I think we would all like more transparency where possible. But the takeaway here is that COVID related outcomes for vaccinated people are superior to that of unvaccinated by a significant margin. You would agree with that statement, right?
With the data as presented? Well of course, you'd have to agree with that.
It's the 'as presented' part that raises concern among fair-minded people.
This reminds me of the endless polls during 2020 that showed that Hiden had 20-30 point leads over Trump. They just didn't 'feel' right.
Sure enough, dig into the fine print and the methodology, and you would often find that respondents self-identified as democrats were oversampled. Basically the polls were oversampling dems to get the results they wanted for their poll.
It feels like that's happening here, especially around how they are classifying 'unvaccinated' versus 'vaccinated'. As others pointed out, why not break down the data further to help us understand what we are looking at?
What is the age of the covid patients?
Any underlying health issues?
How many have received one shot?
Two shots?
No shots?
We have no idea, and Vandy isn't going to tell us.
So if your main takeaway from that is 'the shots work', then carry on.
My main takeaway is that this is incomplete data, and the source is intentionally not providing the proper context around that data.