Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread


Seriously my friend I would love to discuss this with you and have an exchange with you but that’s not what you guys do here. I could explain this to you but it wouldn’t matter because you have preconceived beliefs and you simply look for things on the Internet to go along with them. You’re not interested in learning you’re interested in bouncing your ideas of the walls of an echo chamber. That’s why those of us that were interested in rational debate moved on and went elsewhere.
It’s good to see the narrative hasn’t changed on iota since I put you on ignore.

We’re too dumb, stubborn or ignorant to question - or even have an adult conversation about the subject.

God bless you for gracing the board with your wisdom.
  • Haha
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More disinformation for the echo chamber.

Only trust people who ignore natural immunity.

This has always been where the rubber meets the road for me.

The people cheering on vaccines have an obvious potential financial benefit. The poster you mentioned has even bragged about how administering shots (and treating people suffering the affects of said shots) had made him millions. Big pharma and government have clear and obvious financial incentives to push the shots.

While at the same time, there's no financial incentive to spread facts that are counter to the carefully-crafted narrative that the shots are liquid gold. In fact, it's the opposite; There are very clear financial, professional and personal disadvantages to sharing such information. People have been censored, deplatformed, threatened, attacked.

We are becoming hitler's Germany before our very eyes. Amazing how many people are totally cool with that.

Ghost: “You are an emotional person who lives in fear and jumps at shadows.”

Ghost: “We are becoming hitler's Germany before our very eyes. Dr. Fauci is a supervillain who intentionally released a virus to cost Trump the election and the vaccines are a deadlier than COVID itself.”
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It’s good to see the narrative hasn’t changed on iota since I put you on ignore.

We’re too dumb, stubborn or ignorant to question - or even have an adult conversation about the subject.

God bless you for gracing the board with your wisdom.
It’s not a narrative. I’d be more than happy to discuss this with you if you’re willing to have a conversation. You guys on here are not willing to have a conversation.

If you would like to have a conversation about this I’m more than happy to discuss it.

I will tell you that I read that article and there’s an off a lot of variables missing and it’s not actually a scientific study therefore it’s a lot of speculation. Some of those issues could’ve been related to actual Covid infection and not the vaccine some of it probably related the vaccine. The vaccine has side effects. All things have side effects. But today the vaccine is far safer than the virus.

That said, as I told you personally in a private message before and I’ve said here on the board before I’m not convinced vaccinating people at the age range of 5 to 11 is the greatest idea. I don’t believe in mandates for vaccines. I do believe the pandemic in the United States as we know it is over because enough people have been vaccinated or been infected that we should have a high enough level of immunity to make this Covid virus and it’s variance far less dangerous than they once were.

It doesn’t mean they’re Won’t be local outbreaks or endemic epidemics from time to time particular variance but a global pandemic of the proportions not seen since the 1918 influenza outbreak will not be seen again probably for about 100 years if we’re lucky

Historically that’s usually the case although the population size is far greater now than it’s ever been by proportion of over 100 times..
Geezus. And on the other end of the pendulum...

AGAIN...he is not the one making decisions. His puppet masters are. And they don't want publicity. They need to work in the shadows. His only decision is which flavor pudding he wants for dessert.
Ooooh. Is this the Deep State or the Global Cabal you’re talking about here? The Rothchilds? I get your paranoia mixed up sometimes.
5X increase in European athlete severe outcomes and deaths in 2021.

@gator1776 ask yourself this - if none of this is credible, if the vaccines are totally safe as we're told, what do these people have to gain by spewing such harmful lies? Who do you trust more, gov't agencies who gain money and power, Big Pharma getting rich...or concerned researchers and citizens who have nothing to gain?

Are we old enough to remember the opioid crisis? Big Pharma lied to doctors and patients and manipulated research to get rich regardless of how many people died. But now we're supposed to believe they are altruistic and would never push a dangerous treatment for a never ending disease creating an endless profit stream?

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton want to cure racism about as badly as the Pharma companies want everyone healthy and off medicines.

Gee, I wonder why all the NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS, etc aren’t all keeling over. Seems odd.
Gee, I wonder why all the NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS, etc aren’t all keeling over. Seems odd.
There have been several. A few NBA player's seasons have been ended. A Vikings lineman was hospitalized. It was all posted here, just not in your masturbatory thread, so I understand how you missed it.

The Dallas Cowboys are experiencing a massive outbreak of breakthrough infections while you're wondering things.
It’s good to see the narrative hasn’t changed on iota since I put you on ignore.

We’re too dumb, stubborn or ignorant to question - or even have an adult conversation about the subject.

God bless you for gracing the board with your wisdom.
Some people want to discuss the pros and cons of the shots, so people can make informed decisions.

Others, just want to be 'right' on a message board.

It is what it is.
Wait, no you're changing the subject. And cases have increased (and we've had more deaths from Covid (or with Covid) since the vaccines were introduced, but again, lets discuss things you're wrong about in the proper order).

Back up your claim that the vaccines stop the spread please.

Don't go full BSC again.
More deaths from COVID since the vaccine were introduced? Are you friggin serious? Yeah, mainly from the unvaccinated.

