Enemies of the people

You see what Anderson just did? He's saying all the rioters are blacks.

First they said the rioters were all white supremacists. Then Trump says he's going to step in and 'dominate' them if the governors won't.....and suddenly they become blacks.

Sheep, you see how that works? @sadgator, you awake?
Successful people of all races already know that the real privilege of America is that with persistence learning and hard work, anyone of any race can advance themselves, commensurate with their own innate abilities.

The greatest list of famous/successful black people is in America, not in the much larger black populations of Africa. Why is that? o_O
Another bump to the chumps, (crickets).

They never answer the tough 'real' questions... o_O
Those generals he mentions were all Democrats.

It's today's racist anti Constitutional Dim-Moe-Rat progressives attempting to gain points by tearing down their entire history of being the problem --- Come to think of it, I'm all for tearing down every bit of the Dim-Moe-Rats past excuse for Hero's....
They can Run, but they can't Hide from their history.... o_O
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But haven't they and the rest of the 'Fake News' Lame Stream Media been saying for years now, that Walls don't work??? :cool:
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Enemies of the people

my honey just humiliated this idiot

“ asked if the President was upset that the Confederacy lost the wR “

Another political activist pretending to be a reporter. They are destroying their industry.

And this guy was so well thought of by his news agency, they sent him to cover the White House. Imagine how shitty his contemporaries are if this doucher was the best of the best.
Dem (It looks like CNN clown john harwood) asking why is Trump celebrating economic news when we are having SO MANY CASES of hoax flu????

They are mad as hell. So many down faces in crowd of reporters in this room.
Don't you love it when the libs are pissed? It always means something good is happening, especially when Bradley posts on this forum.

Sheep hoodwinked again.

Imagine having so little self-esteem that even after you discover that they are lying to you, you keep listening to them.

And sure enough, they will continue to fool every dem here. Every critical thinker spots the lies immediately, none of them are smart enough to catch them.


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