I'm in Marketing. I don't claim to be a "researcher" at all. My quant skills leave alot to be desired.
I also don't think we faked the moon landings. That's gaslighting.
I know the flaws in VAERS. It's a passive reporting system. By nature that's going to make it noisy AF and not a rock-solid source of data. But it's 1) set up and maintained by a 3-letter agency, you seem to trust those, and 2) most people agree it dramatically under reports. It's a PITA to fill out a report, the UX sucks, and doctors are already stressed fighting the virus (and doing their normal jobs). But it's the same system we've had for a few decades and within a few months Covid vaccines had outpaced 20+ years worth of reports/incidences. Is that just pockets of whacko doctors filling out forms because they're "moon landers" or whatever you think people that don't agree with you are? It doesn't make sense.
And no, I don't think doctors are going to be how we learn about these vaccines. First off, most doctors are trained to trust the FDA and CDC (source: my dad is a retired Radiologist). Secondly, there's no gain in it. Doctors are getting licenses pulled for questioning the vaccines. Their medical boards answer to the FDA and control their ability to practice.
I think, if it is as bad as it looks, insurance companies are going to be the canaries in the coalmine. Their actuaries are going to start publishing comparative data and it won't look good. All cause mortality is another key metric that will tell us if these vaccines are causing death, but the insurance companies will track injury as well. We'll know soon enough. It's difficult on a case by case to establish causation, but trends and macro data will be hard to refute.
BTW - this site takes VAERS reports and aggregates them. Click on a few and read them. At least know what's in a VAERS report before you call the whole system complete BS.
Some are sore arms, expired product administered and storage areas. But there are some that are serious. Ask yourself, why would a health care professional fake one of these?