Gat In This Thread When You Vote 2024

I don't keep up with who's gotten banned.

I've been called a troll plenty of times for not worshiping guns or Trump. Perhaps not by you.
Being afraid of inanimate objects that don't just wake up in the morning and decide to go on a killing spree isn't the definition of a troll. It's a different animal, it's Gunphobia. There are treatments for such, Check with your doctor and see if Gunby is right for you.

Interesting comments on this as have not caught any of it from recent outlets but indeed that’s not good optics for her or anyone. My main point is I have no problem voting for a woman, depending on the platform and policy they’re touting and she was the first example that came to mind as someone I was impressed with early on. Especially how she has handled the media dork g interviews when they perpetuated divisive agendas like race which she identified, challenged, and debunked quickly seemingly with ease.
