Mass Stabbing at German "Festival of Diversity" leaves three dead, five hospitalized---UPDATE

It ain't. it's basically contracting out your slaughter wholesale.

Not to anthropomorphize animals but if I was a steer I'd rather have the person that raised me and fed come for me than get crammed in a building that reeks of blood to end my life hung up by a hoof while I get stunned with a bolt gun and have my throat cut.

Free range animals get to live and die with some modicum of dignity.
Bingo. If people were to see how their food was raised and slaughtered in an industrial farm, they would either go vegan or learn to hunt and / or raise their own pasture raised food.
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Let's be honest.....most hunters are redneck goobers. Not a lot of doctors and other educated professionals out blasting animals for meat.
I got news for you son, it ain't redneck goobers hunting Cape Buffalo and Elephant in Africa with ten thousand dollar double rifles.
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It ain't. it's basically contracting out your slaughter wholesale.

Not to anthropomorphize animals but if I was a steer I'd rather have the person that raised me and fed me come for me than get crammed in a building that reeks of blood to end my life hung up by a hoof while I get stunned with a bolt gun and have my throat cut.

Free range animals get to live and die with some modicum of dignity.
So you're actually doing the animals a favor by blasting them in the woods. How thoughtful! 😂
So you're actually doing the animals a favor by blasting them in the woods. How thoughtful! 😂
I have answered all your questions…. I ask you again, do you eat meat? If so, you do understand that someone has to do the killing right?
I definitely eat meat. When a steer is ready, you walk up with a rifle and shoot him in the head. Not from a “safe distance” or whatever. When chickens are ready to be processed, I reach into the chicken tractor, snag one by the legs place him in a cone and cut his neck with a blade. I don’t eat factory farmed food. I don’t eat processed food. I don’t eat corporate sludge. Our families animals live a much better and happier life the chicken or cow you purchase from the grocery store. They graze well cared for pastures and live a wholesome natural life. However, they do have a purpose, and that is to feed my family. Now tell me how much better and more moral you are for consuming industrial farmed abused animals.
So we both eat animals that have been killed. I just have no interest in killing them myself.
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So we both eat animals that have been killed. I just have no interest in killing them myself.
I have no interest in eating a mistreated abused and unhealthy animal. I have more respect for my body, and frankly, more respect for the animal than perpetuate an industry that systematically abuses animals.
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Very brave and noble of you. You want the animal killed but haven’t got the guts to do your own killing. What a guy. Coward
There's meat in the store that's going to be there whether I eat it or not. I have no interest in killing additional animals but I realize some people enjoy it.
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I'm aware of the brave hunters who pay a ton for the thrill of killing a big animal from a safe distance.
At least they deserve your contempt. Us redneck goobers, not so much.

For the record, there's no such thing as a safe distance with a Cape Buffalo. That's the reason for that second shot, if you don't kill them outright, they run about a 100 yards, make a hard right, and turn around.

Then they murder you when you follow the blood trail. People who don't know about this little trick catch it fairly often, they're one of the most dangerous animals on the African continent.
So you're actually doing the animals a favor by blasting them in the woods. How thoughtful! 😂
We've already established I blast animals in the woods because I can't blast people.

So yeah, it's hella thoughtful. Unless you'd like to go camping with me sometime?
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There's meat in the store that's going to be there whether I eat it or not. I have no interest in killing additional animals but I realize some people enjoy it.
You understand how the free market works right? You are perpetuating horrid living conditions for farm animals, and supporting a system that is disastrous for the health of the American people. Frankly, your position towards this issue is plum evil. You must hate children. Why else would you support a system that has led to 50% of our youth having chronic disease.
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You understand how the free market works right? You are perpetuating horrid living conditions for farm animals, and supporting a system that is disastrous for the health of the American people. Frankly, your position towards this issue is plum evil. You must hate children. Why else would you support a system that has led to 50% of our youth having chronic disease.
Not only that, its not healthy for the stock either.
Where would you get such information?

Seriously? Just how out of touch are you with hunting and fishing? :oops::rolleyes: Do you know what private land leases go for in Florida?


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Let's be honest.....most hunters are redneck goobers. Not a lot of doctors and other educated professionals out blasting animals for meat.
What an idiotic statement. But coming from you, someone who truly believes guns are bad objects color me NOT SURPRISED. And no, I do not hunt. And YES, many doctors and educated people hunt. What a goober
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I'm aware of the brave hunters who pay a ton for the thrill of killing a big animal from a safe distance.
This isn't about shooting big game animals in Africa for chissakes. It's about hunting wild game like our ancestors have done for thousands of years. Not shooting rhinos in pen. Oh and by the way, that's how many countries in Africa feed their people and they highly regulate it. You don't fuch with their laws or you go to jail. It's their livelihood and they don't cotton to anyone endangering their continued cashflow into perpetuity. They are highly into conservation, not preservation. And hunting in the US is nothing like that, unless it is a high fenced compound, :rolleyes:
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What was the name of the movie about the baby that was born in Walmart in the meat section? Was that Theo? 😂

