This woman is a total ditz

She's clearly unfit for the job and I'm sure many of her supporters realize that.

Trump's just about the only candidate she has a chance of beating.
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Just shows how incompetent and stupid she really is. She does not have the mental capacity to answer two simple questions yet there are people who want her to "run" our country. Kamala could not run a lemonade stand.

Customer : "how much is a cup of lemonade?"

Kamala the Vapid : " when I was a kid, we used to have neighbors that had a dog that they used to walk in our neighborhood. That dog's name was Skippy. Skippy was a dog with four legs and fur, because that's what dogs have and he was a dog of the neighborhood, the same neighborhood where we have neighbors and other dogs in our neighborhood"
She's clearly unfit for the job and I'm sure many of her supporters realize that.

Trump's just about the only candidate she has a chance of beating.
There is no doubt Kamala has no business even thinking about being President of the U.S. of A. Over 330 million citizens and this is the best the Democrats can give us. They traded a dementia patient for an idiot.

God help this lost nation we call America.