Miss World is a Seminole!!!!!

This is the Null gift that never stops giving. 😂 😂 😂 😂


What I don't understand about this is that after the original weirdos did this....other dudes took up their glitter mantle to keep the...tradition...alive.
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What I don't understand about this is that after the original weirdos did this....other dudes took up their glitter mantle to keep the...tradition...alive.
The real question is what is the selection process for being The Glitter Boys? Who is the authority over this crew... It must be the ambiguously gay duo??!!??
It's interesting reading through these old posts. You see something and say "I want to respond to that this way", then keep scrolling to see if you actually did respond and if it was different than your reaction now. I am proud, or possibly ashamed, to say I am pretty much the same JA I was in 2019. Except I saw one where I defended Paco, wouldn't do that now. Eff it. Also not beating on Goldmom like I did back then anymore, probably because of COVID, because of how hard it was on the really, really, really, really old ( :p ) and concern every time she hadn't posted for a while. We've lost too many on here. 😞
It's interesting reading through these old posts. You see something and say "I want to respond to that this way", then keep scrolling to see if you actually did respond and if it was different than your reaction now. I am proud, or possibly ashamed, to say I am pretty much the same JA I was in 2019. Except I saw one where I defended Paco, wouldn't do that now. Eff it. Also not beating on Goldmom like I did back then anymore, probably because of COVID, because of how hard it was on the really, really, really, really old ( :p ) and concern every time she hadn't posted for a while. We've lost too many on here. 😞
Actually you stopped trying because I am still able at my advanced age to verbally kick butt when you and others think you’re “beating” up on me. And with the demise of the FSU Smack Board on WC those days are just a memory. 😈
Shime I just laugh at. He’s a sad little nobody.
I dated your homecoming queen in 89. Came to work at my store and I have her the attention that any 25 year old would to a nice young lady.
Lots of us dated Gator frat boys. We enjoyed making them happy for a little while.
Like you - still bragging about it after all these years.

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