Theo my dad was a doctor. He was a hunter. One of the heart surgeons where he had hospital privileges used to show up to surgery still wearing full camo to change into scrubs. 😂
The animals should appreciate the hunters blasting them. Is that your position?
My position is until I pull the trigger, they've lived better lives than their mass raised counterparts. I've worked a dairy unit and a beef unit, on the research side where they try and think of the animals comfort and it was still a boring miserable existence.
My position is until I pull the trigger, they've lived better lives than their mass raised counterparts. I've worked a dairy unit and a beef unit, on the research side where they try and think of the animals comfort and it was still a boring miserable existence.
Uncle Theo should go to a beef or poultry processing plant, and throw in a chicken house or two as well. Farm life! 😂
I'll bet he voted for the pregnant pig amendment too. :rolleyes:
How did my thread about a mass stabbing in Germany get derailed into "Welcome to Cross Talk- Hunting, yea or nay?"

And ftr face it hunters the vast majority of you are rednecks so GTFO of here with the "alot of them are Astrophysicists and Neurosurgeons" shit. I have no problem with hunters (or rednecks for that matter, some of the nicest people you'll ever meet) as long as it is eaten or when needed for over population and whatnot. Have some beers and have at it. But sport hunters should go KTF. How 'bout them apples haha.
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How did my thread about a mass stabbing in Germany get derailed into "Welcome to Cross Talk- Hunting, yea or nay?"

And ftr face it hunters the vast majority of you are rednecks so GTFO of here with the "alot of them are Astrophysicists and Neurosurgeons" shit. I have no problem with hunters (or rednecks for that matter, some of the nicest people you'll ever meet) as long as it is eaten or when needed for over population and whatnot. Have some beers and have at it. But sport hunters should go KTF. How 'bout them apples haha.
You are still wrong about this. You seem to be looking only in Alabama and Georgia. There is SO many different animals to hunt other than white tail dear in the SE. And I live me some America loving, God fearing southern red necks. But to stereotype all hunters like that you are missing a WHOLE BUNCH of the picture. Or we have different interpretations of what a red neck is. Because moose and elk hunters in the mid west are NOT rednecks to me. They are outdoorsmen. Best state for big game? Alaska. Have not seen many rednecks in Alaska. Bird hunting huge in Idaho. Not a redneck in Idaho. I would bet when you add up every hunter in America there are just as many “others” than rednecks in the South.
He's probably turned off by the killing animals for fun aspect of hunting.
I do eat meat (NY Strips, Pork, Chicken). That should be done humanely.

My vegetarian friends find that unpalatable to immoral and I respect them for that.

My cardiologist says it’s the best think I could do besides exercise. I respect her for that.

Killing a giraffe or a Lion for “sport” or worse, for Ivory, is asinine.

You want to have fun? Go to Beaver Creek and carve at 50 mph. That’s a blast.

Or take a tee shot 250 plus from the blacks.

Or get drunk and watch Florida b….h slap Miami in football. Epic.
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You need your ass kicked.
My best friend in college lived in Dothan and had a hunting pitch in Camden. He’s an Orthpod. Comes from the British sport of hunting. A true marksman.

Another best friend is also a deer hunter in Colorado. Sport and takes care of over population. No one respects the lethality of guns more than him (other than my father in law who is an ex-FBI agent).
I do eat meat (NY Strips, Pork, Chicken). That should be done humanely.

My vegetarian friends find that unpalatable to immoral and I respect them for that.

My cardiologist says it’s the best think I could do besides exercise. I respect her for that.

Killing a giraffe or a Lion for “sport” or worse, for Ivory, is asinine.

You want to have fun? Go to Beaver Creek and carve at 50 mph. That’s a blast.

Or take a tee shot 250 plus from the blacks.

Or get drunk and watch Florida b….h slap Miami in football. Epic.
I'm not a vegetarian but there's something at least slightly despicable about wanting to kill animals when there is already plenty of meat available.
So, enjoying killing animals is manly?

You drive a pickup don't you?
I drive a Sentra. Fetch me the post where I said killing animals is manly. I'll wait.

You have such a strange idea of what is or isn't masculine.

You live in this solipsic bubble where because something doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect anyone.

What you are is a hypocrite. You dont mind insulting the people that kill your food but you don't mind eating it.

You need to understand that you are 7 days without electricity from savagery.

The difference is the rest of us are prepared for it.
I drive a Sentra. Fetch me the post where I said killing animals is manly. I'll wait.

You have such a strange idea of what is or isn't masculine.

You live in this solipsic bubble where because something doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect anyone.

What you are is a hypocrite. You dont mind insulting the people that kill your food but you don't mind eating it.

You need to understand that you are 7 days without electricity from savagery.

The difference is the rest of us are prepared for it.
I'm really only insulting people who choose to kill animals as a hobby.
I'm really only insulting people who choose to kill animals as a hobby.
You just finished upbraiding @jsfgators for having the ability and will to raise and slaughter his own meat.

It's not a hobby, it's how he chooses to keep his family healthy, by feeding them grass fed, free range, hormone and antibiotic free meat.
Let's be honest.....most hunters are redneck goobers. Not a lot of doctors and other educated professionals out blasting animals for meat.
Here are the people I know that hunt.

