More info on the steal

LOL, appears you don't even know the difference between elevation and height. Good lord dude, you tried to show everybody how smart you are and instead you've shown your ass.
Spoiler alert: You're making his point for him. You took his post as a personal attack on your intelligence.

Stick to telling us how the walls are closing in on Trump.
Spoiler alert: You're making his point for him. You took his post as a personal attack on your intelligence.

Stick to telling us how the walls are closing in on Trump.
Ghost is one of many members for whom I have tremendous repect and admiration.

naill1988 didn't invite me here to declare anyone stupid. He invited me here to read the handful declare themselves stupid.
The administrator marked me correct in my 56 member 60 question and directive M test session. I selected these questions and directives because they are designed to measure one's ability to reason.

1. Are there any among us who has a fear of heights?
2. Name the single action without which time cannot exist.
3. Name man's most precious commodity.
4. Sarah said, "my two young daughters have absolutely nothing in common." Is Sarah lying?
5. Does time slow for me when I travel by jetliner at 30,000 feet?

From both your posts I realize the majority of members here would embarrass you in any intelligence quotient exercise.
LOL, dude let me clue you on something that I thought was obvious to most people, but apparently is out of your grasp. When you spout off on a board like this about your own critical thinking, your tests, your IQ other peoples idiocy, etc........all your doing is advertising to everyone your own massive insecurity about yourself. If your comfortable with your own intelligence you don't give a damn what other people think on a forum like this (especially the parking lot which is chock full of nutcases).

And millions of people have acrophobia. Go google it.............people are afraid of riding elevators up tall buildings and shit like that - they don't have to be anywhere near an edge. There is absolutely a fear of heights and its a specific phobia.

BTW, the post about Denver was hilarious.
LOL, dude let me clue you on something that I thought was obvious to most people, but apparently is out of your grasp. When you spout off on a board like this about your own critical thinking, your tests, your IQ other peoples idiocy, etc........all your doing is advertising to everyone your own massive insecurity about yourself.
The lack of self-awareness is astounding.
LOL, dude let me clue you on something that I thought was obvious to most people, but apparently is out of your grasp. When you spout off on a board like this about your own critical thinking, your tests, your IQ other peoples idiocy, etc........all your doing is advertising to everyone your own massive insecurity about yourself. If your comfortable with your own intelligence you don't give a damn what other people think on a forum like this (especially the parking lot which is chock full of nutcases).

And millions of people have acrophobia. Go google it.............people are afraid of riding elevators up tall buildings and shit like that - they don't have to be anywhere near an edge. There is absolutely a fear of heights and its a specific phobia.

BTW, the post about Denver was hilarious.
Acrophobia is an unfriendly subject with those with a limited ability to reason. In my 60 question intelligence quotient test session all students who checked the "yes" box were marked wrong by the administrator. Most board members, including Ghost would have checked "no" box just as I did. You would have scored low in my test session, likely lower than BSC911.
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Great! So what's going to happen? Who's going to get charged?
Trump. And he'll be acquitted.

I predict the J6 will be a conviction, jail, then released upon appeal. Impossible to get a fair jury in DC, but wherever the appeal happens the jury will take about 13 seconds to acquit. But I think he'll lose the initial case.

The rest will fail on their face, even in ultra liberal Fulton. They'll find at least 1 of 12 sane humans in GA.

It's not about judicial justice for the right, it's about political justice and showing the world what the Left really is....which all of this will do.