My sad realizations


Bull Gator
Apr 1, 2002
The Gators aren't going to compete with the elites anytime soon and Kamala is going to be the next President.

The democrats and their media are doing a very good job packaging and protecting Kamala.

Either the republican party leaders are idiots or Trump doesn't listen to them. Why do republicans repeatedly agree to debates with democrat friendly moderators? It's always going to be a no win situation.

I will pray hard that I am wrong on both counts.
The Gators aren't going to compete with the elites anytime soon and Kamala is going to be the next President.

The democrats and their media are doing a very good job packaging and protecting Kamala.

Either the republican party leaders are idiots or Trump doesn't listen to them. Why do republicans repeatedly agree to debates with democrat friendly moderators? It's always going to be a no win situation.

I will pray hard that I am wrong on both counts.

Poor Theo

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Y'all got spirit. Bless your hearts for that! I hope you're right.

hang in there buddy we got this 😎

The debate is backfiring on Harris and #faknews ABC

It’s the economey stupid~ Bill Clinton


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hang in there buddy we got this 😎

The debate is backfiring on Harris and #faknews ABC

It’s the economey stupid~ Bill Clinton


Although Trump did himself NO FAVORS last night...It REALLY should not matter. You should not elect a POTUS because they got the debate questions ahead of time and rehearsed everything out and won the night. I hope America is much smarter than this. However he could have put this election out of reach if he was not such a narcissistic, ego maniac. I still love the guy and love what I KNOW he will do for America...but I have never loved this part of him. And the dimwits played him just like a f'n fiddle..and he fell for it. I expect more from him.
Although Trump did himself NO FAVORS last night...It REALLY should not matter. You should not elect a POTUS because they got the debate questions ahead of time and rehearsed everything out and won the night. I hope America is much smarter than this. However he could have put this election out of reach if he was not such a narcissistic, ego maniac. I still love the guy and love what I KNOW he will do for America...but I have never loved this part of him. And the dimwits played him just like a f'n fiddle..and he fell for it. I expect more from him.
This race should not be close. The Biden / Harris administration is one of the worst in the last century but here we are. The GOP, now MAGA, put Trump at the head of the ticket and what should be a double digit lead is a horse race.

Harris set him up and his narcissistic personality came through. It could have been different.
This race should not be close. The Biden / Harris administration is one of the worst in the last century but here we are. The GOP, now MAGA, put Trump at the head of the ticket and what should be a double digit lead is a horse race.

Harris set him up and his narcissistic personality came through. It could have been different.
Where I seem to differ from you is..and you are DEAD WRONG here. The GOP did not put Trump there. They cannot stand him. WE THE F'N PEOPLE did. GOP is not as evil as democrats...and they DID put Kum Allah where she is. But they are marxist/fascists, so it is understandable
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Where I seem to differ from you is..and you are DEAD WRONG here. The GOP did not put Trump there. They cannot stand him. WE THE F'N PEOPLE did. GOP is not as evil as democrats...and they DID put Kum Allah where she is. But they are marxist/fascists, so it is understandable
Today's GOP is MAGA. It is not a conservative party today and even Trump says that. Trump was not required to participate in the primary debates and the GOP did everything he demanded. He debated a dead man walking in Biden but I doubt there is another politician he could win a debate against. He is too easily baited and gets derailed.

Trump was promoted by Democrats and Fox News to be the GOP nominee and the reason is obvious, he is the weakest and easiest to beat. This race should not be close but Trump has proven he cannot articulate sound policy that would make this a GOP landslide. Instead he listens to Roger Stone and Laura Loomer then gets in the weeds with "stolen elections", people eating dogs and cats and waffling on abortion. These are not issues you win with and they provide sound bites that are used to make you look foolish.

I do not vote Democrat and never will under any circumstances. I think any "conservative" who is going to vote for Kamala is a fraud. I am a conservative who has watched the GOP run from conservative values to where we are now. We have become Democrat Lite. MAGA has a grip on the party and has made it clear no one is welcome who will not kiss Trump's ring. You are not allowed to dispute or have a different opinion than Trump or people like Loomer will say you are faking cancer. It will take a miracle to win in November and our fear is Trump will hurt down ballot. Like he did in 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023. We are screwed as a nation.
Today's GOP is MAGA. It is not a conservative party today and even Trump says that. Trump was not required to participate in the primary debates and the GOP did everything he demanded. He debated a dead man walking in Biden but I doubt there is another politician he could win a debate against. He is too easily baited and gets derailed.