1. ER Doc that lives 3 doors down.
2. VP of finance that lives across the street
3. Retired Marine who has is own IT consulting firm
4. Friend who is a CEO of a financial company
5. Me, commercial real estate developer
6. 2 retired NFL players - both have college degrees and own their own businesses
7. My two nephews who both have college degrees, 1 is an engineer, the other is in the Air Force protecting your sorry ass.
8. 2 attorneys who are partners in their respective firms.
9. There are at least 8 people in my company that either have finance or engineering degrees that hunt.

Numbers 1, 4, 6 and 8 all lease ground to hunt on.

I was just at the CEO's (#4) house last week and we had Elk and Antelope he shot in New Mexico and Deer he shot locally. He had the tenderloin and back straps taken out of all of them and then used the rest of the meat from all three animals to make sausage. My favorite was the Elk by the way.

You continually reveal your myopic views in this forum and to quote Lord:

"You live in this solipsic bubble where because something doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect anyone."

No truer words have been spoken. I have met few people as obtuse as you, I am glad I do not have to deal with you in business or in my personal life.

I quite frankly feel silly and embarrassed engaging in any conversation with you. Shame on me.
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I'm not a vegetarian but there's something at least slightly despicable about wanting to kill animals when there is already plenty of meat available.
“Plenty of meat available “. … do you understand that the meat that is available is literally sick. The animals live in unfit and unsanitary conditions. They are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. This meat isn’t good for you to eat. It is poison. I’m not feeding this to my children. For what it’s worth, I grow my own fruit and veggies as well. I don’t want to eat the chemical fertilizers and pesticides that are on the food. Is that despicable too? I don’t think you have a full understanding of what you are putting into your body, and if you have children and feed to them…. That truely is despicable.
Read the Quran. It’s a hateful and disgusting religion. Period. Not the extreme version of it. The “extreme” version of it is the religion. They want to kill non Muslims because they think they’re evil. They rape a degrade their women. They murder homosexuals. They marry their cousins at a 40% rate. First cousins too. Which does make some some since incest makes your population about as dumb as can possibly be, which may explain why all Muslim countries are third world countries and the story behind Muhammad being a prophet is as believable as Joseph Smith. They praise a murdering pedophile. These are all facts. It’s a disgusting religion and will continue to be so.
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I drive a Sentra. Fetch me the post where I said killing animals is manly. I'll wait.

You have such a strange idea of what is or isn't masculine.

You live in this solipsic bubble where because something doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect anyone.

What you are is a hypocrite. You dont mind insulting the people that kill your food but you don't mind eating it.

You need to understand that you are 7 days without electricity from savagery.

The difference is the rest of us are prepared for it.

Jesus, whoa Nelly. I'd imagine what he was referring to was the "give your balls a tug" comment. And I agree, face it it does take a good degree of manliness to hunt but I'm sure after this someone here will post that he knows of a homosexual couple with purple hair and both are avid hunters haha.

Here are the people I know that hunt.

1. ER Doc that lives 3 doors down.
2. VP of finance that lives across the street
3. Retired Marine who has is own IT consulting firm
4. Friend who is a CEO of a financial company
5. Me, commercial real estate developer
6. 2 retired NFL players - both have college degrees and own their own businesses
7. My two nephews who both have college degrees, 1 is an engineer, the other is in the Air Force protecting your sorry ass.
8. 2 attorneys who are partners in their respective firms.
9. There are at least 8 people in my company that either have finance or engineering degrees that hunt.

Numbers 1, 4, 6 and 8 all lease ground to hunt on.

I was just at the CEO's (#4) house last week and we had Elk and Antelope he shot in New Mexico and Deer he shot locally. He had the tenderloin and back straps taken out of all of them and then used the rest of the meat from all three animals to make sausage. My favorite was the Elk by the way.

You continually reveal your myopic views in this forum and to quote Lord:

"You live in this solipsic bubble where because something doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect anyone."

No truer words have been spoken. I have met few people as obtuse as you, I am glad I do not have to deal with you in business or in my personal life.

I quite frankly feel silly and embarrassed engaging in any conversation with you. Shame on me.

Good lord, simmer down Nancy. Everything you posted is fine but do you really believe that the mass majority of hunters aren't redneck/country type folk? I'm talking overall. Seriously, smh. Also do you not think that a redneck can be a CEO, Engineer, Commercial real Estate Developer, Attorney, etc...? Hell my Father's Attorney of 30+ years spent every minute he could out at his nice big cabin on some thick wooded land he owned in NW FL with a stocked pond and he hunted (smart as a whip and sounded damn near like Foghorn Leghorn when he talked haha). I've known a several Pharmacists, one who is a good friend of mine who also has a Ph.D. in Chemistry from UT (Texas, not Utjr) to go along with his Pharmacy degree, that are about as big of Texas rednecks you'll ever meet. Most own land that they have cabins at and hunt on. Being a redneck does not mean that you aren't intelligent. Sounds like to me you have a very low opinion of rednecks/ country folk. I'm saying a prayer for you tonight mister.

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