Reid worked for Biden. She was fired for reporting the abuse. Did Biden even deny it?How so? It had more teeth than the lunatic cat woman civil case.
Let me guess. Was the coverup part of the Senate's secret slush hush fund that they used for years for congressional dirty laundry? Hmmm........ maybe we could get the jackboots to usher a busload of congress critters to trial for "election inteference".
Trump literally never met Carroll and she was unable to prove that he had. She also said she was wearing an outfit that wasn't even manufactured for years after the "incident". The story has changed over the years, from a consensual tryst to rape (Daniels did the same thing).
They literally passed a law for this case - a 6 month window waving any SOL on sexual assault claims. This was always about "getting Trump". To my knowledge no one else came forward to take advantage of the "window".
How a new law allowed E. Jean Carroll to seek justice against Trump years later
Survivors of sexual assault and advocates helped pass the Adult Survivors Act in New York that was instrumental to Carroll’s civil case.
But please don't bother a liberal with facts. Orange Man Bad is all that matters.