God Bless President Biden

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BS-C911 = 💩
1776 QUACK = 😷

You can trust them completely,
in all things that don't mean chit to anyone....
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Another fun poll I exaggerated about.

I still call BS.

1. Rasmussen has a known conservative bias
2. There’s no way 35% of Dems think there was election fraud that impacted the election.
3. “opinions” don’t prove fraud. Facts do. And anyone that believes it without proof is an idiot.
AS Kalim would say, do your reserach. The law DOES require children to be separated. You just had lame President's NOT ENFORCING the laws until Trump's "zero tolerance policy). Although, Obama did enforce some of the laws quietly, that is why they built all those cages.

"After the zero-tolerance policy was put in place, migrant parents were taken to federal jail to await court proceedings. Their children were sent to the shelter system for unaccompanied children run by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). A court settlement known as the 1997 Flores Agreement states that children cannot be held with their parents in federal jail, which led to their separation. After a wave of public pushback, President Donald Trump passed an executive order on June 20, 2018, to stop the separations. The administration also filed a lawsuit looking to modify the Flores Agreement so that children can be detained with their families until their immigration proceedings.."
Wrong again.

NavigatorII has tried to teach BSC economics 101 with no success whatsoever. BSC tells us about all this active drilling. Every news source I can find says not so.
That’s because either

a. Your news sources are crap., or
b. You don’t understand what you read.

Based on your posts, it’s likely a combination of both. Once you get past 5th grade quizzes, you’re clueless.

Here is the official report. Drilling has more than doubled over last year. Wrong again, sucker.

Another fun poll I exaggerated about.

Even Trump knew he lost until he figured out his idiot supporters would believe the Big Lie.

Here’s your sign.

During her CNN interview, Farah said that the former president directly told her that he "knew" he lost to President Joe Biden after the election had concluded. She said that Trump may have later changed his mind after receiving advice from unspecified people.
A CNN reporter telling us what she heard in an unlinked article?

Couldn’t be more convincing.

Face it, you’re surrounded by crazy people. Even 1/3rd of your own party is crazy. Stay strong brother, you can weather this storm.
I have no doubt that a third of all Dems (not my party) are crazy. I just doubt they are crazy enough to believe someting that goes against their own interest.

It was an on air interview, nut case. Such a lame retort.
You’re still an idiot.

Someone who didn’t even work for Trump giving a third hand report of what she heard him say…when will you ever learn to get better sources.

Here’s the only paragraph you need to read to know she is FOS, and so are you:

Those comments were the latest in a string of criticisms from Farah in recent weeks as she appeared on "The View" and CNN. Farah, who also served as a spokeswoman for former Vice President Mike Pence and the Pentagon, told CNN on Saturday she would not vote for Trump if he ran again.

1) Worked for Pence. Pence isn’t a fan.
2) Second hand report, didn’t come directly from Trump.
3) Ran to CNN and The View 59’
I don’t think you know what first hand account means. She was there. Present. That’s like saying someone who witnessed a murder isn’t a first hand witness, because the murderer didn’t admit it.

She was Trumps Communication Director. So yes, she did work for Trump. . Wrong again. 0 for 2.

So coming out publicly somehow diminishes her credibility. 0 for 3.

This is why you guys are so clueless. Anything that makes your cult hero look bad you automatically dismiss. Face it. The guy is a liar and a clown and has led you all astray.

Here’s your sign.

Dont get mad at me for just pointing it out. I’m trying to help you all and save you from public embarrassment.
You think her outrage over Jan 6th is real, or she just doesn’t want anyone threatening her ties to China?

Remember golden rule #2 - many Republicans act like Democrats…Democrats almost never act like Republicans.

(Rule #1 is - if a Democrat accuses you of something it’s usually because they are doing it).

Ignores all the money the Trump family has received from China and other-dictatorships

Golden Rule #3. If one of Trumps critics says something about Trump, it’s probably true, but they must be attacked anyway. .
Let me get this right. We're energy independent. Most news services are wrong. Got it.

You still can't pass my "5th grade quiz." NavigatorII would embarrass you on any quiz in economics 101. So would Ghost, fatman76 and instaGator.
Let me get this right. We're energy independent. Most news services are wrong. Got it.

You still can't pass my "5th grade quiz." NavigatorII would embarrass you on any quiz in economics 101. So would Ghost, fatman76 and instaGator.
So you say. I don't really care about a fifth grade quiz.

