God Bless President Biden

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Clearly the 5G nanobot's work is taking it's toll on you. Does the lizard skin and tail hurt, or it is just like normal skin just more shiny? And do you have any free will left, or is the Borg controlling your every move?

After you answer these I have some questions about the second penis.


Shut the F up.

I know our liberal friends don't care, and this isn't "evidence"...but why are these men committing felonies to throw away documentation/destroy evidence related to the Presidential election in their county? If everything was above board, why risk jail time to interfere with an audit?

Delaware County was the last county in the state to fully report its ballots for the 2020 election, and several races were in the scope of being flipped by a few thousand votes. The lawsuit suggests an election machine shredded thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots, with the data corroborating it deliberately erased in the lead up to the right-to-know filing.

Several videos were released as part of the effort to corroborate the claims. In the first video shared, Tom Gallagher, an attorney for Delaware County, appears to be throwing return ballots into a trash can in anticipation of the election data audit. “At this point, I don’t want anybody to pick it up, and thinking we threw stuff away,” Gallagher says in the video. “We’re going to have a little campfire going.” A second video shows a conversation between the whistleblower and a man named “Ziggy.”

“Let’s put it this way. … Yes, there are tapes being tossed,” Ziggy says. “But they are of no audit value.” A third video was released showing a conversation between two men named Jim Savage and James Allen.
Yawn. Let me know when you find actual fraud.
I just took 2+ pages off of the BS-C911's thread, 😝 so adding back one 'thumbing my nose' post to let it be known is acceptable imo.
oooooh Noooo.

Good to know I’m in your head as well. I’ll add you to the list.
The market starting off strong this week with Biden’s appointment of Powell as Fed Chairman.

Good job Joe.
Follow up.

With BiPartisan support. Something Trump never figured out.

A bipartisan group of U.S. senators are voicing support for President Biden’s picks to lead the Federal Reserve, boding well for Jerome Powell’s odds at a second term as Fed chair and Lael Brainard to win a promotion to Fed vice chair.

On Monday morning, the Biden administration voiced support for the two existing Fed officials, who will be tasked with the immediate challenges of rising inflation and an incomplete labor market recovery.
I seriously don’t think there is anyone more ignorant about economic matters than yourself. I guess that’s why you’re constantly running to the rest of your tribe for help.

Hers a question for you.
The Biden economy is doing better than any year under Trump. True or false?

It’s a simple equation

PS. In case you hadn’t noticed, we are still in a pandemic.

not sure if serious?
not sure if serious?
This stiff is dead serious. Getting through to the slow is completely beyond NavigatorII's reach. Everyone here is fully aware of the economic growth which occurs post pandemic. Our post pandemic growth has been slow under Brandon.
This stiff is dead serious. Getting through to the slow is completely beyond NavigatorII's reach. Everyone here is fully aware of the economic growth which occurs post pandemic. Our post pandemic growth has been slow under Brandon.
Why are you so afraid to answer my questions? I thought you were supposed to be smart. Maybe Navigator can help you out. I’ll bet he knows the answers.
Joe Biden's America is where "most" replies belong now. It's just a suggestion, not a mandate. @BSC911's gawt damn the pusher man's thread is dead now. Everyone knows the creator should disown the Pantshitter in Chief. More should retract their posts and just delete from that thread, BSC isn't worthy of your time of day, other than an an occasional bitchslap on other threads. Delete there, and slap the cuck on other threads.
Awwww. Does this GOAT thread hurt your whittle feelings?
We have demonstrated on numerous occasions my getting through to you is completely beyond my reach.

You have demonstrated on numerous occasions reading comprehension is not a strong suit for you. I'll not waste my time.
You have demonstrated an intense fear of answering my simple questions, I guess for fear o pf embarrassing yourself once again.

Good call.

PS. Drilling activity was up again last week.

Ron DeSantis: Florida Legislature to Pursue $1 Billion in Gas Tax Relief​

Great. Now I have to pay for someone’s else’s gasoline. Glad I don’t live full time in that socialist state.

Do you know who else subsidizes gas? Venezuela. You Trumpers are so hypocritical.
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The Biden economic miracle continues. @Sunburnt Indian promised economic stagnation. As us usual, he fails to grasp economics.


