Jail Time For Hunter?

Just pointed out, what I wanted to point out. I am done with this.
If you saw Jill and Joe sitting in the courtroom how would you rule as a juror?

But Trump gave someone a raise and he’s tampering with witnesses….
Would not make one iota of difference. It would actually further cement the level of connection. Of course, I would likely not pass Voir Dire.
Hunter is guilty of much worse than a gun charge. But he is in Biden territory being tried by jurors where the prosecution had less juror challenges and had a jury pool stacked against them from the start. He will walk. Jury has 6 blacks who will not want to vote guilty for fear they or their relatives will be in danger. That is a fact, sad as it may sound. Delaware is a corrupt state, just like Rhode Island.

In Manhattan, 89% of eligible jurors had already voted against Trump. Grand juries can indict a ham sandwich and Manhattan juries can convict a ham sandwich. Especially if is a Republican named Trump.
That is possibly true. (I have not reviewed Hunter's pieces in depth)

I also fully agree that the juror pool matters - incredibly. There was almost no way that Trump was going to get off with a NYC jury. 89% sounds right.

If Trump wins, he should do a one time Pardon of Hunter. Be magnanimous. Let him go. If Hunter repeats, then that is between Hunter and the "big guy".
No you’re done because I made logical arguments you have no answer for, because you know they make sense.

Same outcome, different topic.

You don’t have to admit anything, it’s obvious to anyone with basic reasoning skills.
LOL. You are definitely high on your own supply.
Only Hunter Biden DID break his own state's laws, and probably dozens of federal ones for money laundering, tax evasion, an unregistered foreign agent (remember that's what they hung Manafort with), child pornography and abuse, illegal drugs.
Trumps trial in NY, the bluest area in the Nation, prosecuted by a guy who ran his campaign on "GET TRUMP". This is all you need to know about "fairness". Hunters trial in Delaware, his home state where he is somewhat liked. If Trumps trial were held in Florida...what would the result have been? Sorry little WILL SEAL the election FOR Trump...get used to it...and you ALL had BETTER be respectful this time. After all, he WILL go down as America's BEST EVER President.
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Would not make one iota of difference. It would actually further cement the level of connection. Of course, I would likely not pass Voir Dire.
You're braver than I am. Same administration who had their DOJ goons file a lawsuit against Sheetz for using background checks when hiring. Same administration who has racked up 900 years of jail time for anyone even near the Capitol on J6.

If you don't think these jurors lives will be hell if they don't acquit Hunter you've been under a rock the past 3 years.

Terrible visit where one person talks to him, 4/18

Lawsuit the next day, 4/19
"I don't care about Hunter"

Hunter Biden needs to be charged with: An unregistered foreign agent. A documented pedophile based on his own laptop evidence. Drug charges, gun charges, money laundering, tax evasion, lying to Congress. Shell company RICO charges leading back to "The Big Guy". Get cracking!
You're braver than I am. Same administration who had their DOJ goons file a lawsuit against Sheetz for using background checks when hiring. Same administration who has racked up 900 years of jail time for anyone even near the Capitol on J6.

If you don't think these jurors lives will be hell if they don't acquit Hunter you've been under a rock the past 3 years.

Terrible visit where one person talks to him, 4/18

Lawsuit the next day, 4/19
You might be right that I would not be that brave.
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Exactly. Ask old black or poor people about the justice system. Which group of people is getting released through varies "innocent projects"?...
Agreed, they also now hate the po po. Of course when they were arresting poor people for dope it was all good. About the worst type of hypocrite you can be. Awful human beings.
If you saw Jill and Joe sitting in the courtroom how would you rule as a juror?

But Trump gave someone a raise and he’s tampering with witnesses….
He paid witnesses. Nothing to see here perfectly normal!!! Smarten up fats.
You might be right that I would not be that brave.
You’d have to be stupid to challenge this regime, especially by going after their family.

And you’re the last poster I’d call stupid. I don’t agree with you all of the time but it’s not an intelligence issue.

