In this day and age everybody is now a blogger and has their own website and post articles slanted the way they want it to be. The article that MJ posted and the way it's written on that far right site is completely slanted to make it look like the Black students couldn't spell or punctuate correctly so they accused the professor of being racist because he corrected them. That is not at all the case. They accused him of correcting "perceived grammatical choices that in actuality reflect ideologies" and "repeatedly questioning our work on social identity and the related dynamics of oppression, power and privilege". It goes much deeper than punctuation, but the audience that site is targeting doesn't care, they just post things to cause outrage among their followers. And by the way, the site MJ linked was founded by a guy who was involved in a plagiarism scandal. Yeah, a real stand up guy. lol
What is epistemological preferences? Please explain.
Again, did he single out students of color, or did he make it a practice to do the same for all of his students without regard to their skin color?
Perceived grammatical choices? Questioning work on social identity and related dynamics of oppression power and privilege....This sounds like a Dave Chappelle comedy skit/monologue.
So in other words, the old word for this raises its ancient head....Ebonics!
Did you know that Obama's Vice-President, Old Joe, was involved in a huge plagiarism scandal himself, which is why his Presidential ambitions were torpedoed back in '88? So it's OK for a VP - as long as he's a liberal - to plagiarize but not ok for some guy on some "far right site" who's merely offering his own opinions fully protected under the First Amendment that the carrot top look alike denied to the student journalist who was a stringer for ESPN. Got it.
Here's what we do....we read all sorts of sites, publications, opinion pieces, etc. and then we sit down and think about what we've just absorbed, and then - wait for it - we reach our own conclusions! What a shock!
IF you really attended FSU, you must not have had Dr. Dye for any government classes. I still remember after all these years his admonishment to us that as citizens of the greatest country on earth, it was our obligation to seek out multiple sources in order to obtain all sides of an issue and to be informed before deciding for ourselves what our position was on any given issue of the day.