Lets hope that Clarence Thomas gets his way and that Obergefell is overturned. At that moment gay marriage will be illegal in TN. People can hoop and holler about forcing religion or separation of church and state. To me that is moot nonsense because 80% of the voters in TN voted to make that the constitutional law here. Something about 9th and 10th amendments come to mind.
Rights come from the Creator who has declared homosexuality an abomination. There is no right to abominations.
"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." - John Jay 1st Chief Justice of SCOTUS.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." President John Adams.
We do NOT have a wall of separation we have a one-way mirror.
Gubmint may not interfere with the church but the church most assuredly has the right to influence the gubmint through the ballot box and rallying members from the pulpit to vote their conscience. This is the intent of the 1st amendment and the true implication of Jefferson's statement. He was after all replying to Baptist ministers and allaying their fears.
He was not replying to Libertarians who confuse Liberty with "anything goes" licentiousness.
"..Freely, and fully have and enjoy his and their own judgments, and conscience in matters of religious concernments . . .; they behaving themselves peaceably and quietly
and not using this liberty to licentiousness and profaneness; nor to the civil injury, or outward disturbance of others." Rhode Island Charter 1663
but even after the Declaration we find the founders/framers using the same language to add to the intent and limitations of Liberty.
"The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever hereafter be allowed, within this state, to all mankind: provided that the liberty of conscience, hereby granted,
shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of
licentiousness, or justify practices inconsistent with the peace or safety of this state." - NY State Constitution
-Sandra Day O'Connor a moderate wrote the article
licentious: lacking legal or moral restraints especially
: disregarding
sexual restraints
Merriam- Webster