Logical thinking

And how many of the good old "Repubs" were against the Tea Party Movement. A very large number. Hmmmm ... I wonder why??? Maybe they were not on the same team???
They lied about the TEA party like they lie about MAGA...but there was no Trump to defend them. TEA= Taxed Enough Already. Who could disagree except lib gubment freebie professionals? MAGA= Make America Great Again. Who does not want that? Yep...lib socialits trying to bring America down from the inside.
It’s against human nature to be altruistic and honest if it means you have to live a more difficult life.
This a nugget worth re-reading over and over.

Its easy for some Millennial/GenZer to condemn people from mamma's basement when she is paying the bills while they video game and text about the evils of America on an i-Phone produced in China by what might as well be slave labor.

Jefferson and Washington owned slaves. So did those evil suthnahs. Not even the sainted founders would free their slaves until the died. Nobody was going to voluntarily live under a bridge down by the river.
And how many of the good old "Repubs" were against the Tea Party Movement. A very large number. Hmmmm ... I wonder why??? Maybe they were not on the same team???
Excellent point.

Liberals don’t understand this. Leftists stick together at all costs. When gov’t knows best you bend the knee.
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