Dow up 750 points. Oil down 25% in the last month.
Biden getting things done.
Biden putting on the big boy pants with Russia. No way they invade now.
As the OP in the GOAT thread…………A shame. In the offseason this board is the 2nd most popular on the site, far better than the locker room.
This isn't 2013 when @BSC911 was the main poster here and there were 3 new threads a month. The board is active and entertaining now.
LOL. Too easy. Like taking candy from a baby.So 6 months ago you paid $3.75 for gas. Today you spent $3,00 for gas.
And you want to give Hiden credit for gas going down 20%.
But gas was $1.75 a gallon a year ago. So Hiden more than doubled the price of gas, pulled it back 20%, and you think he gets a cookie for that?
LOL. You just accused them of doing exactly what you’ve done.When you start looking as dumb as Don Lemon, you know you've really arrived as a liberal troll.
Everyone, let's take a second, stop what you're doing, and wherever you are put your hands together for our boy BSC. He's put a ton of work into this moment.
CNN gushes over gas prices falling to $3.35 a gallon: 'A big economic relief for millions'
CNN didn't try to hide its effort to paint a slight drop in gas prices as a massive economic accomplishment as it gushed over the national average price for a gallon of gas dropping a whopping 8 cents from
Now, when it goes back up I wonder if they'll contrast and tell how painful it is on middle income families that gas is so expensive. I'm not holding my breath.
Yes, yes we do. Which is why I graduated from UF instead of a clown school like FSU.I think we know which side now
Only because I know how much it triggers you dorks.It really is. I can't imagine being so insecure that every time someone replies to one of my posts I have to take my response to "my" own masturbatory thread so I can brag about the page count and how popular I am.
I've been message boarding since 2007 and I've never seen anything like it. I'm not sure if I'm in awe of it or deeply disturbed by it.
Sorry.He's such a terrible troll. Good trolls are good cause they are rooted in truth.
For instance, what upsets @BSC911 more? When we discuss Trump running successful businesses, or when @gatordad3 mentions his kids attending UF? Since @BSC911 has never done either, it's tough to call.
He lies, then when people mock him for lying, he thinks that's a good troll cause he got responses. Liars always get mocked, same way he gets mocked for welching on his claim he would leave the board on Jan 20th, or when he said he would if he was ever caught in a lie.
He just needs attention. It's really sad.
Hahahah.Ok for the first time I'm starting to think we may have found an actual @BSC911 sock account. No one with a working brain calls this 'economic growth'.
The economy is garbage. Turning the economy back on after keeping it off for a year isn't 'growth'. It's restarting a dead economy.
This is as dumb as @BSC911 claiming obama was amazing cause he once had a quarter with 3% GDP.....which ignoring that he had a NEGATIVE GDP the quarter before.
This would be like Napier going 1-11 next year, then in 2023 he goes 2-10, and you claim he's doing an amazing job cause Florida's win total increased by 100%, 'faster than it ever did under Meyer OR Spurrier!'
Same here. Let me know when you come up with something original,OOOHHHHH......BUSTED AGAIN for name-calling (LMAO!!!)! You are well-done like steak at Saltgrass. My work with you is finished. Now go run along and play with Hunter Biden on his dirty porn laptop!
Yawn. Publicly, not in an undocumented phone call.
Chapter 8, Burying Biden Corruption, Rigged by Mollie Hemingway.Felony crime of Quid Pro Quo by a public servant.
Beijoin Biden did it to protect himself and his son from going to jail for their corruption, not for the U.S.
That's just another of your stupid lies showing that you are a traitor that supports other traitors.
Corrupt Nancy tried to push a partisan Impeachment Ukraine lie on Trump that FAILED miserably, for exactly what Beijing Biden actually did, and admitted to doing before the CFR.
Ending the prosecutor's investigation that was after HIS SON'S 'assess selling job' for a corrupt oil company.
Hey look who’s back. Where have yo been.Chapter 8, Burying Biden Corruption, Rigged by Mollie Hemingway.
I do not recommend Rigged for the board's slow. Although Ms. Hemingway uses small words from the dominant West Germanic language, the board's slow won't get it. 81 million did not vote for Beijing Biden. Probably closer to 63 million. 53 million likely believe 81 million.
Where instaGator fails miserably? Getting through to the board's slow is completely beyond his reach.
Here’s a quiz in honor of your Bama buddy @GhostOfMatchesMaloneChapter 8, Burying Biden Corruption, Rigged by Mollie Hemingway.
I do not recommend Rigged for the board's slow. Although Ms. Hemingway uses small words from the dominant West Germanic language, the board's slow won't get it. 81 million did not vote for Beijing Biden. Probably closer to 63 million. 53 million likely believe 81 million.
