I sometimes buy ethanol free for lawn equipment. It's always higher price than E-10. Most new cars since 2018 will run on E-15. I know of no E-15 in my region. Grandson told me when he lived in Fargo there was plenty of E-15. I've heard corn state Iowa has plenty of E-15 and E-85.I'm not sure if we have a choice of E-85 vs E10 here. Some places carry ethanol free but the price is even more ridiculous. I won't buy it, even for the boats.
Merchants here tell me they hardly ever sell E-85. People I know with flex fuel vehicles say their vehicles guzzle E-85. Wife's flex fuel Jeep does. At 31 cents per gallon cheaper, Valero E-85 might make sense. 7-11 E-85 at 10 cents cheaper makes no sense.