Trump was promoted by Democrats and Fox News to be the GOP nominee and the reason is obvious, he is the weakest and easiest to beat. This race should not be close but Trump has proven he cannot articulate sound policy that would make this a GOP landslide. Instead he listens to Roger Stone and Laura Loomer then gets in the weeds with "stolen elections", people eating dogs and cats and waffling on abortion. These are not issues you win with and they provide sound bites that are used to make you look foolish.

I do not vote Democrat and never will under any circumstances. I think any "conservative" who is going to vote for Kamala is a fraud. I am a conservative who has watched the GOP run from conservative values to where we are now. We have become Democrat Lite. MAGA has a grip on the party and has made it clear no one is welcome who will not kiss Trump's ring. You are not allowed to dispute or have a different opinion than Trump or people like Loomer will say you are faking cancer. It will take a miracle to win in November and our fear is Trump will hurt down ballot. Like he did in 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023. We are screwed as a nation.
Agree with most of this. Although I don't think we are screwed, America has proved resilient in the past.

Nikki Haley could have been the fist female president if MAGA didn't "F" things up. If Kamala wins this election, MAGA folks need to take a long look in the mirror.
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The Gators aren't going to compete with the elites anytime soon and Kamala is going to be the next President.

The democrats and their media are doing a very good job packaging and protecting Kamala.

Either the republican party leaders are idiots or Trump doesn't listen to them. Why do republicans repeatedly agree to debates with democrat friendly moderators? It's always going to be a no win situation.

I will pray hard that I am wrong on both counts.
Oh god, why are you guys so annoyed by fact checkers? Maybe, just maybe don't lie? Saying that people abort babies after birth is such a lie that it should be fact checked.

Also, Trump is still the favored.
The Gators aren't going to compete with the elites anytime soon and Kamala is going to be the next President.

The democrats and their media are doing a very good job packaging and protecting Kamala.

Either the republican party leaders are idiots or Trump doesn't listen to them. Why do republicans repeatedly agree to debates with democrat friendly moderators? It's always going to be a no win situation.

I will pray hard that I am wrong on both counts.
Because debates happen on TV. The media is a captured industry.

This is how things are going to be. I can't believe you didn't see this coming. The only reason CNN was fair was the hit was out on Biden.

The estrogen in this post is making my man boobs swell.
Agree with most of this. Although I don't think we are screwed, America has proved resilient in the past.

Nikki Haley could have been the fist female president if MAGA didn't "F" things up. If Kamala wins this election, MAGA folks need to take a long look in the mirror.
Screwed is too strong of a word, America is resilient. Just like last night when Trump said if he is not elected President Israel will cease to exist in two years. My faith tells me God is in control of the fate of Israel, not a U.S. President.

Looking back although Trump lost the debate and looked foolish at times all is not lost. Even Obama lost a debate so losing a debate is not the end. I just hope Trump will not harm the down ballot. He is responsible for a Democrat senate today with his handling of the Georgia runoffs. And no Stacey Abrams would not be a better governor than Brian Kemp and Charlie Crist is not better than Ron DeSantis. It is stupid things like this that turns off so many people with Trump.

Now if Trump can focus on the issues, which are his strength, we might salvage this thing. But he can't take the bait the MSM and Democrats are going to throw at him. Stay out of rabbit holes Donald. Like crowd size.
Today's GOP is MAGA. It is not a conservative party today and even Trump says that. Trump was not required to participate in the primary debates and the GOP did everything he demanded. He debated a dead man walking in Biden but I doubt there is another politician he could win a debate against. He is too easily baited and gets derailed.

Trump was promoted by Democrats and Fox News to be the GOP nominee and the reason is obvious, he is the weakest and easiest to beat. This race should not be close but Trump has proven he cannot articulate sound policy that would make this a GOP landslide. Instead he listens to Roger Stone and Laura Loomer then gets in the weeds with "stolen elections", people eating dogs and cats and waffling on abortion. These are not issues you win with and they provide sound bites that are used to make you look foolish.

I do not vote Democrat and never will under any circumstances. I think any "conservative" who is going to vote for Kamala is a fraud. I am a conservative who has watched the GOP run from conservative values to where we are now. We have become Democrat Lite. MAGA has a grip on the party and has made it clear no one is welcome who will not kiss Trump's ring. You are not allowed to dispute or have a different opinion than Trump or people like Loomer will say you are faking cancer. It will take a miracle to win in November and our fear is Trump will hurt down ballot. Like he did in 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023. We are screwed as a nation.
"Your" party is no more. We are done with them. When I say we....WE are the HUGE majority in our party now. No more RINO's for us. No more Jeff more Romneys and McCains for us. No more Dich and Liz Cheney's. We retired most of them...and the rest are on borrowed time. We are NOT the GOP. The GOP has to follow us until they get a REAL candidate than quit lying to our faces and then go in the back rooms and vote with the democrats. I believe those types days are almost gone.
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Agree with most of this. Although I don't think we are screwed, America has proved resilient in the past.

