Jail Time For Hunter?

How so? It had more teeth than the lunatic cat woman civil case.

Let me guess. Was the coverup part of the Senate's secret slush hush fund that they used for years for congressional dirty laundry? Hmmm........ maybe we could get the jackboots to usher a busload of congress critters to trial for "election inteference". :rolleyes:
Reid worked for Biden. She was fired for reporting the abuse. Did Biden even deny it?

Trump literally never met Carroll and she was unable to prove that he had. She also said she was wearing an outfit that wasn't even manufactured for years after the "incident". The story has changed over the years, from a consensual tryst to rape (Daniels did the same thing).

They literally passed a law for this case - a 6 month window waving any SOL on sexual assault claims. This was always about "getting Trump". To my knowledge no one else came forward to take advantage of the "window".

But please don't bother a liberal with facts. Orange Man Bad is all that matters.
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Reid worked for Biden. She was fired for reporting the abuse. Did Biden even deny it?

Trump literally never met Carroll and she was unable to prove that he had. She also said she was wearing an outfit that wasn't even manufactured for years after the "incident". The story has changed over the years, from a consensual tryst to rape (Daniels did the same thing).

They literally passed a law for this case - a 6 month window waving any SOL on sexual assault claims. This was always about "getting Trump". To my knowledge no one else came forward to take advantage of the "window".

But please don't bother a liberal with facts. Orange Man Bad is all that matters.
If we took everyone in this country who was full on mentally ill and institutionalized them, we would only have maybe two or three democrats still running loose in the country.
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You convicted a ham sandwich? Of what? Hurting your feelings? 😂

That is not the saying. It is indict an ham sandwich but conviction is not easy.

Another one saying anything to feel better about your convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. I know at least 5 other loyalist.
That is not the saying. It is indict an ham sandwich but conviction is not easy.

Another one saying anything to feel better about your convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. I know at least 5 other loyalist.
I’m just waiting til November 5 what will the masses say IF Trump Wins? it was a free and fair Election? or IF he loses he was cheated???
That is not the saying. It is indict an ham sandwich but conviction is not easy.

Another one saying anything to feel better about your convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. I know at least 5 other loyalist.
It's DAMNED easy with a crooked judge and rigged jury pool. That judge should be disbarred for life for the shit he pulled.
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Reid worked for Biden. She was fired for reporting the abuse. Did Biden even deny it?

Trump literally never met Carroll and she was unable to prove that he had. She also said she was wearing an outfit that wasn't even manufactured for years after the "incident". The story has changed over the years, from a consensual tryst to rape (Daniels did the same thing).

They literally passed a law for this case - a 6 month window waving any SOL on sexual assault claims. This was always about "getting Trump". To my knowledge no one else came forward to take advantage of the "window".

But please don't bother a liberal with facts. Orange Man Bad is all that matters.
Oh, that special temporary law they passed, terminates November 1, 2024, I believe.
Awesome rebuttal. Did Kal counsel you on your reply? 😂
Nah. I stand on my own two feet Amigo, enlightenment sometimes is a good thing, at the end of the day ole Nav, Trump could give two Sh#%s about what you or anyone feels or think's, I could care less about his troubles or Bidens, everything I do in this life doesn’t revolve around either one of their whining and woes
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Nah. I stand on my own two feet Amigo, enlightenment sometimes is a good thing, at the end of the day ole Nav, Trump could give two Sh#%s about what you or anyone feels or think's, I could care less about his troubles or Bidens, everything I do in this life doesn’t revolve around either one of their whining and woes
Well then I hope you sincerely the Trump Train the next 4 years. :cool:
30 years ago. Sham trial of the past 100 years. REAL crime. 1st Degree Murder. :mad:
And Hunter has a more favorable jury and venue than OJ. With the jury under threat of job, friend loss and a family enema if they convict. Hunter will walk on this and the tax charges in CA as the legal system is politicized for public figures.
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My fellow members..I am missing something and need some assistance finding them. Can someone show me ANYWHERE in all of these threads on this site where our little snowflake friends are covering all of FJB's accomplishments after he stole the election? All I seem to be able to find is discussions on how bad Trump is! So if someone can assist in me finding threads on WHY FJB should be our president(non capitalized on purpose) please direct them my way. Because if all they have is corrupt made up trials and crimes( that ANYONE above a kindergarten education can see are ALL fake) they are in for a VERY RUDE awakening on election day. Even THEY cannot cheat this much as the whole Country sees our open borders, unaffordable groceries, high interest rates, and WWIII looming around the corner. AND they see the lawfare aimed at the BY FAR leading Presidential candidate!! So in advance...THANK YOU foor your assistance in locating those threads of success from the biggest idiot to ever steal an election!! KTHXBY
My fellow members..I am missing something and need some assistance finding them. Can someone show me ANYWHERE in all of these threads on this site where our little snowflake friends are covering all of FJB's accomplishments after he stole the election? All I seem to be able to find is discussions on how bad Trump is! So if someone can assist in me finding threads on WHY FJB should be our president(non capitalized on purpose) please direct them my way. Because if all they have is corrupt made up trials and crimes( that ANYONE above a kindergarten education can see are ALL fake) they are in for a VERY RUDE awakening on election day. Even THEY cannot cheat this much as the whole Country sees our open borders, unaffordable groceries, high interest rates, and WWIII looming around the corner. AND they see the lawfare aimed at the BY FAR leading Presidential candidate!! So in advance...THANK YOU foor your assistance in locating those threads of success from the biggest idiot to ever steal an election!! KTHXBY
Not Happening Viola Davis GIF by PBS SoCal
My favorite Kal (Perry Mason) Goodman bit of law "knowledge and logic" on the Trump trial probably has to be the following:

