Enemies of the people

Part of race relations is looking at the good in people not searching desperately for reasons to be offended. MLK jr was just wanting people of color to have an opportunity to education, jobs, and social equality based on their character, not their color. Constantly crying foul at every corner becomes noise that is easily drowned out with real-life issues/concerns.
Trey Gowdy outs the enemy of the people

Trey Gowdy Names Reporters From Major Outlets He Says Leaked Adam Schiff’s False Russia Conspiracy Claims
I'm eager to see if a new AT&T CEO does something with the Collusion News Network. With the right leadership, will CNN reporters get their act together or need to be replaced? Can CNN build an audience? I believe they can with Zucker fired and the right CEO for CNN.
McEnany had prepared out a series of questions thatany good journalist would want to ask,” and wondered “did anyone take it upon themselves to pose any questions about Michael Flynn unmasking a President Obama spokesperson… Oh! Not a single person has posed that question.”

So instead of actually asking the 'fair' question that the press secretary brought up, they instead snivel and whine about her wanting to know the answers for her fair and unbiased questions. Typical 'Fake News - Lame-stream Media results.... o_O

Hey Chris Wallace, you're just lucky that you don't have to deal with or face off with the American voting public, you and the rest of was passes for a joke 'Free Press' now days.... :mad:
McEnany had prepared out a series of questions thatany good journalist would want to ask,” and wondered “did anyone take it upon themselves to pose any questions about Michael Flynn unmasking a President Obama spokesperson… Oh! Not a single person has posed that question.”

So instead of actually asking the 'fair' question that the press secretary brought up, they instead snivel and whine about her wanting to know the answers for her fair and unbiased questions. Typical 'Fake News - Lame-stream Media results.... o_O

Hey Chris Wallace, you're just lucky that you don't have to deal with or face off with the American voting public, you and the rest of was passes for a joke 'Free Press' now days.... :mad:

Can you imagine if both sides were held to the same standard? I have a theory...the Dems might nominate a reasonable candidate.
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Spammer Ghost busted again.

Carnegie Mellon University researchers analyzed over 200 million tweets discussing COVID-19 and related issues since January and found that roughly half the accounts — including 62% of the 1,000 most influential retweeters — appeared to be bots, they said in a report published this week.
They hate her because she holds them accountable. She asks them why they aren't covering certain stories, she reads off multiple examples of how they got the stories WRONG that they do cover. She mentions stories that they aren't covering, says now that they know about these stories they can cover them, then follows up a few days later and notes that none of their publications did so.

Sarah Sanders set the bar pretty high for a Trump Press Secretary, but it seems Kayleigh may be even better.
They hate her because she holds them accountable. She asks them why they aren't covering certain stories, she reads off multiple examples of how they got the stories WRONG that they do cover. She mentions stories that they aren't covering, says now that they know about these stories they can cover them, then follows up a few days later and notes that none of their publications did so.

Sarah Sanders set the bar pretty high for a Trump Press Secretary, but it seems Kayleigh may be even better.
Sarah Sanders may have set the bar pretty high, but Kayleigh McEnany just raised it, further pissing off the libtards.
Enemy of the people

The NY Times Is Not Feeling the Gratitude This Memorial Day Weekend

I can't get enough of reading this over and over when it's written in different articles.
Democrats were, in fact, the party of slavery, the Confederacy, and Jim Crowe. Republicans were the party of Abraham Lincoln. Why is the left trying so desperately to rewrite history? Are they hoping to untether themselves from the Democratic Party’s despicable past?

The U.S. military was not the cause of slavery, the Confederacy, or the Jim Crowe laws. Neither was a federal embrace of white supremacy. The Southern Democrats were. It was the Union Army (the Republicans) who freed the slaves.

The left needs to stop blaming everyone else for the sins wrought by their own party. It is both dishonest and manipulative.

They can change the name of every military base in the country, but it won’t change history.
Why is the Lame Stream Fake News media called the Free Press?

It has to be free, because nobody but the socialist Dem-Moe-Rat traitors and/or the brain-dead, are still buying the crap that they are freely slinging on a 24/7 basis... o_O
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Why is the Lame Stream Fake News media called the Free Press?

It has to be free, because nobody by the socialist Dem-Moe-Rat traitors and/or the brain-dead, are still buying the crap that they are freely slinging on a 24/7 basis... o_O
The fake news has become a terrible extension of the Democratic Party. It in itself is a big hit on our country in that we no longer have truthful and informative reporting to keep political parties honest, as we did 20 years ago or so. Without that, the door is wide open for unabashed lies, scandals and hoaxes from the democrats, which is exactly what we see from them today.
The local Police Chief immediately fired the 4 involved police officers and began an investigation into the incident, with charges pending the results of the investigation.
The Mayor correctly supported the firings by the Chief of Police. So far, so good.

Demonstrators had every right to 'peacefully protest' those 4 officers actions, resulting in the death of a fellow citizen.

After the first night going violent and out of control, the Governor should have put the state's National Guard on stand-by and he should have also addressed the situation publicly, demanding calm from the public at large.

After the 2nd night, he should have activated the National Guard to support the local police / Sheriff in crowd control and instituted a curfew to maintain order.

Letting other innocent Minnesotans be assaulted and having felony arsonists take over the streets was an idiot mistake on both the local and state governments.

After the 3rd night, it's not only the accused policemen that should, and deserve to be fired. Total failure of the governments responsibilities imo. :mad:

IF the Chief of Police and the Mayor had failed initially in doing what needed to be done, then what's gone on for the last 3-4 days might be justified. As it is, it's not. o_O

The business owner had every right under the law to shoot any criminal for looting, much less burning down his business. I would have done the same in his shoes.
The failures of the Minnesota government was the root cause for that shooting. o_O

Always put the blame and responsibility where it belongs, not on your fellow innocent citizens.... :cool:
#fakenews CNN enemies of the people this is sick

DISGUSTING: CNN's Sara Sidner justified Leftist violence live on air following a string of attacks on innocent business owners: "They don't know what to do with that emotion, so their response -- especially young folks -- is to lash out."

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The term “looting” is racist, according to the Associated Press. Here is their official “guidance” for reporters regarding the word.

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