Logical thinking


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Let's look at past events, applying new information that we have learned since.

We now know that George HW Bush, George W Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney are all establishment. That means they were all on the SAME TEAM as obama and biden.

Given that we NOW know that.....

In 1992, Bill Clinton won the 1992 election, Bush Sr said nothing.
In 2000, Bush Jr won the 2000 election, Gore claimed he was cheated, and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court.
In 2004, Bush Jr won the 2004 election, Kerry claims he was cheated
In 2008, obama wins the 2008 election, McCain says nothing.
In 2012, obama wins the 2012 election, Romney says nothing.
In 2016, Trump wins the 2016 election, Hillary says Trump is illegitimate.

Do we see a trend here?

When the dems win, they won fair and square.

When the pubs win, they cheated.

BUT.....we now know the Bushes, McCain and Romney were on the SAME TEAM as obama, biden and hildabeast.

So this was all a ruse, a play. The dems say the pubs are cheaters when they win, the pubs say the dems are good candidates that won fair and square when the dems win.

See what's happening? Good cop, bad cop routine.

Dems are the good guys, pubs are the bad guy cheaters.

But both cops ARE ON THE SAME TEAM.
Let's look at past events, applying new information that we have learned since.

We now know that George HW Bush, George W Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney are all establishment. That means they were all on the SAME TEAM as obama and biden.

Given that we NOW know that.....

In 1992, Bill Clinton won the 1992 election, Bush Sr said nothing.
In 2000, Bush Jr won the 2000 election, Gore claimed he was cheated, and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court.
In 2004, Bush Jr won the 2004 election, Kerry claims he was cheated
In 2008, obama wins the 2008 election, McCain says nothing.
In 2012, obama wins the 2012 election, Romney says nothing.
In 2016, Trump wins the 2016 election, Hillary says Trump is illegitimate.

Do we see a trend here?

When the dems win, they won fair and square.

When the pubs win, they cheated.

BUT.....we now know the Bushes, McCain and Romney were on the SAME TEAM as obama, biden and hildabeast.

So this was all a ruse, a play. The dems say the pubs are cheaters when they win, the pubs say the dems are good candidates that won fair and square when the dems win.

See what's happening? Good cop, bad cop routine.

Dems are the good guys, pubs are the bad guy cheaters.

But both cops ARE ON THE SAME TEAM.
I think many of our slowest, and our "Independants" will avoid this post.
I'd rather be asleep than a sheep!

Let's look at past events, applying new information that we have learned since.

We now know that George HW Bush, George W Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney are all establishment. That means they were all on the SAME TEAM as obama and biden.

Given that we NOW know that.....

In 1992, Bill Clinton won the 1992 election, Bush Sr said nothing.
In 2000, Bush Jr won the 2000 election, Gore claimed he was cheated, and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court.
In 2004, Bush Jr won the 2004 election, Kerry claims he was cheated
In 2008, obama wins the 2008 election, McCain says nothing.
In 2012, obama wins the 2012 election, Romney says nothing.
In 2016, Trump wins the 2016 election, Hillary says Trump is illegitimate.

Do we see a trend here?

When the dems win, they won fair and square.

When the pubs win, they cheated.

BUT.....we now know the Bushes, McCain and Romney were on the SAME TEAM as obama, biden and hildabeast.

So this was all a ruse, a play. The dems say the pubs are cheaters when they win, the pubs say the dems are good candidates that won fair and square when the dems win.

See what's happening? Good cop, bad cop routine.

Dems are the good guys, pubs are the bad guy cheaters.

But both cops ARE ON THE SAME TEAM.
You missed one.

Biden won in 2020, Trump claimed he was cheated,

Which reinforces the point.
The dems and pubs are in cahoots playing good cop/bad cop?

You believe that to be true?
I believe in a ruling class uniparty - 100% yes.

Power corrupts, people like Pelosi and McConnell are more interested in their own $100MM+ fortunes than doing what’s right for you and I.

I cannot imagine not seeing that obvious fact.

You want to show me how Bush Jr was a staunch conservative voice? Romney? McCain?

Now that we know where the Republicans fall on the spectrum, how far left are Obama’s policies? Hillary’s? Gore? Biden?

At best Republicans can hope for Center Left, while the Democrats are flirting with “Democratic” Socialism (which is an oxymoron).

They are all on the same team, which is why Trump is so totally unacceptable. You cannot have an outsider break the bubble, it threatens them all and how they build their generational wealth.
No, that contradicts the 'point'. That's why he left it off.
Every time a R lost no one claimed fraud. Every time a Dem lost, the election was illegitimate.

