Anyone following what is happening at Mizzou?

If on campus there was a issue of widespread sexual harassment that the president of the University ignores. Do you expect there not to be consequences??

LMAO, in trailerhassee they ignore it, but then again look who defends the abuse of women up there.

GO Canes!
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Yes [Wolfe did resign]. Announcement confirmed by a press conference that's already been held today.
[...] this trouble that'll surely make new demands after whatever satisfies the current demands.

Nov. 9 : a chronological play-by-play
A lot happened on campus today. We put it all in order.[#]
By Hailey Stolze [for The Maneater]
Nov. 10, 2015
10 a.m. Executive session begins
A morning Board of Curators executive session began.​
10:15 a.m. Wolfe resigns
Nearly 4 years after becoming UM System president, Wolfe resigned, effective immediately.​
10:36 a.m. Graduate student Jonathan Butler ends his hunger strike
The #MizzouHungerStrike is officially over!
--JB. (@_JonathanButler) November 9, 2015​

This Jonathan Butler fellow sure seems eager for attention:
  • Using a twit hash-tag to publicly blur the line between his solo "hunger strike" and a nonexistent "MizzouHungerStrike".
  • Victimization in the parade incident dramatized by Concerned Student 1950: "I. We demand that [...] Tim Wolfe to admit to his gross negligence, allowing his driver to hit one of the demonstrators". That "one" being Butler. I have no doubt whatsoever that had there been any real injuries in that confrontation--none were reported--C.S. 1950 would've demanded reparations for those injuries.
[Nov. 9 : a chronological play-by-play [...] By Hailey Stolze for The Maneater (continued)]
11:59 a.m. BYU football game is back on
Statement from Mizzou Athletics' Mack Rhoades and Gary Pinkel: <>
— Mizzou Athletics (@MizzouAthletics) November 9, 2015​
1 p.m. Concerned Student 1950 issues new demands
A press conference on Traditions Plaza revealed new demands from Concerned Student 1950. “Moving forward, Concerned Student 1950 demands an immediate meeting with the UM System Faculty Council, Board of Curators and the governor of the state of Missouri to discuss shared governance and create a system of holistic inclusion for all constituents,” Marshall Allen, an original member of Concerned Student 1950, announced at the [press] conference​

Saul Alinsky, notorious or famed for writing the book Rules for Radicals, would be sooo proud of these activists.

[Nov. 9 : a chronological play-by-play [...] By Hailey Stolze for The Maneater (concluded)]

4:29 p.m. Loftin resigns
Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin[*] announced his resignation during a Board of Curators meeting, effective Jan. 1. Hank Foley, senior vice chancellor for research & graduate studies, will be the interim chancellor.​
4:35 p.m. Football players make statement on Carnahan Quad [....]
4:41 p.m. Diversity inclusion task force is announced
6:08 p.m. Graduate students still intend to walk out
Despite the events of the day, graduate students announced that they are still planning a walkout Tuesday.​

The original basis for this episode of protests was actually not racism, but the support provided--or not--by Mizzou for graduate students--both directly financial and via other benefits (I infer that the focus is those employed as teaching or research assistants).
Note #: "Chronological" is cluelessly redundant with "play-by-play". Be that as it might, see the copyrighted original: <> for the complete list, wherein their time cited as "4:35 p.m." is either erroneous, or it's not in order (I corrected its order above). Altho' I'm under no obligation to transcribe everything, I indicated omissions with bracketed ellipses per standard editorial practice. Bold & oblique emphasis was added. All paragraphs "of color" blue text are comments inserted by the author of this reply.

Note *: I'm not aware of any corresponding executive for the (entire) State University System of Florida; where each individual university has its own CEO titled "president". But in Missouri, I take it that the CEO for each individual campus in their system (e.g.: Columbia, Rolla, St. Louis) is a "chancellor", who has limited authority to impose policies that are not simultaneously imposed on all the other campuses in their state's system.
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LMAO, if trailerhassee they ignore it, but then again look who defends the abuse of women up there.

GO Canes!

It would take a mental midget like you to make a post like that. You are incapable of any independent thought without invoking FSU or Tallahassee. Nobody defends abusing women you lowlife scum.
LMAO!!!....hunger strike student says it's (Wolfe's resignation) only the beginning. Didn't see that coming.
I watched some show on the SECN a couple of weeks ago. It featured 3 African American students one whom was gay. We all know the Michael Sam story by now. The show talked about how much of a family atmosphere Mizzou had. How the entire Mizzou family protected the word of Michael Sam and so on. From coaches, players, faculty, and community.

So where did this family atmosphere go in the past year and a half?

