Nobody knows everything about any subject, field, or area of expertise. Everything in life is case by case, medically, relationships, each person's own unique circumstances, etc. With that said, my family and I feel comfortable that we did not get this specific vax. We each independently came to the same determination based on our own research and hearsay. My wife's friend's father is a veteran cardiologist in private practice and he told family and friends from the jump not to get this vax due to the spike, pun intended, in new patients coming into his practice, especially young kids and young adults, with heart issues. He's aged in his 60's and he never seen so many patients as he has the past two years. Separately, I also have had a friend die within 24 hours of getting the Vax, he was 43 years old. My family had already decided not to get this vax before hearing about the aforementioned cardiologist's experience and before knowing my buddy died. Those incidents only solidified our skepticism and assured us of our decisions not to take this vax. I combined empirical evidence, expert opinions, gut instincts, logic, and common sense in my decision to not get the vax. This was a new substance and new technology shot that wasn't properly tested via clinical trials on humans. Scientists, politicians, doctors, researchers, etc. are all human. As with all things in life, remember "buyer beware" and "to err is human". When in doubt in life, go direct to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and you'll never be led astray.