Trump didn’t play the game because he’s not on the team.

It makes the point that he’s the first Republican candidate to speak out when he thought the system didn’t work fairly.

It proves the point there’s a team, and then there’s this outsider who isn’t going to play the game and go along to get rich and powerful.
Every time a R lost no one claimed fraud. Every time a Dem lost, the election was illegitimate.

Trump didn’t play the game because he’s not on the team.

It makes the point that he’s the first Republican candidate to speak out when he thought the system didn’t work fairly.

It proves the point there’s a team, and then there’s this outsider who isn’t going to play the game and go along to get rich and powerful.
Dems cheated in both 2016 and 2020 to try to stop Trump. This will eventually be proven.
Every time a R lost no one claimed fraud. Every time a Dem lost, the election was illegitimate.

Trump didn’t play the game because he’s not on the team.

It makes the point that he’s the first Republican candidate to speak out when he thought the system didn’t work fairly.

It proves the point there’s a team, and then there’s this outsider who isn’t going to play the game and go along to get rich and powerful.
OK, I get it. Trump's whining goes against the cross-party conspiracy to only have democrats whine.

That doesn't sound nutty at all.
You’re right, it’s way less “nutty” to just let an election be stolen and move on.
When you get one of the fraudulent elections overturned, let me know. If you can get any democrat out of office, I will be very happy.
When you get one of the fraudulent elections overturned, let me know. If you can get any democrat out of office, I will be very happy.

So the only proof of a fraudulent election is overturning one?

Do you understand the premise in the OP? Can you explain to the class how that premise relates to letting fraudulent elections stand?

So the only proof of a fraudulent election is overturning one?

Do you understand the premise in the OP? Can you explain to the class how that premise relates to letting fraudulent elections stand?
1. I take everything on twitter with a grain of salt. I truly believe if fraud were proven, someone, somewhere would be able to get at least one election overturned.

2. I believe OP's premise is that both parties are against Trump so they just stand by and let him get cheated out of the election.
1. I take everything on twitter with a grain of salt. I truly believe if fraud were proven, someone, somewhere would be able to get at least one election overturned.

2. I believe OP's premise is that both parties are against Trump so they just stand by and let him get cheated out of the election.
Twitter? WTF does twitter have to do with anything? Holy gaslight Batman.

#2 proves the entire point about the uniparty, thanks for finally waking up.

Most republicans are really democrats and NO democrats are really republicans. And why? Because leftist political ideologies centralize power, money and influence at the top - ie the ruling class.

Conservative policies do the opposite - they limit the power of the Federal govt to create more freedom and liberty for the governed.

It’s against human nature to be altruistic and honest if it means you have to live a more difficult life.

So - we have a uniparty who, on both sides, will do anything to stay in power…including stealing elections and ignoring the evidence.
Twitter? WTF does twitter have to do with anything? Holy gaslight Batman.

#2 proves the entire point about the uniparty, thanks for finally waking up.

Most republicans are really democrats and NO democrats are really republicans. And why? Because leftist political ideologies centralize power, money and influence at the top - ie the ruling class.

Conservative policies do the opposite - they limit the power of the Federal govt to create more freedom and liberty for the governed.

It’s against human nature to be altruistic and honest if it means you have to live a more difficult life.

So - we have a uniparty who, on both sides, will do anything to stay in power…including stealing elections and ignoring the evidence.
Just sitting here watching Extremist Kasich voters getting smacked around again.

So the only proof of a fraudulent election is overturning one?

Do you understand the premise in the OP? Can you explain to the class how that premise relates to letting fraudulent elections stand?
He can't see that the pubs and dems are on the same team. He thinks they are two separate parties working independently.

BTW Rush once recalled what happened in the 1996 VP Debate between Al Gore and Jack Kemp. Gore said that while MOST Republicans were racists, he had to admit that Kemp was not.

Kemp's response? "Thank you."

Same team. Conning the sheep into thinking they have a choice at the ballot box every 2 years.

If Trump doesn't run in 2016, the 2016 election would have been Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton.

Hillary would have won, and carried out years 9-16 of the establishment's 16 year plan to destroy America.

When you are still asleep, this sounds crazy. When you wake up and use logic, it makes complete sense.
2. I believe OP's premise is that both parties are against Trump so they just stand by and let him get cheated out of the election.
That's because you have Trump TDS. Trump wasn't in politics prior to 2016. What the dems and pubs did then had nothing to do with him.