I believe with Pinkel having a poor season he had no choice but to let his players protest. If he didn't he would be the next to force resign. He didn't protest the BYU game so his stance isn't that strong as it is made out to believe. It would also be used against him negatively in recruiting, you can't deny that.

I still don't see enough evidence in this forced resignation being legit.

Saying some white students and some faculty members isn't enough evidence in most people opinions.
Welcome to the new America.
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She waited too long to apologize.

PR 101: When you eff up big time, own it and apologize ASAP. Especially, when you were caught on film effing up big-time. Don't let it linger and snowball.

If she had apologized right away, it may have diffused things and she would still have her job.
I doubt it. This is one of those things that go to the core of who she is. If this were a physics professor, that would be one thing. She is a MEDIA Prof, a subject/profession that depends on Freedom of the Press. She will always be known as a hypocrite and has lost all credibility. The University in turn would also lose credibility. Fortunately, she is not a tenured professor as our archaic laws would likely allow her to stay and keep spewing her Marxism.
Looks like the Marxist Media "Professor" is going to lose her job and rightfully so.
Who? 4 replies alluding to whoever is that person, but lacking any evidence that they're on topic, and not a single effin' one has mentioned her name!

Dayyam! I've already done a fruitless Internet search--no results indicate UF, FSU, Miami, UGa--nor even Mizzou--so don't give me the marginally computer-literate-bandwagon advice to "just google it"!
If you can't find her name, Compu, then you are obligated to change your screen name. Try THIS and look at the top entry.
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ReRe, your post is FULL of win.

Just read where she resigned her "special appointment" to the J-School, but is still employed by the university in Communications Department.
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This is absolutely shocking (sarcasm)

Click’s work focuses often on women in the media and feminism. In May, she told Unearthed, a blog run by the Missouri School of Journalism, she became involved in feminism while she was a student at James Madison.
If you can't find her name, Compu, the you are obligated to change your screen name.
Spare us your knee-jerk aßh*le response: I simply insisted that at least 1 of the 4 posters at the time should be able to mention her name! That's not a burdensome requirement for any posting, but you're either stubborn about refusing your fellow ITG readers that simple courtesy, or it's technically beyond you.

Try THIS and look at the top entry.
For the likely majority of readers, I'll clarify--seeing as how you seem obstinate or technically unable to--that you're recommending <>

So at least you've revealed--for the first time--that it is someone at Mizzou! Which none of you had written. But as for <>:

let me [¿____?] that for you
Enable javascript to use LMGTFY.

I'm perfectly capable of coding in Javascript, but Web sites that require its use--and thus its excessive computational overhead--to provide even their least level of functionality & results, um, don't get used by me. In nontechnical terms, that means eff LMGTFY.
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Ms. Click is emblematic of what passes for a "feminist" today. Her lofty intellectual pursuits include a thorough investigative study of such disparate yet vital topics as Lady Gaga and Fifty Shades of Grey.
As a formerly attractive Southern Belle and therefore a hopeless snob, I'd suggest Ms. Click spend time developing a thesis which, if I were her, I'd title "My life as a bridge troll: how I came to be a bitter, ugly man-hater".
She should buy a lottery ticket, because her chances of winning exceed her chances of getting laid at this point in the festivities.
By the way, she came to Mizzou on a "courtesy appointment", whatever that means.
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Oh my God....this Mizzou thing is the gift that keeps on giving. Now students are being encouraged to report incidents of hateful/hurtful speech to Mizzou PD. So the ones protesting systemic racism will be calling one of the more systemically racist report racist behavior!

You CANNOT script this any better!!!
lol at Compugator.............I knew 5 years ago it was time for an upgrade to 2.10 even then. But then again, if 2.10 is like Windows 8, I'll wait for a further upgrade before reading any of that code/tripe until then. Someone let me know when it's user friendly. :D
Ms. Click is emblematic of what passes for a "feminist" today. Her lofty intellectual pursuits include a thorough investigative study of such disparate yet vital topics as Lady Gaga and Fifty Shades of Grey.
As a formerly attractive Southern Belle and therefore a hopeless snob, I'd suggest Ms. Click spend time developing a thesis which, if I were her, I'd title "My life as a bridge troll: how I came to be a bitter, ugly man-hater".
She should buy a lottery ticket, because her chances of winning exceed her chances of getting laid at this point in the festivities.
By the way, she came to Mizzou on a "courtesy appointment", whatever that means.

I really, really like you.

No lie, when any chick describes herself as a 'feminist' I automatically think, no I know, she has an IQ below 60 and subscribes to at least 20 blogs. She's also always miserable because she doesn't have a job after majoring in post modern women's gender studies, doesn't get laid, and she's too annoying for a man to even hold more than a 5 minute convo with. They make me laugh.
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This UCLA Professor Called Racist For The Horrible Thing He Did To A Black Student
By Steve Straub - 1,219 Comments · In Education

A UCLA professor was called racist, and guilty of a “micro-aggression” against black students for correcting grammar and spelling issues on their papers. A protest was organized and students claim the professor has created a hostile climate on campus for his actions.

