Like I said, I'm totally fine with adding the politicization element to this thread. It's a very interesting discussion, plus it will further marginalize the claims from certain posters, which I think is beneficial to all.
Now back on topic:
@Uniformed_ReRe ignored my point, so let's revist:
During all of 2020, we were told by the dems here that covid cases and deaths spiking meant Trump had to go. All cases and deaths fell directly on his shoulders, and they used it as Exihibit A for why we had to bring in 'an adult' like Hiden to handle covid. Hiden himself said we needed to bring in him cause he had 'a plan' to handle covid.
In the last year, covid cases are up 328%.
Deaths are up 50%.
And as we see from this board, the dems like
@Uniformed_ReRe apparently could care less.
Isn't that interesting? It suggests that the hand-wringing over covid from the dems was all political theater.
In fact, when pressed,
@Uniformed_ReRe refused to place any blame for the spike in covid cases and deaths at Hiden's feet. He instead claimed that THOSE WHO HAVEN"T TAKEN THE SHOT are responsible for the spikes.
Let's again do the math: A year ago, we had no shots. So 0% of the population had taken the shots.
Today, we have the shots. Hiden's administration claims 70% of the population has taken the shot.
So how are cases and deaths spiking at the same time that the percentage of the population who has taken the shot is increasing at a much faster rate?
@Uniformed_ReRe is right, how is 30% of the population responsible for MORE covid cases and deaths than 100% of the population was a year ago?
Of course, this is nonsensical to the absurd.
But it does raise some very elementary questions:
How are covid cases and deaths spiking as the percentage vaccinated does at the same time?
Doesn't that suggest that these shots aren't vaccines at all, and in fact that they don't work?
Of course it does.
So then if the shots don't work, why are they being pushed on us so hard?
In addition, why are promising treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin beng demonized at the same time?
It's clear that certain forces are desperate for us to take the shot. It's equally clear that the shots don't do what they are promised to do.
A lot of questions for the intelligent and impartial to ponder.