When you wake up and start looking objectively at what is actually happening, then you will begin to learn. Now you are asleep, so you look at everything and try to fit it into your preconceived narratives for how the world works.
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So - we have a uniparty who, on both sides, will do anything to stay in power…including stealing elections and ignoring the evidence.
I look at it this way.

Those on the right are the small timers. They are the ones that the left allows to stay in office for their entire careers, they are corrupt, but their corruption is small fry. The guys at the very top, like Mitch McConnell, they are actually completely leveraged, ie controlled.

Those on the left are the corruption big leagues. They are completely bought and paid for, as such the power flows through them. You always want your big decisions to flow through the people that you have the most control over. They are the ones that have the most to lose if they don't go along with orders.

The right is about doing as they are told so they can stay in office. The left is about holding and consolidating power, and the corruption that holds them in check.
notice how the goalposts have been moved by the extremists?
Today I learned:
1) ALL the evidence of fraud was on Twitter, and EVERYTHING on Twitter is fake/false - ergo there is NO evidence the election was fraudulent
2) The ONLY fraudulent elections are those that are overturned (b/c clearly there's no such thing as a uniparty and both parties really just care about free and fair elections)

And honestly, that's why I come here. I learn something profound every day. I'm smarter for having started participating this forum.
Today I learned:
1) ALL the evidence of fraud was on Twitter, and EVERYTHING on Twitter is fake/false - ergo there is NO evidence the election was fraudulent
Straight out of the lib playbook.

Where is the evidence of fraud???

Then when you show them the evidence, they say the source that shared it 'doesn't count'.

The fraud exists whether or not they acknowledge it. This is why I never waste my time arguing with sheep about what's coming. It will arrive at the same time and in the same manner with or without their knowledge.
When you get one of the fraudulent elections overturned, let me know. If you can get any democrat out of office, I will be very happy.
GREAT response! (for a sheep) Just accept when something is taken from you!! 100% fits in not wanting to protect your own loved ones from harm! And this is 100% your decision. You hav emade that very clear..and it is your right. However personally....I never let anyone run over me. I have never been that weak of a person.
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I won't hold my breath but the most important thing is keeping them from cheating in the future.
With people like you that just give up...going to be hard to do. America is not, and has never gotten to where it is with weak people. Our history is quite awesome. Little militia's defeating the greatest military power in the world, storming of Normandy on D day, Japanese island invasions, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Afghanistan. Somehow those brave people that fought and many gave their lives I am SURE were not quitters...agree?
1. I take everything on twitter with a grain of salt. I truly believe if fraud were proven, someone, somewhere would be able to get at least one election overturned.

2. I believe OP's premise is that both parties are against Trump so they just stand by and let him get cheated out of the election.
You actually have NO CLUE what is happening around you. You trust our government...HUGE mistake. And EXACTLY why many of us LOVE Trump, and why lefties HATE him. He takes away their power, and gives it back to US, WE THE PEOPLE
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GREAT response! (for a sheep) Just accept when something is taken from you!!
He doesn't see it as a loss. Just like he doesn't see it as a loss when politicians want to take his gun rights from him.

A mature American understands that a stolen election is very damaging to the country. A selfish person doesn't care IF the election is stolen from someone they don't like.

A mature American understands that a stolen constitutional right is very damaging to the country. A selfish person doesn't care IF the stolen right is one they didn't plan on exercising.

Let's be honest, the 'just move on' crowd is full of a lot of very selfish people, whose views do more damage to this country than anything the left does.
Is it logical to believe in heaven and hell? Or is it logical to think religion was invented by bright people to control the animals that couldn’t think for themselves. Asking for a friend.
I believe in a ruling class uniparty - 100% yes.

Power corrupts, people like Pelosi and McConnell are more interested in their own $100MM+ fortunes than doing what’s right for you and I.

I cannot imagine not seeing that obvious fact.

You want to show me how Bush Jr was a staunch conservative voice? Romney? McCain?

Now that we know where the Republicans fall on the spectrum, how far left are Obama’s policies? Hillary’s? Gore? Biden?

At best Republicans can hope for Center Left, while the Democrats are flirting with “Democratic” Socialism (which is an oxymoron).

They are all on the same team, which is why Trump is so totally unacceptable. You cannot have an outsider break the bubble, it threatens them all and how they build their generational wealth.
And how many of the good old "Repubs" were against the Tea Party Movement. A very large number. Hmmmm ... I wonder why??? Maybe they were not on the same team???
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