New jobless claims fell far more than expected to the lowest level since November 1969 last week, underscoring the present tight labor market conditions as initial unemployment claims near 2019 levels while job openings hold near record highs
So? Do we not have trade relations with those countries? You complain about our trade imbalance with China and now you complain when we export products.

Guess what, we’re also selling our corn and soybeans to them as well.

The things you dorks get excited over.
It's NOT about the past result, it's about future methods of stealing elections and putting the kibosh on it. Because without stolen elections, the Pantshitter would be staring out of a window somewhere in Delaware.
I have no problem with free and fair elections. Glad you agree the last one was.
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Well, his plan was to get everyone vaccinated. Unfortunately, the Trumper cult is still resisting.

The best laid plans….
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I knew we could count on you. It is customary for supply to decline during a pandemic. Thank you. Most of us are well aware. Regular at my neighborhood Stripes was $1.74 on Election Day.

We can count on you to keep us up to date on energy. Right?
Tag them. For whatever reason they cannot stand that.

For instance, one of the posters here, who claims to have me on Ignore, private messaged me a couple days ago telling me to leave him alone. He said people were telling him that I was talking about him, and it was upsetting him.

This is from a man who claims to have me on Ignore. I suspect he messaged me after he tried to tattle to me on the mods and they said get over it.
Sorry troll. I dont even see your tags. I realize that it just because you are too afraid to respond directly.

Does anyone actually take you seriously anymore after your tearful goodbye?
I hate to do this, but it really is sad how ignorant you are on every single topic you want to discuss.

"Oil prices experienced one of their worst trading days in recent memory on Friday, plunging across the board by over 10% on fears that a new COVID-19 variant discovered in Southern Africa might dampen economic growth and trigger another demand slump. Following the spectacular failure of the SPR release, which instead of depressing prices ratcheted them up higher, renewed COVID-19 concerns have now brought about President Biden’s objective."

Poor @BSC911.

And everyone note the oil production chart. @BSC911 has often claimed that oil production has increased under Hiden. That is dead wrong, as well. Pre-covid, the US produced roughly 13M barrels of oil a day, now we produce 11M.

That's a DECLINE of roughly 15%. That's why we are no longer energy independent.

In closing, pay your Rivals bill.
Look at welcher actually daring to respond.

You actually did well on the quiz. Like @Sunburnt Indian , it was a trick question. All of the answers were wrong, as they have nothing to do with long term oil prices, as I’ve been saying all along. So thanks for playing along and proving my point.

As for as production numbers, you get an F on that one. Look at the monthly numbers, not the annual ones. Production declined during 2020 and is now rising.

My little puppet gets sent to school again. Oh how I missed you. That was fun.
Stock Market confident Biden can handle the Omicon variant.

Opens up 370 points.
Not so fast.... market's down 470+ points for the day so far.
Yeah, that was yesterday. It’s going to be volatile for a while until we figure out the extent of this new(ie fake) strain.

In fact, I hope there’s a big pull back as it was a huge buying opportunity last year.

Joe and his handlers have work to do to address inflation…. blaming Trump is no longer an excuse.
That’s really more of a Fed issue. They have been hesitant to raise rates to curb inflation until they see what the effects of the new strain are. I hope he does end the easy money policy. However, If another surge causes an economic decline, inflation will be the least of our problems.

Presidents may get the blame, but they actually have little control over inflation, other than naming the Fed Chairman. It’s not about blaming Trump.
The Biden Boom continues

U.S. private employers brought back more jobs than expected in November, with companies gradually filling widespread vacancies as the economic recovery moved further along.

Private payrolls grew by 534,000 in November compared to October, ADP said in its closely watched monthly report.Consensus economists were looking for private payrolls to rise by 525,000, according to Bloomberg data. Private payrolls had grown by 570,000 in October, according to ADP's revised monthly figure
How is this possible? Again, the math breaks down.

@BSC911 told us the shots slow the spread and they work. @Uniformed_ReRe told us the same thing.