Nikki Haley could have been the fist female president if MAGA didn't "F" things up. If Kamala wins this election, MAGA folks need to take a long look in the mirror.
THANK GOD the founding fathers were BRILLIANT, and WE THE PEOPLE get to make the decisions...not the severe minority loud mouths
Today's GOP is MAGA. It is not a conservative party today and even Trump says that. Trump was not required to participate in the primary debates and the GOP did everything he demanded. He debated a dead man walking in Biden but I doubt there is another politician he could win a debate against. He is too easily baited and gets derailed.

Trump was promoted by Democrats and Fox News to be the GOP nominee and the reason is obvious, he is the weakest and easiest to beat. This race should not be close but Trump has proven he cannot articulate sound policy that would make this a GOP landslide. Instead he listens to Roger Stone and Laura Loomer then gets in the weeds with "stolen elections", people eating dogs and cats and waffling on abortion. These are not issues you win with and they provide sound bites that are used to make you look foolish.

I do not vote Democrat and never will under any circumstances. I think any "conservative" who is going to vote for Kamala is a fraud. I am a conservative who has watched the GOP run from conservative values to where we are now. We have become Democrat Lite. MAGA has a grip on the party and has made it clear no one is welcome who will not kiss Trump's ring. You are not allowed to dispute or have a different opinion than Trump or people like Loomer will say you are faking cancer. It will take a miracle to win in November and our fear is Trump will hurt down ballot. Like he did in 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023. We are screwed as a nation.
This is just ridiculous. And WRONG. Please explain the lawfare if they WANTED Trump. Our system is VERY, VERY simple. The PEOPLE make these decisions, and have for 270 years. It sounds like you were a DeSantis fan and still pissed he got STEAMROLLED by Trump. I LOVE DeSantis as our governor. But when he went to the dark side establishment was one of THE DUMBEST decisions he ever made. I think highly of him...but that was a REAL headscratcher. Trump IS the republican party until he chooses to leave...and when he does..we will NEVER, EVER go back to the old pub way. WE ARE AMERICA FIRST..and will be for quite some time. I appreciate discussing this stuff with you!
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Because debates happen on TV. The media is a captured industry.

This is how things are going to be. I can't believe you didn't see this coming. The only reason CNN was fair was the hit was out on Biden.

The estrogen in this post is making my man boobs swell.
So the republicans are weak and helpless? They don't even have the pull to require balanced moderators?
Oh god, why are you guys so annoyed by fact checkers? Maybe, just maybe don't lie? Saying that people abort babies after birth is such a lie that it should be fact checked.

Also, Trump is still the favored.
People do kill live born babies. It's been happening throughout the history of mankind. I personally know nurses who have told stories of live born healthy babies being killed on purpose in hospitals. The former Dem governor of VA did say and did want a law that allowed full term healthy babies live birthed to be allowed to be "aborted" if the mother so chose. Just because many people don't know facts doesn't mean they're not facts. Many people choose scripted puppets over blunt, frank, truth speakers, which is why we all suffer due to the ignorants.
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Agree with most of this. Although I don't think we are screwed, America has proved resilient in the past.

Nikki Haley could have been the fist female president if MAGA didn't "F" things up. If Kamala wins this election, MAGA folks need to take a long look in the mirror.
who cares what gender somebody is? what color? the person with the best policies should win. problem is, both sides elecorate dont care about policies they care about being told they matter more.
The Gators aren't going to compete with the elites anytime soon and Kamala is going to be the next President.

The democrats and their media are doing a very good job packaging and protecting Kamala.

Either the republican party leaders are idiots or Trump doesn't listen to them. Why do republicans repeatedly agree to debates with democrat friendly moderators? It's always going to be a no win situation.

I will pray hard that I am wrong on both counts.
I've got a funny feeling that there are polls reported on twitter showing that Kamala won. But pick the ones you like....I'm sure they're the valid ones.
Although Trump did himself NO FAVORS last night...It REALLY should not matter. You should not elect a POTUS because they got the debate questions ahead of time and rehearsed everything out and won the night. I hope America is much smarter than this. However he could have put this election out of reach if he was not such a narcissistic, ego maniac. I still love the guy and love what I KNOW he will do for America...but I have never loved this part of him. And the dimwits played him just like a f'n fiddle..and he fell for it. I expect more from him.
Again. You captured this.