This happened around a year ago but the story is only now going viral. Sadly, we also know that incidents like this one are becoming even more common.

I thought the race debate reached a new low when Gummy Bear maker Haribo was accused of racism for making African mask Gummies, but what happened at UCLA this week makes that look sane. 25 University of California Los Angeles students participated in a sit-in protest because, get this, one of their professors had the gall to correct grammar and spelling issues on some black students’ papers.

Val Rust, a professor of education and information, was the target of the protestors for what they feel was racial insensitivity. Describing themselves as “aggrieved minority students,” they claim that the professor was wrong to correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar in the papers of black students.

Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color, the group which launched the sit-in, said the act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression.” But it’s much worse than you think. The group issued the following statement:

“A hostile campus climate has been the norm for Students of Color in this class throughout the quarter as our epistemological and methodological commitments have been repeatedly questioned by our classmates and our instructor. The barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate.”

Apparently, it is:

"The term microaggression originated in the 1970s and referred to subtle, often unconscious racist affronts. The definition has expanded in recent years to include anything that can be perceived as discriminatory on virtually any basis. For example, in 2013, a student group at UCLA staged a sit-in during a class taught by Val Rust, an education professor. The group read a letter aloud expressing their concerns about the campus’s hostility toward students of color. Although Rust was not explicitly named, the group quite clearly criticized his teaching as microaggressive. In the course of correcting his students’ grammar and spelling, Rust had noted that a student had wrongly capitalized the first letter of the word indigenous. Lowercasing the capital I was an insult to the student and her ideology, the group claimed."

This UCLA Professor Called Racist For The Horrible Thing He Did To A Black Student
By Steve Straub - 1,219 Comments · In Education

A UCLA professor was called racist, and guilty of a “micro-aggression” against black students for correcting grammar and spelling issues on their papers. A protest was organized and students claim the professor has created a hostile climate on campus for his actions.

This happened around a year ago but the story is only now going viral. Sadly, we also know that incidents like this one are becoming even more common.

I thought the race debate reached a new low when Gummy Bear maker Haribo was accused of racism for making African mask Gummies, but what happened at UCLA this week makes that look sane. 25 University of California Los Angeles students participated in a sit-in protest because, get this, one of their professors had the gall to correct grammar and spelling issues on some black students’ papers.

Val Rust, a professor of education and information, was the target of the protestors for what they feel was racial insensitivity. Describing themselves as “aggrieved minority students,” they claim that the professor was wrong to correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar in the papers of black students.

Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color, the group which launched the sit-in, said the act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression.” But it’s much worse than you think. The group issued the following statement:

“A hostile campus climate has been the norm for Students of Color in this class throughout the quarter as our epistemological and methodological commitments have been repeatedly questioned by our classmates and our instructor. The barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate.”


Question: Did this Professor also make grammar, punctuation, and spelling corrections to ALL students in his classes, without regard for race, gender, or ethnicity? Game over.
UCLA is a respected academic institution, and it seems odd that so many students would have deficiencies in language and communication skills.
I think what's happening is that much of the current far-leftist rhetoric developed prior to the Internet, in relative isolation.

Because of the lack of vetting from people who exist outside of their groupthink bubble, much of their terminology evolved in an unchallenged, inbred fashion that seems comical to the mainstream. It's only in recent years that the Internet has put fringe groups into plain view.

Ultimately, this is a good thing. The exposure will bring much-needed criticism (micro-aggressions) of their ideas, which will force them to adapt to the world outside of the far-left bubble.

I am fairly liberal and even I find much of the nonsense from the left lately to be off-putting.
In this day and age everybody is now a blogger and has their own website and post articles slanted the way they want it to be. The article that MJ posted and the way it's written on that far right site is completely slanted to make it look like the Black students couldn't spell or punctuate correctly so they accused the professor of being racist because he corrected them. That is not at all the case. They accused him of correcting "perceived grammatical choices that in actuality reflect ideologies" and "repeatedly questioning our work on social identity and the related dynamics of oppression, power and privilege". It goes much deeper than punctuation, but the audience that site is targeting doesn't care, they just post things to cause outrage among their followers. And by the way, the site MJ linked was founded by a guy who was involved in a plagiarism scandal. Yeah, a real stand up guy. lol
I haven't paid attention to a bit of this nonsense situation but were they trying to say a teammate wasn't eating and was starving? Because that's impossible on a college football team, even the lowliest walk ons eat like kings at the Caf on the daily after practice.