Yes, I meant you were describing me with the last part of your previous post, the libertarian part. Sorry for the confusion.Nope, you know who you are and claim being libertarian.
There are those that lie who want to redefine conservatism.
Then there are those that claim being conservative but have no clue that they are actually are libertarians. Its the latter two that kind of get my ire up.
Its the duplicitous (a french word) lying french republicans (often a RINO) that frost me the most because they are a fifth column that undermine us Reaganites.
You are transparent and I can respect that.
And I agree with you about faux cons / and RINOs.
I used to define myself as fiscally con / socially lib, but my good very conservative friend corrected me, saying I was socially libertarian, not liberal, and that seemed to fit much better.
I think there are a fair # of folks who feel similarly to me, but very few candidates like that. Seems to me it'd be a recipe for defeating dems, since we agree on the unimportant stuff. And yes, the is nothing more unimportant than social issues once racism becomes a non-starter ...