What his greatest cumulative failure has been is that he has ripped through so many individuals (right, wrong or otherwise), his span of support is greatly narrowed.

You never see Ivanka, Jared let alone experienced party operatives so it all falls on him.

She takes all the help she can get, listens to advice and puts on a show. She has the whole establishment behind her. And it’s a lot to overcome.

We will see. All that matters is 100,000 voters in 2-3 states. I am not even sure Michigan matters anymore.

That’s it.
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Again. You captured this.

What his greatest cumulative failure has been is that he has ripped through so many individuals (right, wrong or otherwise), his span of support is greatly narrowed.

You never see Ivanka, Jared let alone experienced party operatives so it all falls on him.

She takes all the help she can get, listens to advice and puts on a show. She has the whole establishment behind her. And it’s a lot to overcome.

We will see. All that matters is 100,000 voters in 2-3 states. I am not even sure Michigan matters anymore.

That’s it.

Hot off the press post debate poor MDF’R

@GatorTheo get your head up son 😂

This is why Harris wants another debate. She would be smart to push for as many of these things as she can get:

Kamala Harris' chances of winning the presidential election in November improved at 25 leading bookmakers after Tuesday night's debate with Donald Trump.

Analysis by Newsweek found that the odds of a Harris victory have been cut by Bet 365, Sky Bet, Paddy Power, Betfair, BetVictor, Ladbrokes, Unibet, Betfred, Bet MGM, BoyleSports, 10 Bet, Star Sports, Bet UK, LiveScore Bet, QuinnBet, Betway, Coral, Bet Goodman, VBet, William Hill, 888Sport, SpreadEx, Sporting Index, AKBets and BetOnline.

Before the debate on Tuesday, Harris had odds of winning in November of 1/1 (50 percent), according to Bet 365, Sky Bet and Paddy Power. As of 8 a.m. ET on Wednesday, her odds had improved to 4/5 (55.6 percent) with Bet 365 and Sky Bet, along with 5/6 (54.5 percent) with Paddy Power.

Over this period, the odds on Harris winning went from 1/1 to 5/6 at Betfair, 11/10 to 5/6 with BetVictor, 11/10 to 5/6 with Ladbrokes, 1/1 to 41/50 for Unibet, 1/1 to 5/6 for Betfred, 1/1 to 41/50 with Bet MGM, 1/1 to 4/5 with BoyleSports, 1/1 to 4/5 with 10 Bet, 1/1 to 4/5 with Star Sports, 1/1 to 41/50 according to Bet UK, 1/1 to 41/50 with LiveScore Bet, 11/10 to 5/6 for QuinnBet, 1/1 to 4/5 for Betway, 11/10 to 5/6 with Bet Goodwin, 1/1 to 4/5 with VBet, 1/1 to 4/5 for William Hill, 1/1 to 5/6 for 888Sport, 1/1 to 17/20 for Spread Ex, 1/1 to 17/20 for Sporting Index and 11/10 to 10/11 for AKBets.

Separately, BetOnline, which had Trump as favorite to win in November, flipped to having Harris in the lead in the debate's immediate aftermath. At 11 p.m. on Tuesday, BetOnline gave Harris a slight lead of -120, with Trump behind on +110. By contrast, at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Trump led with -120 against 100+ for Harris.

Or another source:

According to the Election Betting Odds tracker, which consolidates betting numbers from four separate markets, bookmakers now believe Harris has a 51.8% chance of winning compared to Trump’s 46.9%.

This is a major shift in favor of Harris, whose chances have risen by more than four and a half points in the past 24 hours, while Trump’s have plummeted by four.

Bettors on crypto-based betting platform Polymarket—who heavily favored a Trump win in the past two weeks—now believe both Harris and Trump have a 49% chance of winning.
This is just ridiculous. And WRONG. Please explain the lawfare if they WANTED Trump. Our system is VERY, VERY simple. The PEOPLE make these decisions, and have for 270 years. It sounds like you were a DeSantis fan and still pissed he got STEAMROLLED by Trump. I LOVE DeSantis as our governor. But when he went to the dark side establishment was one of THE DUMBEST decisions he ever made. I think highly of him...but that was a REAL headscratcher. Trump IS the republican party until he chooses to leave...and when he does..we will NEVER, EVER go back to the old pub way. WE ARE AMERICA FIRST..and will be for quite some time. I appreciate discussing this stuff with you!
So what are you going to do if Trump loses? Support him for 2028? I am a conservative and Trump is far from that. Is he better than Kamala, of course, but he is still bad news for America. Trump is not America First, he is Donald Trump First. If you love him, he loves you but if you have one disagreement with him he will call out the dogs named Laura Loomer and Roger Stone. Or his twitter clown, catturd. Trump is not interested in uniting America.

