White House evacuated after 'white substance' found after Hunter Biden visit

She knows whether a bag of cocaine that’s literally been “found” in 4 different locations should have been found or not,
Dan Bongino used to be Secret Service. He said no way in hell could anyone other than a family member get contraband into the White House. Why? Because they don't frisk or search them.
Dan Bongino used to be Secret Service. He said no way in hell could anyone other than a family member get contraband into the White House. Why? Because they don't frisk or search them.
I mean, why listen to a guy who’s actually done the job?

I find Bongino to be pretty candid and open, and a bit cheesy. But I do find value in his perspective at times. His experience set is unique.
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(Kalim crying out loud)
Whaaaaaaaa Whaaaaaa Whaaaaaaa....I am below average and blame everyone but myself for my low standing in life!! LOLOLOL POOR little underprivileged outclassed little libby! LOLOL
I was wondering when he would pull out the "racist" card, and bingo there it was. 2 or three months ago, he said I "had anger toward blacks". When I asked more than once what I had written to draw that conclusion, he wouldn't even answer. To accuse somebody of something that vile and then provide zero reasons or answers or anything shows you the kind of person he is. Not a man but a coward. A real drive by artist.
So, what is this, the fourth time the "location" of where it was found has changed??????
yes and now this as well.

yes and now this as well.

😂 😂 😂

yes and now this as well.

See, we knew it. It's all TRUMP'S fault. It's his. He secretly stashed it there before he left office and if the Biden WH talks about it, it would viloate the Hatch Act.
yes and now this as well.

Trying to understand this makes my brain hurt.

Is Hunter running for office? Is being a cokehead a good thing for a political candidate?
yes and now this as well.

OR, maybe it changes every time they find another one. Maybe there are bags of cocaine hidden all over the Whitehouse. Maybe at the WH, its like looking for hidden Easter eggs.
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Trying to understand this makes my brain hurt.

Is Hunter running for office? Is being a cokehead a good thing for a political candidate?
They just gave this story more legs.

This is like when ray ray was posting about Hunter's lawyer saying the IMAGE HAD BEEN ALTERED of Hunter's What's App message.

Wrong answer. The right answer is "Hunter didn't leave that message'.

The right answer here was "That's not Hunter's cocaine'.

As always with the left and media, what they DON'T say is often more telling than what they DO say.
Broke the rules, got threads deleted, blamed everyone but himself, Jason asked him yes or no would he start following the rules, ray refused to agree to follow the rules, so he got punted.
He was losing every battle he chose to engage in so he went full scorched earth. Dude lost his little mind altogether.
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Nails tagged a pic of Hunter naked in a bed. I called him odd and that i don't want to see that, fat said I'm defending the family and you said I'm "intellectually dishonest".

What is intellectual dishonest about not wanting to see a man naked in a bed?

How am I defending the family because I don't want to see Hunter naked in bed with a pillow?

@kalimgoodman 🤭🤭

I still think the ruling class will use the cocaine issue to finda way to blame kammie and remove her from orifice. Then they will have joey nominate Newsome. If they can get Newsome confirmed then they force joey out before the. end of the year, so newsome becomes prez