So how do we get to herd immunity if the goal posts keep moving?
If I understand you correctly, you want to keep a portion of the population locked in their homes until they comply with rules, not laws, that change by the same person who knowingly gave government grants to a company who funded gain of function research that created this virus? Or… do you still believe Covid 19 was naturally produced in bats?
Also, that same mindset of “lock people in their homes” for the good of society is the exact same mindset that Hitler used to exterminate the jews because it was “good for society”.
In conclusion, you want the American people to believe Fauci, a proven liar, at his word when he constantly moves the goal posts and adopt a nazi like agenda for “the good of society”?
And here you are afraid of the Republican Party when your own party is wearing sheep clothing promoting this BS.
Please tell me you see the irony in your way of thinking?
You are mistaken, the Goal Posts have Never Moved!! 75 to 80% of Americans being vaccinated has ALWAYS been the Goal Post. That has never changed. This pandemic is all happening in Real Time, scientists are on the run trying to keep up.
If you are asking why suggestions keep changing, it is because the virus keeps changing. You do understand variants, don't you?
That is what drew me to The Fauci lies thread. I only know one untrue statement he made and that was something he was told to say. At the beginning of the pandemic, he was told to say The American People don't need to wear masks. That was told so they could gather up protective equipment to have for Doctors and Nurses in hospitals under the Trump Administration.
Otherwise, he has never lied. BUT, get that ball rolling with the help of conservative news and it blows up as if it were true. It's NOT. But most everyone who reads this post will not be able to believe me cause this false statement is so entrenched in you all. You literally can't help yourselves. It JUST HAS TO BE TRUE! It's not.
I got a kick out of your post calling Dr. Fauci a "Proven liar". I guess the proven liar is Fox News?!. You should write them about that.
As I put in another post. secluding people who are sick or pose a threat health wise has been used since the dawn of man throughout recorded history. It's common sense. Though people recover from covid, it is not guaranteed that they can't get re-infected and spread disease. If they take the vaccine, transmission rates drop to a possible 5%. Right now, we don't enforce secluding people; but I think we should, why chance it. We are not saying you must take the vaccine, but we have to remove you from the people you might kill. 700,000 Americans have died from Covid.
As an aside, did you know Fox News was the first News Media that required FULL vaccination for employment. They told ALL employees they HAD to be vaccinated to work there. That was by them, not the state of New York. They have in place extreme Covid protocols. So, the next time they go on a rant about vaccinations, call them a hypocrite right to the TV screen. I promise you nobody there is eating horse deworming medicine. They ALL Got Vaccinated. Look, I never thought I would be saying this: but do what ALL Fox News people do. Get Vaccinated.
As for your Nazi quote, I have answered that twice before. However, I will use your scenario. If you told the Jews that we can give them a medicine that will never let the Nazi's hurt or bother you or your family and friends again, would you take the medicine? I believe they would.
If you are comparing what I wrote and comparing it to the Jews being put in concentration camps. I would say there is a huge difference between trying to keep people alive and well to killing innocents by mass extermination.