I appreciate the kind words. We do not always agree - but it comes down, most of the time, to "anticipation and judgement" on issues (i.e. guessing how things will play out). I also have a bit more of a libertarian streak, which is founded out of "just get the government out of our lives".
With social media, things are so hyper-politicized or can be influenced, that if you want a real "apples to apples" comparison on jury pools, have Hunter stand trial in Alabama with 89% voting republican.
He would have had as much chance as...Trump, to get a fair trial. At least with Hunter, for what I know, (which admittedly is low) there is no stretching of the law and novel applications thereof.
Now, Kalim may say, "welcome to the reality of black americans up until the 1980s/1990s." That would not be an unfair statement.