You are a sad creature. The troops aren't coming home as clearly stated by the Pentagon. Some are to remain in Eastern Syria the rest go to Iraq. In fact our President has increased US troops in the Middle East by adding 2,500 troops in the land of his favorite killer MBS ( Saudi Arabia ) .
Lefties: 'Bring our troops home, you warmongering bastards!!!!!"
Trump: "We need to get out of Afghanistan! Been there 19 years with no end in sight, let's come home!"
Lefties: "Shut up Trump, you suck! We need to get out of Afghanistan!"
Trump: "That's what I just said!"
Lefties: "Trump sucks! Bring out troops home!"
Trump: "I am announcing today that our troops will be leaving Syria and coming home!"
Lefties: "WHAT?!??!? And abandon those wonderful Kurds, our greatest allies on the planet? You heartless bastard! IMPEACH TRUMP! IMPEACH TRUMP!"
Trump: "What the hell?????"
Lefties: "We need MORE troops in the region, to help our allies!"
Trump: *blank stare* Ok fine, the troops can stay in Syria, and I'll send some to help our great allies Saudi Arabia!"
Lefties: "WHAT?!?!?!?!? You would help war mongering Saudi Arabia! You heartless bastard!!!!!"
Wait till Trump announces he is pulling out of Afghanistan and the lefties here claim he's putting the peace of the world at risk. These people are truly insane, Trump does the very things they have claimed they always wanted an American President to do, and it just drives them battier.