What I do know is that you are clueless about energy matters. Now go run back to your boys. Maybe they'll help you out.
Let me get this right. We're energy independent. Most news services are wrong. Got it.

You still can't pass my "5th grade quiz." NavigatorII would embarrass you on any quiz in economics 101. So would Ghost, fatman76 and instaGator.
Listen, I realize that fifth grade quiz has been your major accomplishment in life. It's sad, but whatever makes you feel better about being a loser in your career. But I'm trying to teach you so you stop saying such stupid things. I'm merely here to help.
And you're attacking my support for free markets while ignoring an admitted Marxist being nominated as the Bank Regulator by your president?

You voted for this. Defend it. Tell me why it's a solid strategy to bankrupt the Energy Sector and Centralize all banking so the gov't can control it. The clips of her pushing these ideas is ITT.
Once again, you are either intentionally lying or like @Sunburnt Indian make the mistake of not understanding what you read. Please show where she is an admitted Marxist. In fact,it appears she is the opposite. She even worked in the Bush Administration.

Now I’m not saying I’m a big fan, especially after her energy industry comments. But Please do some research before you buy into every right wing talking point.

Mark Beissinger, now a professor of politics at Princeton whose work has often focused on the Soviet Union and the post-Soviet states, was Omarova’s dissertation director at Wisconsin. “She really impressed us, taking a full load of graduate courses. She came first of all to study democratic political theory, so the idea that she’s a Leninist is absurd,” he said. She would go on to write her dissertation about the oil industry in Kazakhstan, ultimately getting chased out of that country because her research was too intrusive.

Senator Sherrod Brown, chair of the Banking Committee, remains livid about the red-baiting. “Her whole family was essentially murdered by Stalin,” he said, “and then my colleagues go to the floor, and these bankers — so desperate to defeat somebody that will level the playing field and stand up to them and protect consumers and protect small businesses that get screwed by Wall Street — they are so desperate to defeat her, they’re playing McCarthy; they’re playing anti-Soviet stuff. It’s a remarkable thing that they have stooped so low.”

Wrong again, Trumper. I couldn’t even tell you who he ran against. While I do own property in Florida, their politics don’t interest me.

In fact, I may even vote for the guy if he runs. Especially if he runs against Trump or Biden.
The leftist gun grabbers will come unhinged over this

As the Biden crime wave continues, more and more Americans have embraced the Second Amendment to protect their families.

Support for Stricter Gun Control at Lowest Point Since 2014​

Current Biden economic adviser BSC says Biden has everything booming. Relax.
GDP growth on track to surpass every year of the Trump presidency. Biden promised economic growth. Sunburnt promised economic disaster. Sunburnt wrong again.
GDP growth on track to surpass every year of the Trump presidency. Biden promised economic growth. Sunburnt promised economic disaster. Sunburnt wrong again.
You fail miserably again in reading comprehension. Do you have any idea what an easy target you are? I didn't think so.

I would ask NavigatorII or instaGator to explain post pandemic economic expansion to you, but it would be a complete waste of their time.

You just won't stop strengthening your reputation as the board's slowest.
You fail miserably again in reading comprehension. Do you have any idea what an easy target you are? I didn't think so.

I would ask NavigatorII or instaGator to explain post pandemic economic expansion to you, but it would be a complete waste of their time.

You just won't stop strengthening your reputation as the board's slowest.
I seriously don’t think there is anyone more ignorant about economic matters than yourself. I guess that’s why you’re constantly running to the rest of your tribe for help.

Hers a question for you.
The Biden economy is doing better than any year under Trump. True or false?

It’s a simple equation

PS. In case you hadn’t noticed, we are still in a pandemic.
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You fail miserably again in reading comprehension. Do you have any idea what an easy target you are? I didn't think so.

I would ask NavigatorII or instaGator to explain post pandemic economic expansion to you, but it would be a complete waste of their time.

You just won't stop strengthening your reputation as the board's slowest.
Here’s another question for you.

Drilling activity under Biden has more than doubled. True or false?

It’s a simple equation.
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I seriously don’t think there is anyone more ignorant about economic matters than yourself. I guess that’s why you’re constantly running to the rest of your tribe for help.

Hers a question for you.
The Biden economy is doing better than any year under Trump. True or false?

It’s a simple equation

PS. In case you hadn’t noticed, we are still in a pandemic.

Here’s another question for you.

Drilling activity under Biden has more than doubled. True or false?

It’s a simple equation.
@Sunburnt Indian

Why you so afraid to answer simple questions?
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