If this were true, California would be the Gold Star example of dealing with covid, and Florida would be the cautionary tale. Yet it's the precise opposite.

California has some of the strictest covid restrictions in the nation. Florida has some of the loosest.

@BSC911? @Uniformed_ReRe? What happened? How did you guys get it so wrong?
Sorry but I am only taking requests ITT. I hope you understand.
Ducks, dodges, and attempts to distract from the subject at hand as always, but again fails to answer the Communist Red Chinese Kung Flu questions.
So typical of him....

However, is DeSantis in charge of oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, or is it someone else?

Beijing Biden sets out oil, gas leasing reform:

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Friday recommended an overhaul of the nation’s oil and gas leasing program to limit areas available for energy development and raise costs for oil and gas companies to drill on public land and water. Recommendations include limiting areas available for energy development and raising costs for oil and gas companies to drill on public land and water.

Beijing Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in slew of executive actions on climate change.

Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.
Federal waters start 12 miles offshore, but a good governor would support offshore drilling
Is it finally happening? In case you don't want to click on the links:
Taiwan suspends Pfizer for kids
Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, France and Germany all suspend Moderna for kids.

@gator1776 @BSC911 - what do these countries know that the US doesn't? Why are we pushing these shots for kids 5-11 while developed countries around the world are suspending them? It flat out doesn't make sense, we all need to be asking these questions regardless of our stance on Covid vaccines.

Ive never recommended shots for kids. I’m pretty sure 1776 is against them as well.

Funny, though, that you trust those country’s over ours.
Federal waters start 12 miles offshore, but a good governor would support offshore drilling

Not in Florida!

'A political ally of the president, DeSantis said he will “be raising Cain” if drilling plans advance that include Florida waters, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico Range Complex, a military testing range that stretches from the Florida Panhandle to Key West.

DeSantis said he anticipates “accommodations” will be made to shield Florida from drilling, as was first announced early last year by then-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

“We’re just not a state for that,” DeSantis told reporters after an appearance at the Tampa Bay Christian Academy in Tampa. “I think for other states there may be a different calculation. But for us, you know our entire state is coastline. You have a mishap; it has a cascading effect. Whatever jobs would be created (by drilling) could be undercut by chilling tourism.”'
Not in Florida!

'A political ally of the president, DeSantis said he will “be raising Cain” if drilling plans advance that include Florida waters, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico Range Complex, a military testing range that stretches from the Florida Panhandle to Key West.

DeSantis said he anticipates “accommodations” will be made to shield Florida from drilling, as was first announced early last year by then-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

“We’re just not a state for that,” DeSantis told reporters after an appearance at the Tampa Bay Christian Academy in Tampa. “I think for other states there may be a different calculation. But for us, you know our entire state is coastline. You have a mishap; it has a cascading effect. Whatever jobs would be created (by drilling) could be undercut by chilling tourism.”'
LOL. Drill, baby, drill, unless it’s off our coast.

Pipelines? Great, as long as it doesn’t run thru our state.
Derp. Why don’t you compare it to when Biden took over.

He’s working on it but did you really expect him to fix Trumps disastrous economy overnight?

Latest US jobs report weaker than expected as unemployment falls:​

The unemployment rate in the United States has reached its lowest point since before the coronavirus... So it's slowly moving back to where Trump had it before the Rats and Beijing Biden torpedoed it with their lab created and intentionally released Communist Red Chinese Kung Flu scamdemic.

The unemployment rate was 4.6% in October 2021, which was 0.2 percentage points lower than in September.
This is higher than unemployment before the pandemic (Trump's), which was around 3.5%

The US unemployment rate fell to 4.6 percent in October 2021, the lowest since March 2020. The labor market continued to gradually recover from the Rat's scandemic hit, helped by a surge in demand for labor, record levels of job openings, the expiration of enhanced jobless benefits and the subsiding summer wave of COVID-19 infections in the blue controlled states.

U.S. unemployment rate for 2019 was 3.67%, a 0.23% decline from 2018 under Trump.

Traitorous Rats and their propaganda corp MSM are bending over backwards in their attempts to polish this turd.
Dow up 750 points. Oil down 25% in the last month.

Biden getting things done.
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