Yes, vaccines help stop the spread. There’s plenty of info out there if you would just open your eyes and quit listening to Tucker.
There have been several. A few NBA player's seasons have been ended. A Vikings lineman was hospitalized. It was all posted here, just not in your masturbatory thread, so I understand how you missed it.

The Dallas Cowboys are experiencing a massive outbreak of breakthrough infections while you're wondering things.
How do you know they are breakthroughs? Like Aaron Rogers?
Ghost: “You are an emotional person who lives in fear and jumps at shadows.”

Ghost: “We are becoming hitler's Germany before our very eyes. Dr. Fauci is a supervillain who intentionally released a virus to cost Trump the election and the vaccines are a deadlier than COVID itself.”
You even jumped at shadows with covid, I think you just picked the wrong shadow.

As I have said all along, nothing would make me happier than being proven 100% wrong about these shots and the people pushing them.
It’s good to see the narrative hasn’t changed on iota since I put you on ignore.

We’re too dumb, stubborn or ignorant to question - or even have an adult conversation about the subject.

God bless you for gracing the board with your wisdom.

And back at you.
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It’s good to see the narrative hasn’t changed on iota since I put you on ignore.

We’re too dumb, stubborn or ignorant to question - or even have an adult conversation about the subject.

God bless you for gracing the board with your wisdom.
I think a better description as you just to close minded and two convinced and you don’t really understand the scientific method. As Sort would say, you’re a useful idiot. But I’m hoping for More from you someday, better from you someday.
I didn’t know she was still vice president, LOL
If that demented gentleman and his cackling vice president had run against anybody besides Trump there’s no way they would’ve won. Trump is his own worst enemy, he causes people to vote against him no matter what they’re voting for. He had an opportunity to reinvent the country and the Republican party but his narcissism got in the way.
As Professor Snape looked at all of the facts, and came to the WRONG conclusion yet again....
Tut, tut
1776 QUACK😷 — fame (doc-tor) clearly isn’t everything.

Trump did not lose the 2020 excuse for an election, it was stolen, which anyone with a brain already knows.

“Then you will find yourself easy prey for the Dark Lord! Fools who wear their hearts proudly on their sleeves, who cannot control their emotions, who wallow in sad memories and allow themselves to be provoked this easily — weak people, in other words — they stand no chance against his powers! He will penetrate your mind with absurd ease."
Geezus. And on the other end of the pendulum...

AGAIN...he is not the one making decisions. His puppet masters are. And they don't want publicity. They need to work in the shadows. His only decision is which flavor pudding he wants for dessert.

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The only dumber people in the world, are those that voted for this shill, and those that still support his traitorous acts against America.
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As Professor Snape looked at all of the facts, and came to the WRONG conclusion yet again....
Tut, tut
1776 QUACK😷 — fame (doc-tor) clearly isn’t everything.

Trump did not lose the 2020 excuse for an election, it was stolen, which anyone with a brain already knows.

“Then you will find yourself easy prey for the Dark Lord! Fools who wear their hearts proudly on their sleeves, who cannot control their emotions, who wallow in sad memories and allow themselves to be provoked this easily — weak people, in other words — they stand no chance against his powers! He will penetrate your mind with absurd ease."
And some are still spinning their wheels.
COVID is real, but it's more of a political football to ensure fascism is close at hand ...
Could it be those celebrities and the Governor's goons spreading covid during all those times they got busted for not wearing masks, while ordering those beneath them to wear them?
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How is this possible? Again, the math breaks down.

@BSC911 told us the shots slow the spread and they work. @Uniformed_ReRe told us the same thing.

If this were true, California would be the Gold Star example of dealing with covid, and Florida would be the cautionary tale. Yet it's the precise opposite.

California has some of the strictest covid restrictions in the nation. Florida has some of the loosest.

@BSC911? @Uniformed_ReRe? What happened? How did you guys get it so wrong?
  • Wow
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How is this possible? Again, the math breaks down.

@BSC911 told us the shots slow the spread and they work. @Uniformed_ReRe told us the same thing.

If this were true, California would be the Gold Star example of dealing with covid, and Florida would be the cautionary tale. Yet it's the precise opposite.

California has some of the strictest covid restrictions in the nation. Florida has some of the loosest.

@BSC911? @Uniformed_ReRe? What happened? How did you guys get it so wrong?

These lefty states will continue with the crazy restrictions as its a control thing in reality and the news articles will continue with their spin that this joke vaccine is curbing the spread of the stuff.

Curious to see how this plays out over the winter. I think last time Florida had a late summer spike and a big winter spike but so far it looks like the winter one may not be nearly as big.
How is this possible? Again, the math breaks down.

@BSC911 told us the shots slow the spread and they work. @Uniformed_ReRe told us the same thing.

If this were true, California would be the Gold Star example of dealing with covid, and Florida would be the cautionary tale. Yet it's the precise opposite.

California has some of the strictest covid restrictions in the nation. Florida has some of the loosest.

@BSC911? @Uniformed_ReRe? What happened? How did you guys get it so wrong?

I said early on that climate is a factor. Also, Florida’s rate vaccination higher than most states. I’ve also said that there is no evidence that lockdowns are effective and that keeping people indoors may actually make things worse because most transmission is within the household.