Question to Kal: Why do you think that venue was selected?
Answer: "Or maybe, just maybe that is where he lived and that was his peers when the crime was committed?"
So his peers are 95% who hate his guts from the most blue county in all of America. So Kal's wife hasn't yet explained to him why judges change court proceeding venues?
His answer represents the perfect metaphor of why it is impossible to "debate" with him. Is he totally ignorant of subject matter and actually has no concept of the purpose of moving venues which is to provide a fairer trial to a defendant? He probably has no clue that one of the most famous trials in America was moved from Brentwood to downtown L.A.

The other possibilty and maybe probability is that he is well aware of the concept of moving venues but is so intellectually dishonest that he can't and WON'T give you even the slighest crumb that this venue even MIGHT be unfair.

Take your pick but on some issues it's lack of knowledge and others it's just intellectual dishonesty.
My favorite Kal (Perry Mason) Goodman bit of law "knowledge and logic" on the Trump trial probably has to be the following:

Question to Kal: Why do you think that venue was selected?
Answer: "Or maybe, just maybe that is where he lived and that was his peers when the crime was committed?"
So his peers are 95% who hate his guts from the most blue county in all of America. So Kal's wife hasn't yet explained to him why judges change court proceeding venues?
His answer represents the perfect metaphor of why it is impossible to "debate" with him. Is he totally ignorant of subject matter and actually has no concept of the purpose of moving venues which is to provide a fairer trial to a defendant? He probably has no clue that one of the most famous trials in America was moved from Brentwood to downtown L.A.

The other possibilty and maybe probability is that he is well aware of the concept of moving venues but is so intellectually dishonest that he can't and WON'T give you even the slighest crumb that this venue even MIGHT be unfair.

Take your pick but on some issues it's lack of knowledge and others it's just intellectual dishonesty.
Correct. I wonder if a change of venue was denied? Yet one more point for grounds for appeal.
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Poor Hunter. He wasn't a drug user! 😂

Hallie Biden Tells Court Hunter Biden Smoked Ping-Pong Ball-Sized Crack Rocks​

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Poor Hunter. He wasn't a drug user! 😂

Hallie Biden Tells Court Hunter Biden Smoked Ping-Pong Ball-Sized Crack Rocks​

At once???????

I'm pretty sure you'd die.
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My favorite Kal (Perry Mason) Goodman bit of law "knowledge and logic" on the Trump trial probably has to be the following:

Question to Kal: Why do you think that venue was selected?
Answer: "Or maybe, just maybe that is where he lived and that was his peers when the crime was committed?"
So his peers are 95% who hate his guts from the most blue county in all of America. So Kal's wife hasn't yet explained to him why judges change court proceeding venues?
His answer represents the perfect metaphor of why it is impossible to "debate" with him. Is he totally ignorant of subject matter and actually has no concept of the purpose of moving venues which is to provide a fairer trial to a defendant? He probably has no clue that one of the most famous trials in America was moved from Brentwood to downtown L.A.

The other possibilty and maybe probability is that he is well aware of the concept of moving venues but is so intellectually dishonest that he can't and WON'T give you even the slighest crumb that this venue even MIGHT be unfair.

Take your pick but on some issues it's lack of knowledge and others it's just intellectual dishonesty.
Intellectual dishonesty is a nice way of putting it. I quit wasting my time with him.

The answer he provided to your question sums up kalim a ling a ding dong:

"just maybe that is where he lived and that was his peers when the crime was committed?"

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Walked right into that one. 😂😂😂

But unless that was 99 percent baby laxative before they cooked it, that's a lethal amount of cocaine.
With Hunter, you never know what it was. I remember reading stories where he admitted snorting his carpet when he ran out. 😂
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