When Hunter gets off scot-free posters who have predicted his guilt based on an obvious fact pattern will explain it away like good little fascists.
This case will be a poster child for JURY NULLIFICATION, imo. I hope I am wrong if the prosecution has proved its case.
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Lol. Apparently grabbing women by the pussy and illegally paying off multiple porn stars is Godful and Good, correct?
Any proof he grabbed anyone by the pussy or is that just locker room talk (you’ve been in a locker room, right?)

And NDA’s are not illegal. Never have been. And they don’t prove guilt.

In fact, you personally have paid for 268 of them.

Did I say he wasn't? Did you miss the point of post? Shocker
I had no idea what you were talking about as it made no sense to me either. I have commented in the past on you writing in riddles and this is just one more for the list.
Hunters harlot comes unhinged

These degenerates and the people who support them ALWAYS blame others for what they DO. So this guy that spread the info is the bad guy...but the sister in law f'r crackhead America selling down the drain POS is AOK??? LOLOL Libs gonna lib. They hate America...always have, and it will not get better with time.
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Lol. Apparently grabbing women by the pussy and illegally paying off multiple porn stars is Godful and Good, correct?
Better than what you "guys" know that do not understand correct gender......

You see, son....I think differently than you do. Why? Because I love America. To me...what you mention happens in someones personal life, and I TRULY do not care. What I DO care about is selling access to America's enemies(treason which is worse than being a hound dog...wouldn't you agree?) and profiting off of it. Using the DOJ to remain in power, ruing a great economy, and actually OPENING our SHUT borders so our enemies can walk right in untouched, and doing your best to change the census to remain in power illegally...forever. Which is worse to you.

Let me simplify it so that you can understand the questrion.....what is worse to YOU. Having sex with someone other than your wife....or treason? You need to go outside and practice falling down when the facts do not work for you. And your swelcome....I enjoy educating you!!

(please TRY to respond, even though you will pretend you did not see my response)

hard to argue, how many people close to trump have to say the exact same thing before the sheep wake up???
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I had no idea what you were talking about as it made no sense to me either. I have commented in the past on you writing in riddles and this is just one more for the list.
I am accusing of you of following what you heard from right wing media and bringing it here as your own idea. Just you guys being a follower.
That is possibly true. (I have not reviewed Hunter's pieces in depth)

I also fully agree that the juror pool matters - incredibly. There was almost no way that Trump was going to get off with a NYC jury. 89% sounds right.

If Trump wins, he should do a one time Pardon of Hunter. Be magnanimous. Let him go. If Hunter repeats, then that is between Hunter and the "big guy".

I thought you were done?

Another lie in a long list...
You didn't think you'd actually get any truth outta that guy, did ya?
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You’d have to be stupid to challenge this regime, especially by going after their family.

And you’re the last poster I’d call stupid. I don’t agree with you all of the time but it’s not an intelligence issue.

When Hunter gets off scot-free posters who have predicted his guilt based on an obvious fact pattern will explain it away like good little fascists.
I appreciate the kind words. We do not always agree - but it comes down, most of the time, to "anticipation and judgement" on issues (i.e. guessing how things will play out). I also have a bit more of a libertarian streak, which is founded out of "just get the government out of our lives".

With social media, things are so hyper-politicized or can be influenced, that if you want a real "apples to apples" comparison on jury pools, have Hunter stand trial in Alabama with 89% voting republican.

He would have had as much chance as...Trump, to get a fair trial. At least with Hunter, for what I know, (which admittedly is low) there is no stretching of the law and novel applications thereof.

Now, Kalim may say, "welcome to the reality of black americans up until the 1980s/1990s." That would not be an unfair statement.
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He would have had as much chance as...Trump, to get a fair trial. At least with Hunter, for what I know, (which admittedly is low) there is no stretching of the law and novel applications thereof.
This is why I suggested that the Biden Cartel should be brought up in say, Lakeland, FL for every obvious federal crime they have committed. The DimRats want to play lawfare, so be it. Be careful for what they wish for, karma has a way of balancing things out.
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