Man Made Climate Change is Real!


Bull Gator
Apr 1, 2002
We've all been looking for the truth on climate change. Here it is from straight from CNN:

"Human activity caused at least half of climate change in the last half-century, scientists say."

"A U.N. panel on Friday said with 95% certainty that the effects of climate change are real and largely man-made."

"But it's already obvious to everyone paying attention that we need to act in new and profoundly urgent ways to blunt the future impact of climate change, and to mitigate the changes that are already taking shape all over the world."

"...President Barack Obama has tried, between arguing for strikes on Syria and trying to resurrect the middle class, to make climate change a front-burner issue. But Congress hasn't followed suit. America remains a serious laggard on climate action."

Sarcasm? The last time they tried to jam climate change legislation down our throats they used UN sources which were almost immeidiately exposed as having institututionnal bias and having altered data. I am not going to provide a link as that was a huge story and everyone should remember it.
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They're cooking the books and the resistance to this theory, and I emphasize theory, is growing steadily.

The fact is that CO2 is not a pollutant. CO2 is a colorless and odorless gas, exhaled at high concentrations by each of us, and a key component of the biosphere's life cycle. Plants do so much better with more CO2 that greenhouse operators often increase the CO2 concentrations by factors of three or four to get better growth. This is no surprise since plants and animals evolved when CO2 concentrations were about 10 times larger than they are today. Better plant varieties, chemical fertilizers and agricultural management contributed to the great increase in agricultural yields of the past century, but part of the increase almost certainly came from additional CO2 in the atmosphere.

The fact is there are ways we can destroy the biosphere, over consumption brought on by mass breeding being the leadin possible cause for future calamaties, but the actual data just isn't there for global warming, and what data is there can't be held up as scientific fact when the scientific method is applied. IPD told us all the same as the above quote years ago, he actually works in the field.

Man mad Global warming isn't happening imho but there are careers and research grants as well as political agendas at stake here, along with some big money political movers like algore this isn't a scientific issue any more it is a political issue with some true believers backing it that border on religious fanaticism.
This post was edited on 9/27 12:20 PM by BigOleNastyGator

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Hey, if it were really happening I'd be on board with whatever, but the fact is humans account for .03% of all atmospheric carbon even if carbon was what they say it is, that'd be a miniscule amount. At various times in the history of the planet carbon(also knowns as plant air) has been present 2 to 3 times more than it is now.

I am not a scientist, but the opposition view makes more sense to me, combined with the proof that they've tried to perpetrate data fraud multiple times in order to make their case the Global warming crowd seems more and more politically motivated to me.
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Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:
I guess that link was part of the 5%.
5% of scientists are employed by big oil.
The report came from the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They publish a report every 5 years. They are 95% certain this year. Guess how certain they were in 2008? That's right, no mention of a percentage. What does that mean?
Originally posted by GatorTheo:

Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:
I guess that link was part of the 5%.
5% of scientists are employed by big oil.
Paltry compared to those receiving government grants.
I look at these Climate Change peole like I look at the crew of the Whale Wars boats.
Yeah their cause may be legit, but their methods makes them laughable.
I guess the hockey stick was one of those new carbon models that break. What are they going to do with all of the new ice?
Originally posted by goldmom:

Originally posted by GatorTheo:

Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:
I guess that link was part of the 5%.
5% of scientists are employed by big oil.
Says the guy whose first post in this thread says "here it is, straight from CNN". Cause by gosh, CNN is the final word, right?
When I read the title, I thought surely this is a sarcastic spoof.
Originally posted by Dr. Nole:

I look at these Climate Change peole like I look at the crew of the Whale Wars boats.
Yeah their cause may be legit, but their methods makes them laughable.
when your vessel is named "Bob Barker" you have serious problems with legitimacy.
Gracious, there is nothing going on, get back to CNN! You are kidding right?

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