Where instaGator fails miserably? Getting through to the board's slow is completely beyond his reach.
You rang? Step into my office.WHOA! Impartial?? An entire legacy media that was the world's largest PR campaign worker for Hillary "Hildabeast" Clinton in 2016 is somehow regarded as "impartial?" Let alone running interference in the Russia hoax among other things?? You must be @BSC911 twin brother or something.
As a proud resident of Alabama, I’m sure you’re quite familiar with racist comments.Sunny was mocking Hiden's 'if you don't vote for me, you aint black. man!' racist comment that Hiden made to a black man.
I've never been but if I had to guess I'd say the attendees were mainly conservatives, as they tend to be the most gullible.He's probably a regular attendee with all the other liberals whack-jobs out there. Blue city mayors even.
Sure, keep it up.
It's not like it wasn't already out in the open. Only the ignorant think its anything other than typical political foreign policy pressure on allies.
A big nothing burger.So typical that traitor mob-mom Nancy attempted (and failed x2) to use a partisan Impeachment on Trump, 1st for Russian Collusion, and then again for what Beijing Biden has publicly admitted to doing, FELONY QUID PRO QUO in the Ukraine. (while uncle Joe & Hunter in China is even worse imo)
BS-C911, you're so FoS that people can smell you coming from a mile away....
Ah, the head simpleton chimes in.*synonyms for Dimtards
We keep trying to educate you slow ones but it's damn near impossible. Learning is above your pay grade.
Bump for the tards.
Keeping what's important on this BS-C911 thread, front and center....
See ya at the top of the next page...
Compare the number of record highs with the number of record lows. Record highs are occurring all over the place. It’s not even close. We’ve never seen a December like this in Texas. Same with Alaska on the other end.So what I say here isn't true? Denver didn't have it's earliest freeze on record in 2019? The CenTex didn't have record lows in February? Key Biscayne shore line is up since 1968? According to many sources, I got it right. Maybe you should rethink, as hard as it is for you. Or was Denver's earliest freeze on record in 2020? Well, you got me. I was wrong!!! Denver's earliest freeze occurred Sept. 8, 2020.
Have you ever considered thinking before you post?
As always, reading comprehension fails you.Compare the number of record highs with the number of record lows. Record highs are occurring all over the place. It’s not even close. We’ve never seen a December like this in Texas. Same with Alaska on the other end.
Key Biscayne shore line? Wtf are you even talking about.
You sound as dumb as you do when talking about the economy or oil and gas. “Biden shut down drilling,”. LOL.
Oh, and as usual, you dont know what you’re talking about. Total fail. Seriously dude, you are just embarrassing yourself at this point.
Denver records first freeze: How does it fit in the history books?
Denver recorded its first freeze on Wednesday morning and there’s a chance the city could get its first snow of the season by Friday
Sept. 8, 1962
The average date of the first freeze of the season in Denver is Oct. 7. The earliest first freeze on record was Sept. 8, 1962.Oct 13, 2021
Denver records first freeze: How does it fit in the history books?
What about the earliest freeze? You are as wrong as much as Ghost.As always, reading comprehension fails you.
On Election Day we were energy independent. Today we are not. Everyone here gets it but you. You would be our lowest scoring member in class room intelligence quotient testing. As everyone here knows, I have a series of questions designed to measure one's ability to reason. You would fail.
Christ gives forgiveness. You should too.Names of those killed
- Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Tex.
- Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole Gee, 23, of Roseville, Calif.
- Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover, 31, of Utah
- Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, 23, of Corryton, Tenn.
- Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, of Indio, Calif.
- Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, 20, Jackson, Wyo.
- Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.
- Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, 20, of Norco, Calif.
- Marine Corps Cpl. Daegan William-Tyeler Page, 23, of Omaha
- Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosario, 25, Lawrence, Mass.
- Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto Sanchez, 22, Logansport, Ind.
- Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, 20, of Wentzville, Mo.
- Navy Hospital Corpsman Max Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio
Thirteen reasons to believe we are not so blessed or willing to bless Joe.
No but I have a brother who was born with three 21st chromosomes and he is more of a man than you because he lives life through his heart while you live it through your ass. You probably think that anyone who has used the N word is inhuman, but I believe that anyone using the R word is much worse.
LOL. Me thinks you have selected outrage as that term has been used all the time. I guess disparaging names only upset you when they affect you personally. You probably use the FJB all the time.No but I have a brother who was born with three 21st chromosomes and he is more of a man than you because he lives life through his heart while you live it through your ass. You probably think that anyone who has used the N word is inhuman, but I believe that anyone using the R word is much worse.
F#2k You, may God show you the basement when your time comes!