The GOP / MAGA wants Donald Trump and I can understand that, he is the most popular. But the truth is this would not be a tight race with certain other GOP candidates. It would be a double digit lead for the GOP. Trump makes it a tight race.

I am worried Trump will drag the party down in important races such as the Senate and House. He hand picked Kari Lake in Arizona and she will get run over in that race. She is a total loser. Same for North Carolina. The GOP candidate will be lucky not to lose by double digits. Trump lost us Pennsylvania and got beat soundly by a stroke victim. Trump lost us two Senate seats in Georgia with his stupid, idiotic behavior. Kemp opened his state during Covid and Donald Trump turned on him. Trump still will not admit the mistakes he made during Covid. Do you agree with Trump that Stacey Abrams would be a better Governor than Brian Kemp. Do you believe Charlie Crist, a big buddy of ole' Donald, would be a better governor than Governor DeSantis? That is Trump's position and one must be careful to dispute that if they want to stay with MAGA. Laura Loomer is watching.
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Nobody takes Laura Loomer seriously, not even the GOP.

She's like a 12 year old that got elected to Congress somehow and most people are seriously pissed at how poorly she alleged prepared Trump for the debate.
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So what are you going to do if Trump loses? Support him for 2028? I am a conservative and Trump is far from that. Is he better than Kamala, of course, but he is still bad news for America. Trump is not America First, he is Donald Trump First. If you love him, he loves you but if you have one disagreement with him he will call out the dogs named Laura Loomer and Roger Stone. Or his twitter clown, catturd. Trump is not interested in uniting America.

The GOP / MAGA wants Donald Trump and I can understand that, he is the most popular. But the truth is this would not be a tight race with certain other GOP candidates. It would be a double digit lead for the GOP. Trump makes it a tight race.

I am worried Trump will drag the party down in important races such as the Senate and House. He hand picked Kari Lake in Arizona and she will get run over in that race. She is a total loser. Same for North Carolina. The GOP candidate for Senate will be lucky not to lose by double digits. Trump lost us two Senate seats in Georgia with his stupid, idiotic behavior. Kemp opened his state during Covid and Donald Trump turned on him. Trump still will not admit the mistakes he made during Covid. Do you agree with Trump that Stacey Abrams would be a better Governor than Brian Kemp. Do you believe Charlie Crist, a big buddy of ole' Donald, would be a better governor than Governor DeSantis? That is Trump's position and one must be careful to dispute that if they want to stay with MAGA. Laura Loomer is watching.
I never understand this thinking. Get with TODAY. TODAY, you have a choice. Between a Marxist, and Trump. Your person lost. You have ONE choice. Between the 2 mentioned above. Get over your TDS and him blowing your choice out of the water. I would suggest getting on board and help pull him across the finish line.
Nobody takes Laura Loomer seriously, not even the GOP.

She's like a 12 year old that got elected to Congress somehow and most people are seriously pissed at how poorly she alleged prepared Trump for the debate.
The fact Trump has Laura Loomer by his side is reason enough to oppose him. What serious leader has a woman who should be in an insane asylum on his team.

This woman is toxic and crazy and has no business involved with any political campaign. She can't even own a gun in Florida so what does that tell you?

Trump had her following around fellow Republicans with a bull horn interrupting events. The woman who said Casey DeSantis faked cancer, called Ron DeSantis a pedophile, and said he killed his sister was not called out by Trump. Instead his praises her at rallies and flies her on his plane. And we are suppose to forget that? I will not forget and as long as Trump keeps stroking her ego, I will have nothing to do with him or his MAGA.
I think Nail could come up with a post the proves the Gators won the football national championship last year.

Why haven't we been celebrating?
The fact Trump has Laura Loomer by his side is reason enough to oppose him. What serious leader has a woman who should be in an insane asylum on his team.

This woman is toxic and crazy and has no business involved with any political campaign. She can't even own a gun in Florida so what does that tell you?

Trump had her following around fellow Republicans with a bull horn interrupting events. The woman who said Casey DeSantis faked cancer, called Ron DeSantis a pedophile, and said he killed his sister was not called out by Trump. Instead his praises her at rallies and flies her on his plane. And we are suppose to forget that? I will not forget and as long as Trump keeps stroking her ego, I will have nothing to do with him or his MAGA.
So because he has a reporter you don’t like on his plane you’ll let the country burn? You’ll let us devolve into Socialism?

Wow…you need a serious priority adjustment.