You’re no different and no better than anyone else. The current climate easily enables people to calll others they disagree with brainwashed sheep.
No one calls you a sheep because you disagree with anyone. You get called that because you insist on getting your news about Trump from compromised sources who have been proven time and time again to either publish inaccurate information about Trump, or to outright lie about him.
Sharyl Atkisson has the list of all the major mistakes the MSM has made in regards to Trump:
Note how many times you see CNN, the NYT and WaPo on the list. All sources that you Trump haters swear by.
Know what source has never been caught publishing inaccurate information on Trump? Fox News. Fox is the ONLY MSM source that truly gives a platform to BOTH sides of the issue when it comes to Trump.
And shockingly, it's the only source that you Trump haters think is FAKE NEWS. Because they actually tell the truth about Trump, and you guys don't want to hear that.
Fox is the only source that lets Trump cheerleaders, Trump haters and even liberals host shows. No other MSM source does that. Fox features liberals and Never Trumpers regularly every show (Hannity is the only exception), and unlike CNN who only has Trump supporters on to mock them, they actually give liberals and Never Trumpers a voice and platform.
This is a big reason why Fox News viewers are consistently more informed than CNN viewers are. Because you guys are only getting one side of the issue (and often lies). We are getting both.
But as long as you continue to willingly get your information from sources that you KNOW are tainted, well you're going to have to live with being called sheep and brainwashed.