I only laugh again at all you holier-than-thou crackpots. Do you honestly believe your savior Trump has more scruples than the average democrat? I already know what you will respond to protect your party, but what do you really believe?
Hell yes, Trump has far more scruples than many Democrats. Who doesn’t have more scruples than a Democrat who supports socialism, defunding the police, no bail for criminals, open borders, record inflation, to name a few things? Especially when it comes to what’s best for the American people and not politicians pockets. Trump built the economy to record levels, increased jobs for minorities to record levels, had the country energy independent for the first time, had our enemy countries fearing us, rebuilt our military, stopped Al Queda, and secured the border to name a few things. That is far and beyond what any Dem has ever done. He also interrupted their plan to force socialism down Americans‘ throats. The numbers support Trumps gains and success. Dems can’t argue with the numbers so they lie, deny, deflect and use the liberal media to do their fighting for them publically. Sounds like Trump had the best interests of the American people with the policies he fought for and pushed for.
Yet, you and the crackpot Tards continue to make excuses for politicians who are leading the country to record inflation growth, soaring gas prices that have more than doubled in Biden’s first year and a half in office, supply and demand issues with food and resources, Biden sells oil from our Special Reserves to our enemies, including 1 million barrels to an energy company Biden’s son has a part ownership in (I wonder what the Big Guy’s cut was in that deal), Fentanyl drug deaths have skyrocketed since Biden opened the borders, crime has hit record levels in Blue states and cities bc they’re more interested in defunding the police, and they use the FBI and the DOJ to target innocent conservatives who don’t agree with their policies or they feel are a threat to their agendas. And you’ll sit here and make the same bullsh*t excuses and continue to support an embarrassing, bumbling, pedophile fool as all the other Tards bc you know it’s true and you CANT provide a factual answer. Lie, deny, deflect, repeat.