspiracy.......let the info come out, they will find out a lot.
WTF do you expect after RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, fake FISA warrant, Hunterckaptop cover up 51 intelligence officials, fake law fare, media cover uos, censorship, etc? Told you UNAMERICAN type this type of stuff will come back to bite you. And here we are.
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I wish I could find the tweet but Friday night joey tweeted out Trump needs to be put in a bullseye
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Sorry, I've had it with the former SS agents coming on and saying what a great job all the agents and law enforcement did with this attempt. From the overhead view that Fox has shown countless times there were four to maybe six buildings with rooftops that a sniper could have used in this attempt. Maybe less as I still haven't seen anyone that has given an assessment of it on TV, maybe a few more as you can't see what is that far out directly in front of the stage with the over head view they keep showing. How these few rooftops were not covered is a fubard SS, FBI, State and local police fck up of epic proportions. Whether it was just human error in planning or done on purpose idk. But it is not SS and FBI that are responsible for Trump still being alive in fact, their actions or inactions brought Trump about as close as possible to being dead as you could at an event of this nature.
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WTF do you expect after RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, fake FISA warrant, Hunterckaptop cover up 51 intelligence officials, fake law fare, media cover uos, censorship, etc? Told you UNAMERICAN type this type of stuff will come back to bite you. And here we are.
This is why having rational discussion with shifty is a waste of time but for him to make such a moronic statement of people looking way too hard to find a conspiracy after ALL the examples you point out. Shifty is looking way too hard to IGNORE even the THOUGHT of conspiracy given the complete botch of needed protection. And I am not saying there was a conspiracy but to even poo poo even the thought of it shows you why he's a waste of time.
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WTF do you expect after RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, fake FISA warrant, Hunterckaptop cover up 51 intelligence officials, fake law fare, media cover uos, censorship, etc? Told you UNAMERICAN type this type of stuff will come back to bite you. And here we are.
My brother texted me and said that Trump will now win by 6-8 percent in the popular vote. Literally, he is now a Martyr.

You want to see in the moment mental acuity? He knew to show strength for the photo op right after an assassination attempt and getting pulled off stage.

….all of this and Jill still thinks Joe should stay in the race.
WTF do you expect after RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, fake FISA warrant, Hunterckaptop cover up 51 intelligence officials, fake law fare, media cover uos, censorship, etc? Told you UNAMERICAN type this type of stuff will come back to bite you. And here we are.
Take the most recent hiding of Biden’s cognitive decline.

Democrats are intelligent and coordinated.

Going through the various thought processes in only natural and per the above, more than justified.

We have also lived with the assassination if JFK and the various writings and movies. (Oliver Stone). It’s a normal process at this point, which even the NYT wrote about on its digital platform.
I have refrained from posting until I got some facts here. Being someone that loves this Country, first thing in my mind is JFK/ CIA and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, law far, etc.
I think it should be impossible for someone to get within 130 yards with a long gun. This stinks BIG TIME, and because of what I know has happened, I think our government is most certainly involved, and I think the only reason Trump is alive is because God is in OUR side. Less then 1 inch and Trump was dead .
Yes, God has a plan. We do not know it. To say "God is on our side" is naive and self serving. Like saying He loves a rich man more than a poor man; like saying my side is the only righteous ones and the other sides are condemned. Unfortunately, I guess that's what many on this forum DO believe.
It's crazy when you think about it that Trump is still alive. In the Army the worst shooters could easily put a kill shot on target at 150 yards with an M16 rifle which is an AR15 basically I think. From them not securing that rooftop to the snipers not shooting him right away when first scoping him after the cops were told about the guy is all crazy.
Yes, God has a plan. We do not know it. To say "God is on our side" is naive and self serving. Like saying He loves a rich man more than a poor man; like saying my side is the only righteous ones and the other sides are condemned. Unfortunately, I guess that's what many on this forum DO believe.
The belief in God or non belief in God and who and what God is is a personal belief and determination for every person. You contradict your own sermon by making a declarative statement that saying "God is on our side" is naive and self serving. If that is one's belief, who the hell are you to pass judgment and make declarative statements of what those beliefs represent. You are entitled to your OWN beliefs but don't make believe you have all knowing knowledge of what anyone else's beliefs represent.
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