More than likely not but the fact that he thought the 4th amendment was a suggestion makes me not care if he gets railroaded.
Yep I like Rudy but they were clearly violating the Terry Stop rulings.
More than likely not but the fact that he thought the 4th amendment was a suggestion makes me not care if he gets railroaded.
I don't want to hurt your little pea of a brain, but Ron's chances in a primary vs Trump are less than this. 😂
Do you think trumps a crybaby?I don't want to hurt your little pea of a brain, but Ron's chances in a primary vs Trump are less than this. 😂
Certainly doesn’t sound like he got a fair trial or was even able to defend himself.Yep I like Rudy but they were clearly violating the Terry Stop rulings.
He may win on appeal how does that prove the trial was a sham? Lol, lots of cases get overturned for many many different reasons. I am not anti trump or his people, but it’s hard not to see who he surrounds himself with. It all started with Roy CohnCertainly doesn’t sound like he got a fair trial or was even able to defend himself.
I’m sure @Illegal-shift and @Mdfgator will admit this was a sham when he wins on appeal.
EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani Speaks to Gateway Pundit Following "UnAmerican" Trial in DC Court, Says He Will Appeal $148 MILLION Ruling - Still Stands by His Statements About the 2020 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson
America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani spoke to The Gateway Pundit exclusively on Friday night to share his thoughts and plans to appeal the DC Court’s finding that he defamed Georgia 2020 election
Certainly doesn’t sound like he got a fair trial or was even able to defend himself.
I’m sure @Illegal-shift and @Mdfgator will admit this was a sham when he wins on appeal.
EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani Speaks to Gateway Pundit Following "UnAmerican" Trial in DC Court, Says He Will Appeal $148 MILLION Ruling - Still Stands by His Statements About the 2020 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson
America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani spoke to The Gateway Pundit exclusively on Friday night to share his thoughts and plans to appeal the DC Court’s finding that he defamed Georgia 2020 election
Why do you think that a dem saying Trump sucks is a bad thing? This makes us love him even more.Paul Ryan, the Republican former House speaker-turned-Fox Corp. board member, has summed up Donald Trump as a “populist, authoritarian narcissist.”
The former president is “not a conservative,” Ryan declared during a recent virtual interview hosted by CEO advisory firm Teneo that the Republican Accountability group unearthed and shared on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday.
Trump’s tendencies “are basically where narcissism takes him, which is whatever makes him popular, makes him feel good at any given moment,” Ryan said. “He doesn’t think in classical ‘liberal-conservative’ terms. He thinks in an authoritarian way. And he’s been able to get a big chunk of the Republican base to follow him because he’s the culture warrior.”
Ryan, who served in Congress as a Wisconsin Republican, talked about how former Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) had “paid for” their criticism of Trump with their congressional careers.
And he claimed that more Republicans in Congress now wish they’d taken a stand against Trump when he was impeached for a second time for inciting the deadly U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.
The House voted 232-197 in favor of impeaching Trump. The Senate voted 57 to 43 to convict Trump, 10 votes short of the 67 required for it to actually happen.
They thought “Trump was dead,” Ryan said. “They thought after Jan. 6, he wasn’t going to have a comeback, he was dead. So they figured, ‘I’m not going to take this heat, I’m not going to vote against this impeachment, because he’s gone anyway.’ But what’s happened is he’s been resurrected.”
“There has to be some line, some principle that is so important to you that you’re just not going to cross, so that when you’re brushing your teeth in the morning, look yourself in the mirror, you like what you see," the ex-congressman continued, saying he believes Cheney and Kinzinger are "liking what they see."
There are “a lot of people who already regret not getting him out of the way when they could have,” Ryan added. “So I think history will be kind to those people who saw what was happening and called it out, even though it was at the expense of their personal well-being.”
Ryan condemned Trump before the 2016 election, but went on to work alongside him as House speaker to pass major tax cuts. He left Congress in 2019 to become a director of Fox Corp., a position that has earned him criticism for his apparent reluctance to call out the divisive rhetoric peddled on Fox News.
Last year, Ryan said “anybody not named Trump” would be a better option for the Republican Party in the 2024 presidential election.
“We know we’re so much more likely to lose with Trump, because of the fact that he is not popular with suburban voters that we’re gonna want to win,” Ryan told Fox Business’ Stuart Varney. “We lost the House, the Senate, the White House in the space of two years. I don’t want to repeat that. I want to win.”
“The only reason [Trump] stays where he is is because everybody’s afraid of him,” Ryan said in another interview. “They’re afraid of him going after them, hurting their own ambition. But as soon as you sort of get the herd mentality going, it’s unstoppable.”
In September, Ryan said February 2024 could mark a turning point for the party if Trump’s GOP presidential rivals consolidate to deprive him of the nomination.
You are not talking to the sharpest crayon in the box. You aren't serious are you? 😂Why do you think that a dem saying Trump sucks is a bad thing? This makes us love him even more.
those are real americans, not taxpayors, but real americans...
We need real Americans that stand with the mighty USA through thick and thin. Not self absorbed idiots that only support the country when it’s serving their favorite flavors…DEM DAM LIBRULS BRUDDER!! GOBLESS
As you know, I am spending most of my message board time on Reddit now, since the spam troll has been allowed to run unchecked here. Yet the liberals there may be even less informed than the ones here. On one sub, someone mentioned Hunter's constant scandals and problems with the law, and one liberal was outraged. "Why are you guys attacking Hunter? What has he done???" He was serious, he had no idea of all the corruption and illegal activities that Hunter was in trouble over.You are not talking to the sharpest crayon in the box. You aren't serious are you? 😂
Sooooo, wherever the lil gender bender goes people are stupid and not informed, yeah typical unaware liberal that thinks everyone else is crazy.As you know, I am spending most of my message board time on Reddit now, since the spam troll has been allowed to run unchecked here. Yet the liberals there may be even less informed than the ones here. On one sub, someone mentioned Hunter's constant scandals and problems with the law, and one liberal was outraged. "Why are you guys attacking Hunter? What has he done???" He was serious, he had no idea of all the corruption and illegal activities that Hunter was in trouble over.
Liberals in this country literally believe in a world that does not exist. Their media is carefully curated for them to give them a sort of alternate universe where the left does no wrong, and everyone else is corrupt.
These people aren't stupid, they are brainwashed.
Did you just post this? Were you tucked or untucked when you did it? 😂Sooooo, wherever the lil gender bender goes people are stupid and not informed, yeah typical unaware liberal that thinks everyone else is crazy.
Will they shut the country down and ban foreign travel? Oh wait, that was Donnie, of course the non sheep know he is all dem…
Will they shut the country down and ban foreign travel? Oh wait, that was Donnie, of course the non sheep know he is all dem…
They didn't ban travel. Trump said muzzies couldn't come here. He said, "Hey MDFer!" Go to China! Just don't come back!!" 😂Will they shut the country down and ban foreign travel? Oh wait, that was Donnie, of course the non sheep know he is all dem…
Didn’t even know he was here. Comical. There are sheep all over